
# culture="en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrievingComputerAccount = Retrieving the information about the computer account '{0}' from Active Directory. (ADOES0001)
    ComputerAccountEnabled = The computer account is enabled. (ADOES0002)
    ComputerAccountDisabled = The computer account is disabled. (ADOES0003)
    FailedToRetrieveComputerAccount = Failed to retrieve the computer account '{0}' from Active Directory. (ADOES0005)
    TestConfiguration = Determining the current state of the enabled property of the object with the identity '{0}' and object class '{1}'. (ADOES0006)
    ComputerAccountInDesiredState = The property Enabled of the computer account '{0}' is in the desired state. (ADOES0007)
    ComputerAccountNotInDesiredState = The property Enabled of the computer account '{0}' is not in the desired state. (ADOES0008)
    ComputerAccountHasBeenDisabled = The computer account '{0}' has been disabled. (ADOES0009)
    ComputerAccountHasBeenEnabled = The computer account '{0}' has been enabled. (ADOES0010)