
    This function creates a GSuite user.

function New-GSuiteUser {
    param (
        # The first name for the user.

        # The last name for the user.

        # The primary email address for the user.

        # The password for the user.

    # Validate that the 'connection' has been established
    if (!$Global:GSuiteAccessTokensHashTable) {
        throw "You must call the Connect-GSuiteAdminAccount cmdlet before calling any other GSuite cmdlets."

    # Validate that the user access token exists in the hash table
    if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Global:GSuiteAccessTokensHashTable.User)) {
        throw "User access token is required to call New-GSuiteUser."

    # Prepare REST call parameters
    $invokeRestMethodParams = @{
        Uri     = ""
        Method  = "POST"
        Headers = @{
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            Accept         = "application/json"
            Authorization  = "Bearer $($Global:GSuiteAccessTokensHashTable.User)"
        Body    = @{
            name         = @{
                familyName = $lastName
                givenName  = $firstName
            password     = $password
            primaryEmail = $primaryEmailAddress
        } | ConvertTo-Json

    # Invoke the REST call
    return Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams