
function Remove-MyResourceGroup {
     Deletes a chosen resource group and all sub resources
     This script allows you to see the progress when removing reource groups,
     this is not possible when using the Remove-AZResourceGroup command alone.
     Make sure you have a connection to your subcription before running this
     For example: use the following command:
     Remove-MyResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName RG-test-AU101
     This will remove a resource group called RG-test-AU101 and will show the
     the progress as it removes each of the resources inside this group
     Get-AZResourceGroup | Remove-MyResourceGroup
     This will pipe the Resource Group objects to this command where they
     will be deleted
  .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
     This determines which Resource Group will be remove
  .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
     You can use the Resource Group object with this parameter to assist in
     piplining the data from a Get-AZResourceGroup command as shown in one of
     the examples.
     General notes
       Created By: Brent Denny
       Created On: 17 Dec 2019

  Param (


  Process {
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PipeParams') {[string[]]$ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName}
    foreach ($ResGrpName in $ResourceGroupName) {
      try {$Tennant = Get-AzTenant -ErrorAction  Stop}
      catch {
        try {$Tennant = Get-AzTenant -ErrorAction stop}
        catch {Write-Warning "The connection to your Azure subscription did not succeed";break}
      try {$RGFound = if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ResGrpName",'Get ResourceGroup')) {Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResGrpName -ErrorAction stop}}
      Catch {if ($RGFound.count -eq 0) {write-warning "$ResGrpName does not exist";break}} 
      $ResourcesInRG = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResGrpName
      $counter = 0
      $NumResources = $ResourcesInRG.count + 1
      foreach ($Resource in $ResourcesInRG) {
        if ($RemoveLocks -eq $true) {
          if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($Resource.Name)",'Removing locks from')) {
            $LocksOnResource = Get-AZResourceLock | Where-Object {$_.ResourceName -eq  $Resource.Name} 
            foreach ($Lock in $LocksOnResource) {
              Remove-AZResourceLock -LockID $Lock.LockID -Force > $null
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($Resource.Name)",'Delete Resource')) {
          Write-Progress -Activity "Deleting Resource: $($" -PercentComplete ($counter /$NumResources * 100)
          try {$Resource | Remove-AzResource -Force -ErrorAction Stop *>$null}
      if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ResGrpName",'Delete ResourceGroup')) {
        Write-Progress -Activity "Deleting ResourceGroup: $($ResGrpName)" -PercentComplete ($counter /$NumResources * 100)
        try {Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResGrpName -Force -ErrorAction Stop *>$null}