
        Get a list of all the objects on one or more workspaces in Power BI to help to create an assesstment
        Get a list of all the objects on one or more workspaces in Power BI.
        The result can be exported to MS Excel.
        This will help you to get an overview about the current situation of the workspaces and help to create an assessment.
        Use paramter -mode "Full" to get more assessment information.
    .PARAMETER PbiWorkspace
        Type: Microsoft.PowerBI.Common.Api.Workspaces.Workspace
        This is the result of the cmdlet Get-PowerBIWorkspace
    .PARAMETER PbiConnection
        The connection to the Power BI Tenant.
        Path to the PBI Administration folder.
        The assessment will be stored in this folder.
        Please use the same folder for the backup.
        The assessment mode defines how much information you get from the assessment.
        To use "full" mode you first need to do a backup with our backup functions Backup-BsgPbiTenant or Backup-BsgPbiWorkspace.
        # Assessment (basic)
        $Path = "C:\temp\BSG PBI Administration"
        Get-PowerBIWorkspace -All | Get-bsgPbiWorkspaceAssessment -Path $Path
        # Assessment (full)
        $Path = "C:\temp\BSG PBI Administration"
        Get-PowerBIWorkspace -All | Get-bsgPbiWorkspaceAssessment -Path $Path -Mode "Full"
        # Assessment (full) for 2 specific workspaces
        $Path = "C:\temp\BSG PBI Administration"
        Get-PowerBIWorkspace -All | where-Object {$ -in ("BSGroup DA - Test Workspace", "BSgroup DA")} | Get-bsgPbiWorkspaceAssessment -Path $Path -PbiConnection $Pbilogin -Mode "Full"
        This script uses the Power BI Management module for Windows PowerShell.
        If this module is not installed, install it by using the command 'Install-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt -Scope CurrentUser'.

function Get-BsgPbiWorkspaceAssessment{

         [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Microsoft.PowerBI.Common.Api.Workspaces.Workspace[]] $PbiWorkspace

        [Microsoft.PowerBI.Common.Abstractions.Interfaces.IPowerBIProfile] $PbiConnection = $null

        [ValidateSet("Basic", "Full")]
        [String[]]$Mode = "Basic"

        # ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
        # [String] $type = 'xlsx'

    BEGIN {

        if ($Mode -eq "Full"){
            $Filename_Assessment = "Assessment (full).xlsx"
        } else{
            $Filename_Assessment = "Assessment (basic).xlsx"
        $Path_Assessment = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath "Assessment"
        $Path_AssessmentFile = Join-Path -Path $Path_Assessment -ChildPath $Filename_Assessment
        $Path_Backup = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath "Backup"

        Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor white -String "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        if ($Mode -eq "Full"){
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor green -String " Power BI Service assessment (full) started... "
        } else{
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor green -String " Power BI Service assessment (basic) started... "
        Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String " Location: <c='white'>$Path_Assessment</c>"
        Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor white -String "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        if ($Mode -eq "Full"){
            if ((Test-Path $Path_Backup) -eq $false){
                Write-Warning "Backup Folder does not exist."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "To make an full assessment, ensure that there is a backup available."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "Location: <c='white'>$Path_Backup</c>"
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "Assessment stopped."

        # ===
        # Close any Excel file first
        # =
        if (Get-Process "Excel" -ErrorAction Silentlycontinue){
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "You have an open Excel instance running. <c='white'>Please close Excel first</c>."
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor white -String "Did you close the Excel instance? [y/n]: "
            $confirmation = Read-Host
            if ($confirmation -eq 'y'){
                # continue...
            } else{
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "Assessment stopped."

        # ===
        # Delete old assessments
        # =

        if (Test-Path $Path_AssessmentFile){
            Write-Warning "An assessment already exists."
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "Location: <c='white'>$Path_AssessmentFile</c>"
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "You need to delete or rename the old assessment."
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor white -String "Would you like to delete the old assessment? [y/n]: "
            $confirmation = Read-Host
            if ($confirmation -eq 'y'){
                Remove-Item -Path $Path_AssessmentFile -Force -Recurse
            } else{
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "Assessment stopped."

