
#Loading Preview Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage dll and dependencies for Cosmos DB support

# Download nuget
Write-Verbose "Downloading nuget.exe" -Verbose
$nugetFilename = "nuget.exe"
$destination = $PSScriptRoot
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$url = "$nugetFilename"
$file = Join-Path $destination $nugetFilename

# Executing nuget to get necessary packages
Write-Verbose "Executing nuget to get necessary packages" -Verbose
.\nuget install WindowsAzure.Storage-PremiumTable -Prerelease

# Required assembles, please adjust as versions or names may change
$requiredDlls = @("WindowsAzure.Storage-PremiumTable.0.1.0-preview\lib\net45\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll",

# Copying assembly files to root of module folder
Write-Verbose "Copying assembly files to root of module folder" -Verbose
foreach ($dll in $requiredDlls)
    $assembly = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $dll
    $assemblyRootLevel = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ($dll).Split("\")[0]

    Write-Verbose "Copying assembly $assembly to $destination" -Verbose
    Copy-Item $assembly $PSScriptRoot -Force

# Removing assembly folders
Write-Verbose "Removing assembly folders" -Verbose
foreach ($dll in $requiredDlls)
    $assemblyRootLevel = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ($dll).Split("\")[0]

    Write-Verbose "Removing folder $assemblyRootLevel" -Verbose
    Remove-Item $assemblyRootLevel -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue