
function Start-Log {

        Create LogFile or continue in the existing file from the same day.
        Create a file .log, only one per day. If a file exist then continue today's file
        .PARAMETER $FilePath
        The URL for the file path. It can also be a network path
        .PARAMETER $FileName
        The name of the file
        .PARAMETER $Company
        The Name of the company that runs this script.
        .PARAMETER $Description
        Create a short descrition what this script do.
        .PARAMETER $DeletedLogDays
        The script delete old log file, name the no. of days it shall loock back in time.
        Description of objects that can be piped to the script.
        Description of objects that are output by the script.
        Start-Log -FilePath "\\LogShare$\ADUsers" -FileName "ListOfAdUsers" -Company "BLIT" -Description "Find all users in our AD that is Enabled" -DeletedLogDays "30"
        Start-Log "\\LogShare$\ADUsers" "ListOfAdUsers" "BLIT" "Find all users in our AD that is Enabled" "30"
        Online version:
        Detail on what the script does, if this is needed.
        Author: Benni Ladevig Pedersen
        Date: Juli 07,2021
        # Company : $Company
        # Software : $Software
        # Date : $LogFilName
        # Runs from : $env:COMPUTERNAME.$env:USERDNSDOMAIN
        # Authorized : $env:USERNAME
        # Location : $FilePath
        # Filename : $LogFilName.log

    param (
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
        [PSDefaultValue(Help='Path for folder location')]
        [ValidateScript({ Split-Path $_ -Parent | Test-Path })]

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
        [PSDefaultValue(Help='Name of the file')]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)]
        [PSDefaultValue(Help='The name of you compay')]

        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true)]
        [PSDefaultValue(Help='Short description what the script do')]

        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]
        [PSDefaultValue(Help='Days script delete old logs')]

    $FilePath = "\\\ScriptLog$\Test"
    $FileName = "testLog"
    $Company = "BLIT"
    $Description = "Test log for test om module is working"
    $DeletedLogDays = 10

    if ($FilePath -notmatch '.+?\\$') {
        $FilePath += '\'

    $LogDate = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd
    $FileName = $LogDate + ' - ' + $FileName.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $FileName.Substring(1) + '.log'

    Try {
        if(-not(Test-Path $FilePath)) {
            New-Item $FilePath -Type Directory
    } catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
    } # SLUT - try {

    $FilePathLog = Join-Path $FilePath $FileName

    try {
        if (-not(Test-Path $FilePathLog)) {
            ## Create the log file
            New-Item $FilePathLog -Type File | Out-Null
        $global:ScriptLogFilePath = $FilePathLog
        Write-Log " " 
        Write-Log "#################################################################################" 2
        Write-Log "#" 2
        Write-Log "# Company : $Company" 2
        Write-Log "# Software : $Description" 2
        Write-Log "# Date : $LogDate" 2
        Write-Log "# Runs from : $env:COMPUTERNAME.$env:USERDNSDOMAIN" 2
        Write-Log "# Authorized : $env:USERNAME" 2
        Write-Log "# " 2
        Write-Log "# Location : $FilePath" 2
        Write-Log "# Filename : $FileName" 2
        Write-Log "# " 2   
        Write-Log "#################################################################################" 2
        Write-Log " " 
        Write-Log " "  

    } catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
            $Error01 = Error[0]
            Write-Host "Fejlede: $Error01"
            Write-Error "Fejlede: $Error01"
            Throw New-Object System.FormatException 
            Throw New-Object System.IO.IOException
    } # SLUT - try {
    if(-not($DeletedLogDays -eq "" -or $DeletedLogDays -eq "0")) {

        # Finder dato for sletningsdato
        $Date = (Get-Date).Adddays(-$DeletedLogDays)

        # Finder de logs der skal slettes og sletter dem
        Get-ChildItem -Path $FilePath | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -le $Date} | Remove-item 

} # SLUT - function Start-Log