        $assessmentWorkspace = @()
        $assessmentWorkspaceUsers = @()
        $assessmentDatasets = @()
        $assessmentDatasources = @()
        $assessmentDataflows = @()
        $assessmentDataflowsources = @()
        $assessmentReports = @()
        $assessmentDashboards = @()
        $assessmentDashboardTiles = @()

        # ===
        # Get tenant level information
        # =

        if ($Mode -eq "Full"){
            $orphanDatasets = Get-BsgPbiOrphanDatasets -Path $Path -SkipConfirmationMessage $true
            $DatasetsWithoutOwner = Get-BsgPbiDatasetsWithoutOwner -Path $Path -SkipConfirmationMessage $true
            $AllDatasetReport_Mappings = Get-BsgPbiAllMappingFiles -Path $Path
        } else {
            $orphanDatasets = @()
            $DatasetsWithoutOwner = @()
            $AllDatasetReport_Mappings = @()

        $AllWorkspaces = Get-PowerBIWorkspace -All -Scope Organization

        $NumOfOrphanDatasets = 0
        $NumOfDatasetsWithoutOwner = 0
        $NumOfReportsSkipped = 0
        $NumOfWorkspacesWithSameName = 0

        Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor white -String "Getting information for each workspace..."

        # ===
        # Create objects for each workspace and excel sheet
        # =

        if ($PbiWorkspace.Count -eq 0){
            Write-Warning "No workspace found."
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "Assessment stopped."

        try {
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String ("- " + $PbiWorkspace.Name)

            $WorkspaceAction = ""
            $WorkspaceProblem = ""
            $DuplicateWorkspaces = $AllWorkspaces | Where-Object {$ -eq $}
            if (@($DuplicateWorkspaces).length -gt 1){
                $NumOfWorkspacesWithSameName += 1
                $WorkspaceProblem = 'duplicate name'
                $WorkspaceAction = 'rename workspace'
            $PbiWorkspaceEncriptationStatus = Get-PowerBIWorkspaceEncryptionStatus -Id $PbiWorkspace.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if (!$PbiWorkspaceEncriptationStatus){
                $PbiWorkspaceEncriptationStatus = 'Unauthorized'
            $assWorkspace = [PSCustomObject]@{
                WorkspaceId = $PbiWorkspace.Id
                Workspace = $PbiWorkspace.Name
                Description = $PbiWorkspace.Description
                Problem = $WorkspaceProblem
                Action = $WorkspaceAction
                Type = $PbiWorkspace.Type
                State = $PbiWorkspace.State
                IsReadOnly = $PbiWorkspace.IsReadOnly
                IsOnDedicatedCapacity = $PbiWorkspace.IsOnDedicatedCapacity
                CapacityId = $PbiWorkspace.CapacityId
                EncriptationStatus = $PbiWorkspaceEncriptationStatus
            $assessmentWorkspace = $assessmentWorkspace + $assWorkspace

            $wsusers = Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Url "groups/$($PbiWorkspace.Id)/users" -Method Get | ConvertFrom-Json
            foreach ($u in $wsusers){
                foreach ($uu in $u.value){
                    $assUser = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        WorkspaceId = $PbiWorkspace.Id
                        Workspace = $PbiWorkspace.Name
                        emailAddress = $uu.emailAddress
                        groupUserAccessRight = $uu.groupUserAccessRight
                    $assessmentWorkspaceUsers = $assessmentWorkspaceUsers + $assUser
            $wsreports = Get-PowerBIReport -WorkspaceId $PbiWorkspace.Id
            foreach($rep in $wsreports){

                # restore action
                $restoreAction = ''
                $restoreDescription = ''
                if ($Mode -eq "Full"){
                    if ($rep.Id -in $AllDatasetReport_Mappings.reportId){
                        $ReportOfBackup = $AllDatasetReport_Mappings | Where-Object {$_.reportId -eq $rep.Id}
                        $restoreAction = $ReportOfBackup.restoreAction
                        $restoreDescription = $ReportOfBackup.restoreDescription
                } else{
                    $restoreAction = 'unknown'
                    $restoreDescription = 'Only available in full assessment mode.'

