
<# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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function Get-BambooHRFields {

    # Force use of TLS1.2 for compatibility with BambooHR's API server. Powershell on Windows defaults to 1.1, which is unsupported
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    # API endpoint URL
    $fieldsUrl = "{0}/v1/meta/fields" -f $subDomain

    # Build a BambooHR credential object using the provided API key
    $bambooHRAuth = Get-BambooHRAuth -ApiKey $apiKey

    # Attempt to connect to the BambooHR API Service
        # Perform the API query
        $bambooHRFields = Invoke-WebRequest $fieldsUrl -method GET -Credential $bambooHRAuth -Headers @{"accept"="application/json"} -UseBasicParsing

        # Convert the output to a PowerShell object
        $bambooHRFields = $bambooHRFields.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        throw "Failed to retrieve a list of fields."

    Return $bambooHRFields