
  Copy File from a container
  Copies a file from a Container
 .Parameter containerName
  Name of the container from which you want to copy a file
 .Parameter containerPath
  Path of the file in the Container, which has to be copied
 .Parameter localPath
  Path to the file on the host. This cannot be a foldername, it needs to be a filename.
  Copy-FileFromNavContainer -containerName test2 -containerPath "c:\run\my\myfile.txt" -localPath "c:\temp\myfile.txt"

function Copy-FileFromNavContainer {
    Param (
        [string] $containerName,
        [string] $containerPath,
        [string] $localPath = $containerPath

    Process {
        if (!(Test-NavContainer -containerName $containerName)) {
            throw "Container $containerName does not exist"
        Log "Copy from container $containerName ($containerPath) to $localPath"
        $id = Get-NavContainerId -containerName $containerName 

        # running hyperv containers doesn't support docker cp
        $tempFile = Join-Path $hostHelperFolder ([GUID]::NewGuid().ToString())
        try {
            if (Test-Path $localPath -PathType Container) {
                throw "localPath ($localPath) already exists as a folder. Cannot copy file, LocalPath needs to specify a filename."
            Invoke-ScriptInNavContainer -containerName $containerName -scriptblock { Param($containerPath, $tempFile)
                Copy-Item -Path $containerPath -Destination $tempFile
            } -argumentList $containerPath, (Get-NavContainerPath -containerName $containerName -Path $tempFile)
            Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $localPath -Force
        } finally {
            if (Test-Path $tempFile) {
                Remove-Item $tempFile -ErrorAction Ignore
Set-Alias -Name Copy-FileFromBCContainer -Value Copy-FileFromNavContainer
Export-ModuleMember -Function Copy-FileFromNavContainer -Alias Copy-FileFromBCContainer