                # set assessment level variables
                if ($restoreAction -eq 'Skip'){
                    $NumOfReportsSkipped += 1

                $assReport = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    WorkspaceId = $PbiWorkspace.Id
                    Workspace = $PbiWorkspace.Name
                    ReportId = $rep.Id
                    ReportName = $rep.Name
                    restoreAction = $restoreAction
                    restoreDescription = $restoreDescription
                    DatasetId = $rep.DatasetId
                    WebUrl = $rep.WebUrl
                    EmbedUrl = $rep.EmbedUrl
                $assessmentReports = $assessmentReports + $assReport

            # $wsreportdatasets = $wsreports | ForEach-Object{ $_.DatasetId} | Select-Object -Unique

            $wsdatasets = Get-PowerBIDataset -WorkspaceId $PbiWorkspace.Id

            foreach($ds in $wsdatasets){
                $usage = 'unknown'
                $comment = 'Only available in full assessment mode.'
                if ($Mode -eq "Full"){
                    $usage = 'is used'
                    $comment = 'At least 1 report is bound to the dataset.'
                    if ($ds.Id -in ${
                        $DatasetIsOrphan = $true
                        $DatasetHasNoOwner = $true
                        $usage = 'is orphan'
                        $comment = 'Not used by any report.'
                    } else{
                        $DatasetIsOrphan = $false
                        if ($ds.Id -in ${
                            $DatasetHasNoOwner = $true
                            $usage = 'has no owner'
                            $comment = 'No report is directly bound to the dataset.'
                            $DatasetHasNoOwner = $false

                # set assessment level variables
                if ($DatasetIsOrphan -eq $true){
                    $NumOfOrphanDatasets += 1
                if ($DatasetHasNoOwner -eq $true){
                    $NumOfDatasetsWithoutOwner += 1

                $assDataset = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    WorkspaceId = $PbiWorkspace.Id
                    Workspace = $PbiWorkspace.Name
                    DatasetId = $ds.Id
                    Dataset = $ds.Name
                    Usage = $usage
                    Comment = $comment
                    WebUrl = $ds.WebUrl
                    ConfiguredBy = $ds.ConfiguredBy
                    DefaultRetentionPolicy = $ds.DefaultRetentionPolicy
                    AddRowsApiEnabled = $ds.AddRowsApiEnabled
                    DefaultMode = $ds.DefaultMode
                    Datasources = $ds.Datasources
                    IsRefreshable = $ds.IsRefreshable
                    IsEffectiveIdentityRequired = $ds.IsEffectiveIdentityRequired
                    IsEffectiveIdentityRolesRequired = $ds.IsEffectiveIdentityRolesRequired
                    IsOnPremGatewayRequired = $ds.IsOnPremGatewayRequired
                    TargetStorageMode = $ds.TargetStorageMode
                    ActualStorage = $ds.ActualStorage
                $assessmentDatasets = $assessmentDatasets + $assDataset

                $wsdatasources = Get-PowerBIDatasource -DatasetId $ds.Id -WorkspaceId $PbiWorkspace.Id
                foreach($dsrc in $wsdatasources){
                    $assDatasource = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        WorkspaceId = $PbiWorkspace.Id
                        Workspace = $PbiWorkspace.Name
                        DatasetId = $ds.Id
                        Dataset = $ds.Name
                        DatasourceId = $dsrc.DatasourceId
                        Datasource = $dsrc.Name
                        ConnectionString = $dsrc.ConnectionString
                        DatasourceType = $dsrc.DatasourceType
                        GatewayId = $dsrc.GatewayId
                        DetailServer = $dsrc.ConnectionDetails.Server
                        DetailDatabase = $dsrc.ConnectionDetails.Database
                        DetailUrl = $dsrc.ConnectionDetails.Url
                    $assessmentDatasources = $assessmentDatasources + $assDatasource

