
  Remove a NAV/BC Container
  Remove container, Session, Shortcuts, temp. files and entries in the hosts file,
 .Parameter containerName
  Name of the container you want to remove
  Remove-NavContainer -containerName devServer

function Remove-NavContainer {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [string] $containerName

    Process {
        if (Test-NavContainer -containerName $containerName) {
            Remove-NavContainerSession $containerName
            $containerId = Get-NavContainerId -containerName $containerName
            Write-Host "Removing container $containerName"
            docker rm $containerId -f | Out-Null
        $containerFolder = Join-Path $ExtensionsFolder $containerName
        $updateHostsScript = Join-Path $containerFolder "my\updatehosts.ps1"
        $updateHosts = Test-Path -Path $updateHostsScript -PathType Leaf
        if ($updateHosts) {
            . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "updatehosts.ps1") -hostsFile "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" -theHostname $containerName -theIpAddress ""

        $thumbprintFile = Join-Path $containerFolder "thumbprint.txt"
        if (Test-Path -Path $thumbprintFile) {
            $thumbprint = Get-Content -Path $thumbprintFile
            $cert = Get-ChildItem "cert:\localMachine\Root" | Where-Object { $_.Thumbprint -eq $thumbprint }
            if ($cert) {
                $cert | Remove-Item
                Write-Host "Certificate with thumbprint $thumbprint removed successfully"
            else {
                Write-Host "Certificate with thumbprint $thumbprint not found in store"

        Remove-DesktopShortcut -Name "$containerName Web Client"
        Remove-DesktopShortcut -Name "$containerName Test Tool"
        Remove-DesktopShortcut -Name "$containerName Windows Client"
        Remove-DesktopShortcut -Name "$containerName WinClient Debugger"
        Remove-DesktopShortcut -Name "$containerName CSIDE"
        Remove-DesktopShortcut -Name "$containerName Command Prompt"
        Remove-DesktopShortcut -Name "$containerName PowerShell Prompt"

        if (Test-Path $containerFolder) {
            $wait = 10
            $attempts = 0
            $filesLeft = $true
            Write-Host "Removing $containerFolder"
            while ($filesLeft) {
                $files = @()
                Get-ChildItem $containerfolder -Recurse -File | % {
                    $file = $_.FullName
                    try {
                        Remove-Item $file -Force -ErrorAction stop
                    catch {
                        $files += $file
                if ($files.count -eq 0) {
                    $filesLeft = $false
                else {
                    if ($attempts -gt 10) {
                        throw "Could not remove $containerFolder"
                    Write-Host "Error removing $containerFolder (attempts: $attempts)"
                    Write-Host "The following files could not be removed:"
                    $files | % { 
                        Write-Host "- $_"
                    Write-Host "Please close any apps, prompts or files using these files"
                    Write-Host "Retrying in $wait seconds"
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $wait
            Remove-Item -Path $containerFolder -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-Alias -Name Remove-BCContainer -Value Remove-NavContainer
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-NavContainer -Alias Remove-BCContainer