
    This function retrieves the encoding of a given text file.
    This function retrieves the encoding of a given text file.
    Adapted from

function Get-TextFileEncoding {
    param (
        # The path to the file on the local machine.

        # Select the stream where the error messages will be directed.
        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error", "None")]
        [String]$outputStream = "Error"

    # Verify that the file has one of the supported text file extensions
    $fileExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($path)
    if ($fileExtension -notIn $PLAIN_TEXT_FILE_EXTENSIONS) {
        Write-OutputMessage "The file '$($path)' does not match the list of known text file extensions '$($PLAIN_TEXT_FILE_EXTENSIONS -join ',')'." -OutputStream $outputStream -ReturnMessage:$false

    # Declare the encodings which will be handled by this task
    $supportedEncodings = @(

    # Create a hash table to map the encoding bytes to the encoding names
    $encodings = @{}

    # Add the encoding preambles to the hash table
    # The preamble is the bytes at the beginning of the file that is used to identify the encoding
    foreach ($encoding in ([System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncodings() | Where-Object { $_.Name -in $supportedEncodings })) {
        $preamble = $encoding.GetEncoding().GetPreamble()
        if ($preamble) {
            $encodingBytes = $preamble -join '-'
            $encodings[$encodingBytes] = $encoding.GetEncoding()

    # Retrieve the lengths of all the preambles
    $encodingLengths = $encodings.Keys | ForEach-Object { ($_.Split("-")).Count }

    # Assume UTF-8
    $result = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

    # Check the file against each of the encoding preamble lengths
    foreach ($encodingLength in ($encodingLengths | Sort-Object -Descending)) {
        $beginningBytes = Get-Content -Path $path -Encoding Byte -ReadCount $encodingLength `
            | Select-Object -First 1

        # Found an encoding with the same preamble bytes
        if ($encodings.ContainsKey($beginningBytes -join '-')) {
            $result = $encodings[$beginningBytes -join '-']

    # Convert the encoding to a string
    switch ($result.BodyName) {
        "utf-8" {
            return "UTF8"
        "utf-32" {
            return "UTF32"
        "utf-16BE" {
            return "BigEndianUnicode"
        "utf-32BE" {
            return "BigEndianUTF32"
        "utf-16" {
            return "Unicode"