            $wsdataflows = Get-PowerBIDataflow -WorkspaceId $PbiWorkspace.Id
            foreach($df in $wsdataflows){
                $assDataflow = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    WorkspaceId = $PbiWorkspace.Id
                    Workspace = $PbiWorkspace.Name
                    DataflowId = $df.Id
                    Dataflow = $df.Name
                    ConfiguredBy = $df.ConfiguredBy
                    Description = $df.Description
                    ModelUrl = $df.ModelUrl
                $assessmentDataflows = $assessmentDataflows + $assDataflow

                $wsdataflowsources = Get-PowerBIDataflowDatasource -DataflowId $df.Id -WorkspaceId $PbiWorkspace.Id
                $assessmentDataflowsources = $assessmentDataflowsources + $wsdataflowsources

            $wsdashboards = Get-PowerBIDashboard -WorkspaceId $PbiWorkspace.Id
            foreach($db in $wsdashboards){
                $assDashboard = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    WorkspaceId = $PbiWorkspace.Id
                    Workspace = $PbiWorkspace.Name
                    DashboardId = $db.Id
                    DashboardName = $db.Name
                    IsReadOnly = $db.IsReadOnly
                    EmbedUrl = $db.EmbedUrl
                $assessmentDashboards = $assessmentDashboards + $assDashboard

                $wsdashboardtiles = Get-PowerBITile -WorkspaceId $PbiWorkspace.Id -DashboardId $db.Id
                foreach($tl in $wsdashboardtiles){
                    $assDashboardTile = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        WorkspaceId = $PbiWorkspace.Id
                        Workspace = $PbiWorkspace.Name
                        DashboardId = $db.Id
                        DashboardName = $db.Name
                        DashboardTileId = $tl.Id
                        DashboardTileName = $tl.Name
                        RowSpan = $tl.RowSpan
                        ColumnSpan = $tl.ColumnSpan
                        ReportId = $tl.ReportId
                        DatasetId = $tl.DatasetId
                        EmbedUrl = $tl.EmbedUrl
                        EmbedData = $tl.EmbedData
                    $assessmentDashboardTiles = $assessmentDashboardTiles + $assDashboardTile

        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message ("Could not export workspace " + $PbiWorkspace.Name) -EnableException $False -Errorrecord $_
    END {

        # ===
        # Generate excel sheets
        # =

        $wsEncriptationKey = Get-PowerBIEncryptionKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if (!$PbiWorkspaceEncriptationStatus){
            $wsEncriptationKey = 'Unauthorized'
        if ($null -ne $Path_AssessmentFile -and "" -ne $Path_AssessmentFile){

            # Introduction Sheet
            $title = "Power BI Assessment"
            if ($Mode -eq "Full"){
                $AssessmentMode = "Full"
            } else{
                $AssessmentMode = "Basic"
            $intro = (
                    A = ""
                    B = ""
                    A = "Assessment Mode"
                    B = $AssessmentMode
                    A = "Creation Date"
                    B = Get-Date | Out-String
                    A = "Encriptation Key"
                    B = $wsEncriptationKey
            if ($null -ne $PbiConnection){
                $intro = $intro + (
                        A = ""
                        B = ""
                        A = "Environment"
                        B = $PbiConnection.Environment 
                        A = "Tennant Id"
                        B = $PbiConnection.TenantId  
                        A = "Username"
                        B = $PbiConnection.UserName
                        A = "Login type"
                        B = $PbiConnection.LoginType    
            $intro | Export-Excel -path $Path_AssessmentFile -WorkSheetname "Introduction" -AutoSize -NoHeader -StartRow 2 -Title $title -TitleSize 20
            # $ws = $excelpkg.Workbook.Worksheets['Introduction']
            # Write-Host $ws
            # $xlParams = @{WorkSheet=$ws;Bold=$true;FontSize=18}
            # Set-Format -Range A4 -WorkSheet $ws -Bold #@xlParams

