
<# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #>

function Get-BambooHRDirectory {

    # Force use of TLS1.2 for compatibility with BambooHR's API server. Powershell on Windows defaults to 1.1, which is unsupported
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    # If user provides a filter date, construct the XML. Otherwise, leave blank
    if($since -ne '')
        $sinceXML = '<filters><lastChanged includeNull="no">{0}</lastChanged></filters>' -f $since
        $sinceXML = ''

    # If user does not provide a list of fields, set the default field list.
    if($null -eq $fields)
        $fields = Set-BambooHRVariables

    # Split the comma separated fields by the comma
    $fields = $fields.split(",")

    # Create a new blank array to work with
    $fieldsArray = @()

    # For each field provided, create the XML required
    foreach($field in $fields)
        $item = '<field id="{0}" />' -f $field
        $fieldsArray += $item

    # Join the array to create a single string
    $fields = $fieldsArray -join ''

    # Construct a query string to use for the employee directory report
    $query = @(
            '<title>Bamboozled Employee Directory</title>'
                '<field id="status" />'

    # Join the above array to create a string
    $query = $query -join ''

    # API endpoint URL
    $directoryUrl = "{0}/v1/reports/custom?format=json" -f $subDomain

    # Build a BambooHR credential object using the provided API key
    $bambooHRAuth = Get-BambooHRAuth -ApiKey $apiKey

    # Attempt to connect to the BambooHR API Service
        # Perform the API query
        $bambooHRDirectory = Invoke-WebRequest $directoryUrl -method POST -Credential $bambooHRAuth -body $query -UseBasicParsing

        # Convert the output to a PowerShell object
        $bambooHRDirectory = $bambooHRDirectory.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        throw "Directory download failed."

    # If the 'active' switch is used, filter the results to show only active employees
    if ($active)
       $bambooHRDirectory = $bambooHRDirectory.employees | Where-Object {$_.status -eq 'Active'}
    else {
        $bambooHRDirectory = $bambooHRDirectory.employees

    # Return the powershell object
    return $bambooHRDirectory