
   Backup script for copying your Steam screenshots.
   This script uses the Steam install path found in the registry to look for all folders in \userdata containing
   screenshot-folders and copies the images and folders to the destination path passed by the parameter.
   PS C:\Temp> .\Backup-SteamScreenshots -DestinationPath C:\MyBackups
   Results in:
           \- MyBackups/
           \ \- Backup-SteamScreenshot-2023-03-06/
           \ \ \- 123456-screenshots/
           \ \ \ \- screenshot1.jpg
           \ \ \ \- screenshot2.jpg
           \ \ \- 234567-screenshots/
           \ \ \ \- screenshot3.jpg
           \ \ \- 345678-screenshots/
           \ \ \ \- screenshot4.jpg
.Parameter DestinationPath
   [Mandatory!] Full destination path where the archive should be saved to.
   Author: sysadt

function Backup-SteamScreenshots{
    [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "A destination path is necessary.")] [String]$DestinationPath

$Date = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd"
$SteamInstallPath = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Valve\Steam\' -Name InstallPath
$SteamUserdataDir = "$($SteamInstallPath + '\userdata')"
$BackupPath = "$($DestinationPath + '\Backup-SteamScreenshots-' + $Date)"
$ScreenshotFolders = (Get-ChildItem -Path $SteamUserdataDir -Recurse -Directory | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "screenshot"}).FullName

Write-Information "> Starting Backup-SteamScreenshots.`n> Using $SteamUserdataDir as the Steam installation path."

if (-Not (Test-Path $BackupPath)) {
    foreach ($Path in $ScreenshotFolders) {

        $ParentDirName = (Get-Item $Path).Parent.Name

        try {
            Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination $BackupPath\$Parentdirname-screenshots -Recurse
            Write-Information "> Copying $Path to $BackupPath\$Parentdirname-screenshots"
        } catch {
            Write-Error "> Error while trying to copy $Path."
} else {
    Write-Error "> A backup with the same name already exists in this location."

Write-Information "> Steam screenshot backup finished!"

Export-ModuleMember -Function Backup-SteamScreenshots