            # Workspace Sheet
            $ConditionalFormat =$(
                New-ConditionalText -Text "duplicate name" -Range "D:D" -BackgroundColor Red -ConditionalTextColor White
            $assessmentWorkspace | Export-Excel -path $Path_AssessmentFile -WorkSheetname "Workspaces" -TableName "Workspaces" -AutoSize -TableStyle Light8 -ConditionalFormat $ConditionalFormat
            $assessmentWorkspaceUsers | Export-Excel -path $Path_AssessmentFile -WorkSheetname "WorkspaceUsers" -TableName "WorkspaceUsers" -AutoSize -TableStyle Light8

            # Dataset Sheet
            $ConditionalFormat =$(
                New-ConditionalText -Text "is orphan" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Red -ConditionalTextColor White
                New-ConditionalText -Text "has no owner" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Red -ConditionalTextColor White
                New-ConditionalText -Text "unknown" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Orange -ConditionalTextColor White
                New-ConditionalText -Text 'is used' -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Green -ConditionalTextColor White
            $assessmentDatasets | Export-Excel -path $Path_AssessmentFile -WorkSheetname "Datasets" -TableName "Datasets" -ConditionalFormat $ConditionalFormat -AutoSize -TableStyle Light8

            # Datasource Sheet
            $assessmentDatasources | Export-Excel -path $Path_AssessmentFile -WorkSheetname "Datasources" -TableName "Datasources" -AutoSize -TableStyle Light8

            # Dataflow Sheet
            $assessmentDataflows | Export-Excel -path $Path_AssessmentFile -WorkSheetname "Dataflows" -TableName "Dataflows" -AutoSize -TableStyle Light8

            # Dataflowsources Sheet
            $assessmentDataflowsources | Export-Excel -path $Path_AssessmentFile -WorkSheetname "Dataflowsources" -TableName "Dataflowsources" -AutoSize -TableStyle Light8

            # Report Sheet
            $ConditionalFormat =$(
                New-ConditionalText -Text "Skip_UsageMetrics" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Orange -ConditionalTextColor White
                New-ConditionalText -Text "Skip" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Red -ConditionalTextColor White
                New-ConditionalText -Text "CreateDataset" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Green -ConditionalTextColor White
                New-ConditionalText -Text "RebindReport" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Green -ConditionalTextColor White
                New-ConditionalText -Text "UpdatePbiConnection" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Green -ConditionalTextColor White
                New-ConditionalText -Text "Wait_UpdatePbiConnection" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Green -ConditionalTextColor White
                New-ConditionalText -Text "CreateDataset_RebindReport" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Green -ConditionalTextColor White
                New-ConditionalText -Text "unknown" -Range "E:E" -BackgroundColor Orange -ConditionalTextColor White
            $assessmentReports | Export-Excel -path $Path_AssessmentFile -WorkSheetname "Reports" -TableName "Reports" -ConditionalFormat $ConditionalFormat -AutoSize -TableStyle Light8

            # Dashboard Sheet
            $assessmentDashboards | Export-Excel -path $Path_AssessmentFile -WorkSheetname "Dashboards" -TableName "Dashboards" -AutoSize -TableStyle Light8

            # Dashboard Tiles Sheet
            $excelpkg = $assessmentDashboardTiles | Export-Excel -path $Path_AssessmentFile -WorkSheetname "DashboardTiles" -TableName "DashboardTiles" -AutoSize -TableStyle Light8 -PassThru

