
$baseUrl = "";

Connects to Billomat.
Credentials can be persisted using by setting the parameter UseCredentialsManager to $True.
o $Credential -eq $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -eq $Null -> credentials are requested and are not persisted
o $Credential -ne $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -eq $Null -> passed credentials are used and not persisted
o $Credential -ne $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -ne $Null -> passed credentials are used and persisted
o $Credential -eq $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -ne $Null -> Persisted credentials are used
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential to access Billomat with. I not provided they get requested.
.PARAMETER UseCredentialsManager
If $True, credentials are read and written using the CredentialsManager. Only Password part, containing the APIKey, is used.

function Connect-BMT
       [Boolean]$UseCredentialsManager = $False
    ) #end param

    # check module prerequisites
        $module = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "CredentialsManager";
        if (!$module) { throw "Module 'CredentialsManager' needed. Please install executing 'Install-Module -Name CredentialsManager' as Administrator."; }
    if($UseCredentialsManager -and $Credential -eq $Null)
        $Credential = Read-Credential -ListAvailable | Where { $_.Environment -eq "Billomat" }
    if(!$Credential) { $Credential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter API Key for Billomat as password (username can be anything)."; }
        Write-Credential "Billomat" -Credential $Credential; 

    $script:key = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password ;

class InvoiceItem 

Adds an invoice to Billomat.
Id of client to add the invoice for
Optional Label of Invoice
.PARAMETER InvoiceItems
Items of the Invoice

function Add-BMTInvoice
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/invoices" $parameters

    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-JSON( @{ invoice= 

    $result = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"});
    foreach($item in $InvoiceItems) 
        Add-BMTInvoiceItem -InvoiceId $ -Item $item | Out-Null;

    return $result.invoice;

Adds an item to an invoice.
Id of invoice to add item to
Item to be added

function Add-BMTInvoiceItem
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/invoice-items" $parameters

    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-JSON( @{ "invoice-item"= 

    $result = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"});
    return $result."invoice-item"

class CreditNoteItem 

Adds a credit note to Billomat.
Id of client to add the credit note for
Optional Label of Credit Note
Optional Id of Template to use
.PARAMETER CreditNoteItems
Items of the Credit note

function Add-BMTCreditNote
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/credit-notes" $parameters

    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-JSON( @{ "credit-note"= 

    $result = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"});
    foreach($item in $CreditNoteItems) 
        Add-BMTCreditNoteItem -CreditNoteId $result."credit-note".id -Item $item | Out-Null;
    return $result."credit-note";

Adds an item to a credit note.
Id of credit note to add item to
Item to be added

function Add-BMTCreditNoteItem
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/credit-note-items" $parameters

    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-JSON( @{ "credit-note-item"= 

    $result = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"});
    return $result."credit-note-item"

Get Invoice Payments by Invoice Id or from/until
Id of Invoice to filter the payments for.
Date from which on to receive payments. Only date-part is considered.
Date until which on to receive payments to. Only date-part is considered.

function Get-BMTInvoicePayments

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    if($InvoiceId) { $parameters.Add("invoice_id", $InvoiceId) }
    if($From) { $parameters.Add("from", $From.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')) }
    if($To) { $parameters.Add("to", $To.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')) }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/invoice-payments" $parameters

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"};

    if($response."invoice-payments"."@total" -eq 0) { return @(); }
    return $response."invoice-payments"."invoice-payment"

Get Invoice by ClientId or Status from Billomat
Id of client to get.
Status of invoices to get (DRAFT, OPEN, PAID, OVERDUE, CANCELED). Separate by comma for multiple stati

function Get-BMTInvoices

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    if($ClientNumber) { $parameters.Add("client_id", $ClientId) }
    if($Status) { $parameters.Add("status", $Status) }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/invoices" $parameters

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"};

    if($response.invoices."@total" -eq 0) { return @(); }
    return $response.invoices.invoice

Get Invoice by InvoiceId
Id of invoice to get.

function Get-BMTInvoice
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][long]$Id

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/invoices/${Id}" $parameters

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"};

    return $response.invoice

Get Templates from Billomat
Optional Type of template to filter for (INVOICE, OFFER, CONFIRMATION, REMINDER, DELIVERY_NOTE, CREDIT_NOTE, LETTER). Separate by comma for multiple types

function Get-BMTTemplates

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    if($Type) { $parameters.Add("type", $Type) }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/templates" $parameters

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"};

    if($response.templates."@total" -eq 0) { return @(); }
    return $response.templates.template

Get Client by Name or ClientNumber from Billomat
If no client is found, an empty array is returned.
Name of client to get. Returns all clients having the given value in their name.
.PARAMETER ClientNumber
Number of client to get.

function Get-BMTClients

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    if($Name) { $parameters.Add("name", $Name) }
    if($ClientNumber) { $parameters.Add("client_number", $ClientNumber) }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/clients" $parameters

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"};

    if($response.clients."@total" -eq 0) { return @(); }
    return $response.clients.client

Get Client by Id
Id of client to get.

function Get-BMTClient

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/clients/${Id}" $parameters

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"};

    return $response.client

Get Contacts by client
If no contact is found, an empty array is returned.
Id of client to receive contacts for.

function Get-BMTContacts

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; client_id=$ClientId }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/contacts" $parameters

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"};

    if($response.contacts."@total" -eq 0) { return @(); }

    return $

Get Contact by Id
Id of contact to get.

function Get-BMTContact

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; }
    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/contacts/${Id}" $parameters

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"};

    return $

Get Offers by offernumber
.PARAMETER OfferNumber
Number of offer to get.

function Get-BMTOffers

    if(!$script:key) { Connect-BMT -UseCredentialsManager $True; }

    $parameters = @{ api_key=$script:key; offer_number=$OfferNumber; }

    $uri = New-HttpQueryString "${baseUrl}/offers" $parameters

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Accept="application/json"};

    if($response.offers."@total" -eq 0) { return @(); }

    return $response.offers.offer

## Private Functions

function New-HttpQueryString
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$Uri,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Hashtable]$QueryParameter
    # Add System.Web
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
    # Create a http name value collection from an empty string
    $nvCollection = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty)
    foreach ($key in $QueryParameter.Keys)
        $nvCollection.Add($key, $QueryParameter.$key)
    # Build the uri
    $uriRequest = [System.UriBuilder]$uri
    $uriRequest.Query = $nvCollection.ToString()
    return $uriRequest.Uri.OriginalString