
describe "BitTitan.Runbooks.ExchangeOnline/Connect-ExchangeOnlineAdminAccount" -Tag "module", "unit" {

    # Import the function to test
    . "$($PSScriptRoot)\Connect-ExchangeOnlineAdminAccount.ps1"

    # Declare our own Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint
    # If we don't do this the mock will not work
    function Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint {
        param ($endpoint)

    context "when there are no issues" {
        # Mock Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint
        mock Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint {
            return [PSCredential]::new("username", ("password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

        # Mock New-PSSession
        mock New-PSSession {
            return New-MockObject -Type System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession

        # Mock Import-PSSession
        mock Import-PSSession {
            return New-MockObject -Type PSModuleInfo

        # Mock Import-Module
        mock Import-Module {}

        it "connects using the username and password" {
            # Call the function
            $output = Connect-ExchangeOnlineAdminAccount -Username "username" `
                -Password ("password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)

            # Verify the mocks
            Assert-MockCalled Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled New-PSSession -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $ConfigurationName -eq "Microsoft.Exchange" -and
                $ConnectionUri -eq "" -and
                $Credential.Username -eq "username" -and
                $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -eq "password" -and
                $Name -eq "ExchangeOnline"
            } -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Import-PSSession -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Import-Module -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope it

            # Verify the output
            $output | Should Be $true

        it "connects using an endpoint" {
            # Mock the endpoint
            $endpoint = "Mock endpoint"

            # Call the function
            $output = Connect-ExchangeOnlineAdminAccount -Endpoint $endpoint

            # Verify the mocks
            Assert-MockCalled Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $Endpoint -eq "Mock endpoint"
            } -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled New-PSSession -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $ConfigurationName -eq "Microsoft.Exchange" -and
                $ConnectionUri -eq "" -and
                $Credential.Username -eq "username" -and
                $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -eq "password" -and
                $Name -eq "ExchangeOnline"
            } -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Import-PSSession -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Import-Module -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope it

            # Verify the output
            $output | Should Be $true

    # Declare the functions to throw exceptions
    $functionsToThrowExceptions = @(
    foreach ($function in $functionsToThrowExceptions) {
        context "when $($function) throws an exception" {
            # Mock Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint
            mock Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint {
                return [PSCredential]::new("username", ("password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

            # Mock New-PSSession
            mock New-PSSession {
                return New-MockObject -Type System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession

            # Mock Import-PSSession
            mock Import-PSSession {
                return New-MockObject -Type PSModuleInfo

            # Mock the function to throw an exception
            mock $function {
                throw "throws exception"

            it "fails to connect and outputs an error message" {
                # Mock the endpoint
                $endpoint = "Mock endpoint"

                # Call the function
                $output = Connect-ExchangeOnlineAdminAccount -Endpoint $endpoint `
                    -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errorVariable

                # Verify the output
                $errorVariable | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
                $output | Should Be $false

    context "when runspace creation is being throttled" {
        # Mock Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint
        mock Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint {
            return [PSCredential]::new("username", ("password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

        # Mock New-PSSession
        mock New-PSSession {
            throw "Fail to create runspace because you have exceeded your budget to create runspace"

        # Mock Import-PSSession
        mock Import-PSSession {
            return New-MockObject -Type PSModuleInfo

        # Mock Import-Module
        mock Import-Module {}

        # Mock Start-Sleep
        mock Start-Sleep {}

        it "waits and tries again" {
            # Mock the endpoint
            $endpoint = "Mock endpoint"

            # Call the function
            $numberOfAttempts = 4
            $output = Connect-ExchangeOnlineAdminAccount -Endpoint $endpoint -MaximumAttempts $numberOfAttempts

            # Verify the mocks
            Assert-MockCalled Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $Endpoint -eq "Mock endpoint"
            } -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled New-PSSession -Times $numberOfAttempts -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $ConfigurationName -eq "Microsoft.Exchange" -and
                $ConnectionUri -eq "" -and
                $Credential.Username -eq "username" -and
                $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -eq "password" -and
                $Name -eq "ExchangeOnline"
            } -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Import-PSSession -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Import-Module -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Start-Sleep -Times ($numberOfAttempts - 1) -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $Seconds -eq 60
            } -Scope it

            # Verify the output
            $output | Should Be $false

    context "when the remote shell has encountered an error" {
        # Mock Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint
        mock Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint {
            return [PSCredential]::new("username", ("password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

        # Mock New-PSSession
        mock New-PSSession {
            throw "failed because the shell was not found on the server."

        # Mock Import-PSSession
        mock Import-PSSession {
            return New-MockObject -Type PSModuleInfo

        # Mock Import-Module
        mock Import-Module {}

        # Mock Start-Sleep
        mock Start-Sleep {}

        it "waits and tries again" {
            # Mock the endpoint
            $endpoint = "Mock endpoint"

            # Call the function
            $numberOfAttempts = 4
            $output = Connect-ExchangeOnlineAdminAccount -Endpoint $endpoint -MaximumAttempts $numberOfAttempts

            # Verify the mocks
            Assert-MockCalled Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $Endpoint -eq "Mock endpoint"
            } -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled New-PSSession -Times $numberOfAttempts -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $ConfigurationName -eq "Microsoft.Exchange" -and
                $ConnectionUri -eq "" -and
                $Credential.Username -eq "username" -and
                $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -eq "password" -and
                $Name -eq "ExchangeOnline"
            } -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Import-PSSession -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Import-Module -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Start-Sleep -Times ($numberOfAttempts - 1) -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $Seconds -eq 10
            } -Scope it

            # Verify the output
            $output | Should Be $false

    context "when the remote server outputs any other error" {
        # Mock Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint
        mock Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint {
            return [PSCredential]::new("username", ("password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

        # Mock New-PSSession
        mock New-PSSession {
            Write-Error "Some unknown error message"
            return New-MockObject -Type System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession

        # Mock Import-PSSession
        mock Import-PSSession {
            return New-MockObject -Type PSModuleInfo

        # Mock Import-Module
        mock Import-Module {}

        it "fails to connect and outputs an error message" {
            # Mock the endpoint
            $endpoint = "Mock endpoint"

            # Call the function
            $output = Connect-ExchangeOnlineAdminAccount -Endpoint $endpoint -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
                -ErrorVariable errorVariable

            # Verify the mocks
            Assert-MockCalled Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $Endpoint -eq "Mock endpoint"
            } -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled New-PSSession -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter {
                $ConfigurationName -eq "Microsoft.Exchange" -and
                $ConnectionUri -eq "" -and
                $Credential.Username -eq "username" -and
                $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -eq "password" -and
                $Name -eq "ExchangeOnline"
            } -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Import-PSSession -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope it
            Assert-MockCalled Import-Module -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope it

            # Verify the output
            $errorVariable | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            $output | Should Be $false