
    This function retrieves a team channel object when provided the channel display name and
    either the team display name or group ID.

function Get-TeamChannelObject {
    param (
        # The display name of the team.

        # The group ID of the team

        # The display name of the channel.

    # Retrieve the team
    $team = Get-TeamObject -DisplayName $teamDisplayName -GroupId $teamGroupId
    if (!$team) {

    # Retrieve the team channel
    $channel = Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $team.GroupId | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq $channelDisplayName }
    if (!$channel) {
        Write-Error "No channels match the display name '$($channelDisplayName)'."
    elseif ($channel.Length -gt 1) {
        Write-Error "More than one channel matches the display name '$($channelDisplayName)'."
    return $channel