
    This class manages a connection to Exchange Online.
    This class manages a connection to Exchange Online.
    It also performs mapping to several Exchange Online cmdlets and caching of the cmdlet outputs.

class ExchangeOnlineConnection {

    # Members #
    # This tracks if the connection is currently open.
    [Bool]$IsConnectionOpen = $false

    # This stores the username used to logon.
    [String]$Username = $null

    # This stores the cached list of users.
    [PSObject[]]$CachedUsers = $null

    # Methods #
    # This is the constructor for the connection, which begins as a closed connection.
    ExchangeOnlineConnection() {}

    # This is the constructor for the connection, using a username and password to logon.
    ExchangeOnlineConnection([String]$username, [SecureString]$password) {
        $this.Open($username, $password) | Out-Null

    # This is the constructor for the connection, using an MSPComplete Endpoint to logon.
    ExchangeOnlineConnection($endpoint) {
        $this.Open($endpoint) | Out-Null

    # This method opens the connection using a username and password.
    # It returns whether a connection has been opened.
    [Bool]Open([String]$username, [SecureString]$password) {
        Write-Information "Opening a connection to Exchange Online"
        if (!$this.IsConnectionOpen) {
            $this.Username = $username
            $this.IsConnectionOpen = Connect-ExchangeOnlineAdminAccount -Username $username -Password $password
            return $this.IsConnectionOpen
        else {
            Write-Warning "The connection to Exchange Online is already open."
            return $true

    # This method opens the connection using an MSPComplete Endpoint.
    # It returns whether a connection has been opened.
    [Bool]Open($endpoint) {
        Write-Information "Opening a connection to Exchange Online"
        if (!$this.IsConnectionOpen) {
            $this.Username = $endpoint.Credential.Username
            $this.IsConnectionOpen = Connect-ExchangeOnlineAdminAccount -Endpoint $endpoint
            return $this.IsConnectionOpen
        else {
            Write-Warning "The connection to Exchange Online is already open."
            return $true

    # This method closes the connection.
    # It returns whether the connection has been closed.
    [Bool]Close() {
        Write-Information "Closing the connection to Exchange Online"
        if ($this.IsConnectionOpen) {
            $this.IsConnectionOpen = $false
            return Disconnect-ExchangeOnline
        else {
            Write-Warning "The connection to Exchange Online has already been closed."
            return $true

    # This method retrieves the full list of users, and saves it to the cache.
    # If the testing environment switch is set, it retrieves the list of users in the test
    # environment instead.
    [PSObject[]]Get_User() {
        # Check if the testing environment switch is set
        if ((Get-BT_RunbookEnvironment).IsTestEnvironment) {
            $this.CachedUsers = Get-Office365TestEnvironmentAvailableUsers -Domain (Get-EmailAddressDomain $this.Username) -ExchangeOnline
        else {
            $this.CachedUsers = Get-User -ResultSize unlimited
        return $this.CachedUsers

    This function establishes a new connection with Exchange Online.
    This function establishes a new connection with Exchange Online.
    It returns an object which can be used to manage the connection.

function New-ExchangeOnlineConnection {
    param (
        # The username of the Exchange Online admin account.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="credential")]

        # The password of the Exchange Online admin account.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="credential")]

        # The MSPComplete Endpoint for the Exchange Online admin credentials.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="endpoint", ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    # Construct the class and return it
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "none") {
        return [ExchangeOnlineConnection]::new()
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "credential") {
        return [ExchangeOnlineConnection]::new($username, $password)
    else {
        return [ExchangeOnlineConnection]::new($endpoint)