
    This function converts an Exchange Online user to a MSPComplete user.
    This function converts an Exchange Online user to a MSPComplete user.
    The conversion is accomplished by mapping the Exchange Online user's properties and extended
    properties to their corresponding MSPComplete properties.

function Convert-ExchangeOnlineUserToMSPCompleteUser {
    param (
        # The Exchange Online User

    # Retrieve the mapping from MSPComplete user to Exchange Online user properties
    $propertyMap = Get-MSPCompleteUserToExchangeOnlineUserPropertyMap

    # Create MSPComplete user object
    $mspCompleteUser = [PSCustomObject]@{}

    # Add all properties to the MSPComplete user
    foreach ($property in $propertyMap.GetEnumerator()) {
        if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($exchangeOnlineUser.($property.Value))) {
            $mspCompleteUser | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $property.Key -NotePropertyValue $exchangeOnlineUser.($property.Value)

    # Retrieve the mapping from MSPComplete user to Exchange Online user extended properties
    $extendedPropertyMap = Get-MSPCompleteUserToExchangeOnlineUserExtendedPropertyMap

    # Add all extended properties to the MSPComplete user
    $mspCompleteUser | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "ExtendedProperties" -NotePropertyValue @{}
    foreach ($property in $extendedPropertyMap.GetEnumerator()) {
        if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($exchangeOnlineUser.($property.Value))) {
            $mspCompleteUser.ExtendedProperties.Add($property.Key, $exchangeOnlineUser.($property.Value))

    # Return the MSPComplete user
    return $mspCompleteUser