
function Build-Bflat
       Creates a new PowerShell binary.
       Generates a .EXE from a script.
       New-PSBinary -ScriptBlock {Get-Process}
       Creates a file in the current directory named PSBinary.exe which runs get-process
       New-PsBinary MyScript.ps1
       Creates an exe in the current directory named MyScript.exe

      # The powershell command to convert into a program
      # cannot be combined with `InFile`
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
         ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
         Position = 0)]

      # Namespace for the generated program.
      # This parameter is trumped by -Tokens, so placing a value here will be overriden by
      # whatever is in -Tokens
      # So if you did -Namespace A -Tokens @{Namespace='B'} Namespace would be set to B not A
      # Must be a valid C# namespace
      # Defaults to PSBinary
      $Namespace = "PSBinary",

      # Class name for the generated program
      # This parameter is trumped by -Tokens, so placing a value here will be overriden
      # by whatever is in -Tokens
      # So if you did -ClassName A -Tokens @{ClassName='B'} ClassName would be set to B not A
      # must be a valid c# class name and cannot be equal to -Namespace
      # Defaults to Program
      $ClassName = "Program",

      # Name of the .exe to generate. Defaults to the -InFile (replaced with .exe) or
      # PSBinary.exe if a script block is inlined


      <# Hashtable of assembly attributes to apply to the assembly level.
             - list of defaults here:
             - custom attributes can also be aplied.
             - Invalid attributes will throw a c# compiler exception
             - Attributes are applied in addition to the defaults unless -NoDefaultAttributes


      <# Hashtable of assembly attributes to apply to the class.
             - Any valid c# class attribute can be applied
             - Invalid attributes will throw a c# compiler exception
             - Attributes are applied in addition to the defaults unless -NoDefaultAttributes


            Override the default class template.
            - BinWips Tokens (a character sequence such as beginning with {# and ending with #}) can be included
              and will be replaced with the matching token either from defaults or the -Tokens paramter.
            - If a BinWips exists with out a matching value in -Tokens an exception is thrown.
            - Example: In the default template there is namespace '{#PSNameSpace#} {...}' when compiled
              {#PSNamespace#} is replaced with PSBinary to produce namesapce PSBinary {...}


            Override the default attributes template.
            BinWips Tokens not supported.


            Hashtable of tokens to replace in the class template.
            Exclude the '{#' and '#}' in the keys.
            -Tokens @{Namespace='CustomNamespace';ClassName='MyCoolClass'}
            Reserved Tokens
            {#Script#} The script content to compile


      # Additional C# Compiler parameters you want to pass (e.g. references)

      # Directory to place output in, defaults to current directory
      # Dir will be created if it doesn't already exist.

      # Change the directory where work will be done defaults to 'obj' folder in current directory
      # Dir will be created if it doesn't already exist.

      # Overrite -OutFile if it already exists

      <# List of files to include with the app
             - If -NoEmbedResources is specified then files are embedded in the exe.
                - Files are copied to out dir with exe if they don't already exist
             - Else files must be referenced specially (see below)
           To call files in script (if -NoEmbedresources is *not* included):
           `$myFile = Get-PsBinaryResource FileName.ext`
           where `FileName.ext` is the file you want to use.
           This returns the content of the file, not a path to it.
           Only use this if you want to package things like settings files
           or images. Otherwise files are accessed normally by the generated exe.


      # Don't embed any resource specifed by -Resources
      # instead they are copied to out dir if they don't already exist
      # useful when publishing

      # The platform to target
      [ValidateSet('Linux', 'Windows')]
      # The architecture to target
      [ValidateSet('x86', 'x64', 'arm64')]


         $dotNetPath = where.exe bflat.exe
      } else {
         $dotNetPath = which bflat

      # Locate the compiler
      $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
      if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dotNetPath) -eq $false -and $dotNetPath -ne "INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).")
         #Write-Verbose "Found bflat at $dotNetPath"
      elseif ($IsWindows)
         $dotNetPath = "$moduleRoot/files/bflat/windows/bflat.exe"
         $dotNetPath = "$moduleRoot/files/bflat/linux-glibc/bflat"

      if(!(Test-Path $dotNetPath)){
         throw "Could not find bflat at $dotNetPath"
      $cscArgs = @("build",
         "--out", "$OutFile", 
         "--target", "$target",
         # "--no-stacktrace-data",
         "--os", "$($Platform.ToLower())",
         "--arch", "$($Architecture.ToLower())",
         "-i", "Main"
      if ($null -ne $CscArgumentList -and $CscArgumentList.Length -gt 0)
         $cscArgs += $CscArgumentList
      if ($Resources -and $NoEmbedResources)
         # Copy resources to out dir
         foreach ($r in $Resources)
            $rName = Split-Path -Path $r -Leaf
            $outPath = Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath $rName
            if (!(Test-Path $outPath))
               Copy-Item -Path $r -Destination $outPath

      elseif ($Resources)
         foreach ($r in $Resources)
            $cscArgs += "--resource"
            $cscArgs += $r
      # 2. Read in script file if needed

      # 6. Run C# compiler over those files and produce an exe in the out dir
      $cscArgs += @(

      $guid = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
      $Tokens['BinWipsPipeGuid'] = $guid

      $funcArgs = @{
         Script             = $Script
         Namespace          = $Namespace
         ClassName          = $ClassName
         OutFile            = $OutFile
         AssemblyAttributes = $AssemblyAttributes
         ClassAttributes    = $ClassAttributes
         ClassTemplate      = $ClassTemplate
         AttributesTemplate = $AttributesTemplate
         Tokens             = $Tokens
         OutDir             = $OutDir
         Cleanup            = $Cleanup
         Force              = $Force
         CompilerPath       = $dotNetPath
         CompilerArgs       = $cscArgs
         ScratchDir         = $ScratchDir

      Write-BinWipsExe @funcArgs
