
Resources to clean:
x Get unused NICs
x Get unused PIPs
x Get unused NSGs
x Get old deployments in a resource group
   Delete unused Disks(Standard and Managed)
      Create cool storage account and copy standard .vhds there?
      Create backup of managed disk?
x Get alerts created on resources no longer available.
x Alert action groups not used
x Get Empty Resource Groups
   Disabled Logic Apps
   Old images
   Old snapshots
   Load balancers with no backend pool
x Network Watcher artifacts/old traces
x Unused route tables
x Virtual Networks with no subnets
   Subnets with no addresses in use
   Expired webhooks?
   Empty AAD groups
   Unused Local network gateways(VPN)
   Empty Route Filters (ExpressRoute)
   Disabled Traffic Manager profiles
   Traffic Manager profiles with no endpoints
   ARM templates modified before a specific date - No PS cmdlet - Microsoft.Gallery resourcetype, can't find in resource explorer
Other Ideas:
   Backup resources as ARM templates before deleting if specified in cmdlet
* Cmdlets to just report usage, not delete