
  Uploads, Imports and Applys a configuration package into a tenant in a NAV/BC Container
  Using Management APIs, this function uploads, imports and applys a configuration package into a tenant in a NAV/BC Container
 .Parameter containerName
  Name of the container in which you want to apply the configuration package to
 .Parameter tenant
  Name of the tenant in which the configuration package should be applied
 .Parameter company
  Name of the company in which the configuration package should be applied
 .Parameter credential
  Credentials to use when using UserPassword authentication (omit for Windows authentication)
 .Parameter configPackage
  Name of the configPackage to apply, this can either be a filename on the host or the name of a config package in c:\ConfigurationPackages in the container
  UploadImportAndApply-ConfigPackageInBcContainer -containerName test2 -configPackage "W1.ENU.EVALUATION" -credential $credential

function UploadImportAndApply-ConfigPackageInBcContainer {
    Param (
        [string] $containerName = $bcContainerHelperConfig.defaultContainerName,
        [string] $tenant = "default",
        [string] $companyName = "",
        [PSCredential] $Credential = $null,
        [string] $configPackage

    if (Test-Path $configPackage -PathType Leaf) {
        $configFile = Get-Item -Path $configPackage
        if ($configFile -is [Array]) {
            throw "You can only upload, import and apply one config package at a time ($configPackage matches multiple files)"
        $configPackage = $configFile.FullName
        $packageId = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($configPackage)
        $packageId = $packageId.SubString(0,[System.Math]::Min(20, $packageId.Length))
    else {
        $packageId = $configPackage
        $containerConfigPackage = Invoke-ScriptInBCContainer -containerName $containerName -scriptblock { Param($PackageId) 
            (Get-item "C:\ConfigurationPackages\*$packageId*").FullName
        } -argumentList $configPackage
        if ($containerConfigPackage) {
            if ($containerConfigPackage -is [Array]) {
                throw "You can only upload, import and apply one config package at a time ($configPackage matches multiple files inside the container)"
            $configPackage = Join-Path $bcContainerHelperConfig.hostHelperFolder "Extensions\$containerName\$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($containerConfigPackage))"
            if (Test-Path $configPackage) {
                Remove-Item $configPackage -Force
            Copy-FileFromBCContainer -containerName $containerName -containerPath $containerConfigPackage -localPath $configPackage
        else {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Config package $configPackage not found"
    $CompanyId = Get-NavContainerApiCompanyId -containerName $containerName -credential $credential -APIVersion "v1.0" -CompanyName $companyName | Select-Object -First 1
    if (!($CompanyId)) {
        throw "Company $companyName doesn't exist"
    else {
        Write-Host "Deleting Configuration Package $packageId (if exists)"
        try {
            Invoke-BCContainerApi -containerName $containerName `
                                  -CompanyId $CompanyId `
                                  -credential $credential `
                                  -APIPublisher "microsoft" `
                                  -APIGroup "automation" `
                                  -APIVersion "v1.0" `
                                  -Method "DELETE" `
                                  -Query "configurationPackages('$packageId')" | Out-Null
        catch {
            Write-Host "Ignoring error while deleting configuration package"
        Write-Host "Creating Configuration Package $packageId"
        Invoke-BCContainerApi -containerName $containerName `
                              -CompanyId $CompanyId `
                              -credential $credential `
                              -APIPublisher "microsoft" `
                              -APIGroup "automation" `
                              -APIVersion "v1.0" `
                              -Method "POST" `
                              -Query "configurationPackages" `
                              -body @{ "code" = $PackageId; "packageName" = $PackageId; } | Out-Null
        Write-Host "Uploading Configuration Package $packageId"
        Invoke-BCContainerApi -containerName $containerName `
                              -CompanyId $CompanyId `
                              -credential $credential `
                              -APIPublisher "microsoft" `
                              -APIGroup "automation" `
                              -APIVersion "v1.0" `
                              -Method "PATCH" `
                              -Query "configurationPackages('$packageId')/file('$packageId')/content" `
                              -headers @{ "If-Match" = "*" } `
                              -inFile $configPackage | Out-Null
        Write-Host "Importing Configuration Package $packageId"
        Invoke-BCContainerApi -containerName $containerName `
                              -CompanyId $CompanyId `
                              -credential $credential `
                              -APIPublisher "microsoft" `
                              -APIGroup "automation" `
                              -APIVersion "v1.0" `
                              -Method "POST" `
                              -Query "configurationPackages('$packageId')/Microsoft.NAV.import" | Out-Null
        $status = ""
        do {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
            $result = Invoke-BCContainerApi -silent -containerName $containerName `
                                            -CompanyId $CompanyId `
                                            -credential $credential `
                                            -APIPublisher "microsoft" `
                                            -APIGroup "automation" `
                                            -APIVersion "v1.0" `
                                            -Method "GET" `
                                            -Query "configurationPackages('$packageId')"
            $newStatus = $result.importStatus
            $continue = ($newStatus -eq "Scheduled" -or $newStatus -eq "InProgress")
            if ($status -eq $newStatus) {
                Write-Host -NoNewline "."
            else {
                $status = $newStatus
                Write-Host -NoNewline:$continue $status
        } while ($continue)
        if ($status -eq "Error") {
            throw "Couldn't import configuration package"
        else {
            Write-Host "Applying Configuration Package $packageId"
            Invoke-BCContainerApi -containerName $containerName `
                                  -CompanyId $CompanyId `
                                  -credential $credential `
                                  -APIPublisher "microsoft" `
                                  -APIGroup "automation" `
                                  -APIVersion "v1.0" `
                                  -Method "POST" `
                                  -Query "configurationPackages('$packageId')/Microsoft.NAV.apply" | Out-Null
            $status = ""
            do {
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
                $result = Invoke-BCContainerApi -silent -containerName $containerName `
                                                -CompanyId $CompanyId `
                                                -credential $credential `
                                                -APIPublisher "microsoft" `
                                                -APIGroup "automation" `
                                                -APIVersion "v1.0" `
                                                -Method "GET" `
                                                -Query "configurationPackages('$packageId')"
                $newStatus = $result.applyStatus
                $continue = ($newStatus -eq "Scheduled" -or $newStatus -eq "InProgress")
                if ($status -eq $newStatus) {
                    Write-Host -NoNewline "."
                else {
                    $status = $newStatus
                    Write-Host -NoNewline:$continue $status
            } while ($continue)
            if ($status -eq "Error") {
                throw "Couldn't apply configuration package"
Export-ModuleMember -Function UploadImportAndApply-ConfigPackageInBcContainer