
describe "GSuite/Assert-GSuiteConnection" -Tag "module", "unit" {

    # Import the function under test
    . "$($PSScriptRoot)/Assert-GSuiteConnection.ps1"

    it "throws an exception when GSuiteAccessTokensHashTable does not exist" {
        # Call the function
        { Assert-GSuiteConnection -Scope "User" } | Should -Throw

    it "throws an exception when GSuiteAccessTokensHashTable does not contain the access token for the required scope" {
        # Declare the function inputs
        $Global:GSuiteAccessTokensHashTable = @{
            User = "UserAccessToken"

        # Call the function
        { Assert-GSuiteConnection -Scope "Group" } | Should -Throw

    it "verifies that the access token for the required scope is present" {
        # Declare the function inputs
        $Global:GSuiteAccessTokensHashTable = @{
            User = "UserAccessToken"

        # Call the function
        { Assert-GSuiteConnection -Scope "User" } | Should -Not -Throw

    # Set the GSuiteAccessTokensHashTable back to null
    $Global:GSuiteAccessTokensHashTable = $null