

    Use tools for Windows administrator.

    The Beaver module contains functions which simplify everyday work system administrator.

    The Beaver module adds the following functions to your session when you import
    the module.

        Get-StringHash Gets hash of input string.
        Test-IsCurrentUserInGroup Test if current user is member input group
        Get-MaskLength Calculate IP address mask length
        Test-IPInSubnet Test if specified IP address ranges specified parameter
        Add-SignatureToFiles Add digital sing to file
        Send-WakeOnLan Wake up computer via ethernet
        Get-ExpireCertificates List of expired certificates
        New-Password Generate new password
        Send-FileOnFTP Upload file on FTP server
        Uninstall-MSIPackage Uninstal MSI package on remote system
        Save-PptAs Save PPT as other format
        Save-DocAsPdf Save DOC as PDF
        Join-SignatureInISE Add digital sign to files open in ISE
        Clear-ISEHistory Clear recent files in ISE
        Clear-EventLogs Clear all event logs
        Set-RegistryValue Create tree keys in registry aand set value
        Add-SybaseODBCProfile Create new Sybase ODBC profile
        Get-DirectoryEntry Connect to directory service
        Get-LocalUsers List of users on specidied computer
        Enable-LocalUser Enable local user
        Disable-LocalUser Disable local user
        Set-LocalUserPassword Set password of local user
        Add-MemberLocalGroup Add member to local group
        New-LocalObj Create new user or group
        Remove-LocalObject Remove local user or group
        Test-LocalUserEnabled Test if local user is enabled
        Rename-LocalObject Rename local user or group
        Get-PasswordCredentials Create PSCredential object for use in other cmdlets
        Protect-HmacSha256 Encode HMAC SHA256 byte array
        Convert-UserNameToSid Convert Windows username to SID
        Convert-SidToUserName Convert SID to Windows username
        Compress-GZip Compress text use GZIP
        Expnad-GZip Extract text from GZIP
        Compress-Deflate Compress text use Deflate
        Expand-Deflate Extract text from Deflate

    For information about these functions, use the Get-Help cmdlet. For example,
    to get detailed help for the Get-Feed function, type "get-help get-everyone -detailed."

    These functions are implemented in the module as scripts, but are available in the session
    as functions.
