
    This function adds a ManagerEmailAddress property to a user in Azure AD.
    This function adds a ManagerEmailAddress property to a user in Azure AD.
    The property is only added if the user's Manager property is already defined.
    This function assumes that the connection to Azure AD has already been made.

function Add-AzureADUserManagerEmailAddressProperty {
    param (
        # The user in Azure AD.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    # Add the property if the user has a manager
    try {
        $manager = Get-AzureADUserManager -ObjectId $user.ObjectId -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($manager) {
            $user | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "ManagerEmailAddress" -NotePropertyValue $manager.UserPrincipalName -Force
    catch {
        # Do nothing

    # Return the user
    return $user