            # Warnings
            $NumOfDatasetsWithoutOwner = $NumOfDatasetsWithoutOwner - $NumOfOrphanDatasets
            if ($BackupExists -eq $false){
                Write-Warning "Not all information found."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "<c='white'>Info</c>: In assessment basic mode, not all information can be found."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "Some information (f.e. orphan datasets or reports which cannot be restored) can only be found after you export each object."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "To include the information please run <c='white'>Backup-BsgPbiTenant</c>... or <c='white'>Backup-BsgPbiWorkspace</c>... first."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "After the backup is done, run the assessment again with <c='white'>-Mode `"Full`"</c>"

            if ($NumOfWorkspacesWithSameName -eq 1){
                Write-Warning "$NumOfWorkspacesWithSameName workspace has a duplicate name. The workspace will not be restored."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "<c='white'>Info</c>: Please have a look at the <c='white'>workspaces marked as `"duplicate name`"</c> in the excel file."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "In order to restore the workspace, you need to <c='white'>rename the workspace</c> in PBI Service."
            if ($NumOfWorkspacesWithSameName -gt 1){
                Write-Warning "$NumOfWorkspacesWithSameName workspaces have a duplicate name. They will not be restored."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "<c='white'>Info</c>: Please have a look at the <c='white'>workspaces marked as `"duplicate name`"</c> in the excel file."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "In order to restore those workspaces, you need to <c='white'>rename each workspaces</c> in PBI Service."

            if ($NumOfOrphanDatasets -eq 1){
                Write-Warning "$NumOfOrphanDatasets orphan dataset (dataset is not used by any report). It will not be restored."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "<c='white'>Info</c>: Please have a look at the <c='white'>dataset marked as `"is orphan`"</c> in the excel file."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "No more used datasets should be deleted before starting the restoration."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "In order to restore this dataset, you need to <c='white'>save the dataset as a report</c> in PBI Service."
            } elseif ($NumOfOrphanDatasets -gt 1){
                Write-Warning "$NumOfOrphanDatasets orphan datasets (datasets are not used by any report). They will not be restored."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "<c='white'>Info</c>: Please have a look at the <c='white'>datasets marked as `"is orphan`"</c> in the excel file."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "In order to restore those datasets, you need to <c='white'>save each dataset as a report</c> in PBI Service."

            if ($NumOfDatasetsWithoutOwner -eq 1){
                Write-Warning "$NumOfDatasetsWithoutOwner dataset without owner (dataset has no report bound to it). It will not be restored."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "<c='white'>Info</c>: Please have a look at the <c='white'>dataset marked as `"has no owner`"</c> in the excel file."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "In order to restore this dataset, you need to <c='white'>save the dataset as a report</c> in PBI Service."
            } elseif ($NumOfDatasetsWithoutOwner -gt 1){
                Write-Warning "$NumOfDatasetsWithoutOwner datasets without owner (datasets have no report bound to them). They will not be restored."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "<c='white'>Info</c>: Please have a look at the <c='white'>datasets marked as `"has no owner`"</c> in the excel file."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "In order to restore those datasets, you need to <c='white'>save each dataset as a report</c> in PBI Service."

            if ($NumOfReportsSkipped -eq 1){
                Write-Warning "$NumOfReportsSkipped report cannot be exported. It will not be restored."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "<c='white'>Info</c>: Please have a look at the <c='white'>report marked as `"Skip`"</c> in the excel file."
            } elseif ($NumOfReportsSkipped -gt 1){
                Write-Warning "$NumOfReportsSkipped reports cannot be exported. They will not be restored."
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String "<c='white'>Info</c>: Please have a look at the <c='white'>reports marked as `"Skip`"</c> in the excel file."

            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor white -String "Opening excel file..."
            Close-ExcelPackage  -ExcelPackage $excelpkg -Show

            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor white -String "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
            if ($Mode -eq "Full"){
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor green -String " Power BI Service assessment (full) finished."
            } else{
                Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor green -String " Power BI Service assessment (basic) finished."
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String " Location: <c='white'>$Path_AssessmentFile</c>"
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor gray -String " Developed by <c='white'>BSGroup Data Analytics AG</c>"
            Write-PSFHostColor -Level Host -DefaultColor white -String "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        }else {
