
  Create a new Azure DevOps Project
.PARAMETER organisation
  DevOps organisation where the project will be created.
.PARAMETER projectName
  Name of the project to create
.PARAMETER licenseFile
  path to licensfile
.PARAMETER password
  DevOps build container default password
.PARAMETER storageConnectionString
  Connection string to Azure Blob storage
.PARAMETER storageContainerName
  Name of azure blob storage
  New-BCSDevOpsProject -$organisation 'MyOrg' -projectName 'MyProject' -SourcePat {PersonalAccessToken}
    Author: Mathias Stjernfelt

function New-BCSDevOpsProject {
  Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$organisation = 'BrightComSolutions',
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$licenseFile = '',
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$storageConnectionString = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=brightcomdevops;AccountKey=UfD/OHNSHxXySmbjQdH1ntXdfz+bd9oQ1upO72NRLpZA4w1VEnRAPPanVdH/5zO1y2DpuqnVfWNoRXP8HpJQ/w==",
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$storageContainerName = "devops",
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  try {
    $projectName = "Horse Online"
    $sourcePat = "s3cdy4oyp2rfwfttdfdjru3x2t46ubpkyptlhwxbfetfyuk662ka"
    $organisation = 'BrightComSolutions'
    $variableGroupName = "BusinessCentral";

    $fullOrgUrl = "$organisation"

    $sourcePat | az devops login --org $fullOrgUrl
    Write-host "Logged in to '$fullOrgUrl'"

    $project = az devops project show --project $projectName --org $fullOrgUrl | convertfrom-json

    if ([Object]::ReferenceEquals($project, $null)) {
      if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($projectName)) {
        $project = az devops project create --name $projectName --org $fullOrgUrl | convertfrom-json
        Write-host ("Project {0} was successfully creted in organisation {1}." -f $, $organisation)
    } else {
      Write-host ("Project {0} already exists in organisation {1}, aborting." -f $, $organisation) -ForegroundColor Red

    Write-host ("Setting up Variable group {0} " -f $variableGroupName)
    $group = az pipelines variable-group create --name $variableGroupName --project $projectName --org $fullOrgUrl --variable "LicenseFile=$licensefile" | ConvertFrom-json

    Write-host " - Adding secret variable LicenseFile"
    $variable = az pipelines variable-group variable update --group-id $ --name  "LicenseFile" --project $projectName --org $fullOrgUrl --secret true --value $licenseFile

    Write-host " - Adding secret variable Password"
    $variable = az pipelines variable-group variable create --group-id $ --name  "Password" --project $projectName --org $fullOrgUrl --secret true --value 'P@ssw0rd' 

    Write-host " - Adding secret variable StorageConnectionString"
    $variable = az pipelines variable-group variable create --group-id $ --name  "StorageConnectionString" --project $projectName --org $fullOrgUrl --secret true --value $storageConnectionString

    Write-host " - Adding secret variable StorageContainerName"
    $variable = az pipelines variable-group variable create --group-id $ --name  "StorageContainerName" --project $projectName --org $fullOrgUrl --secret true --value $storageContainerName
  catch {
    throw "An error occured: $_.Exception";
  finally {
    az DevOps logout

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-BCSDevOpsProject