
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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function Remove-BBServerRepository
    Remove a repository from Bitbucket Server.
    The `Remove-BBServerRepository` deletes a repository from Bitbucket Server. This is a dangerous operation as all related data is also deleted. You will have to confirm the deletion. To force the deletion without being confirmed, use the `Force` switch.
    Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object to pass to the `Connection` parameter.
    Remove-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA' -Name 'fubarsnafu'
    Demonstrates how to delete a repository. Because deleting a repository is a high-impact operation, you will asked to confirm the deletion.
    Remove-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA' -Name 'fubarsnafu' -Force
    Demonstrates how to delete a repository, skipping any confirmation dialogs. This can be dangerous since deletions can't be undone. Use the `Force` switch with care.
    Get-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA' -Name 'snafu' | Remove-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn
    Demonstrates that you can pipe objects returned by `Get-BBServerRepository` to `Remove-BBServerRepository`. When you pipe repository objects, you don't have to provide the project key
    'fubarsnafu' | Remove-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA'
    Demonstrates that you can pipe repository names to `Remove-BBServerRepository`. When you do, you *must* also provide the project key.

        # The connection information that describe what Bitbucket Server instance to connect to, what credentials to use, etc. Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository will be created. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository to get.

        # Don't prompt the user to confirm the deletion of the repository. This is a dangerous switch to use, since repository deletions can't be undone.

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
        if( $Name.pstypenames -contains 'Atlassian.Bitbucket.Server.RepositoryInfo' )
            $repoInfo = $Name
            $Name = $
            if( -not $Name )
                Write-Error -Message ('Repository name not found. Looks like you piped in an invalid repository object because either we can''t find the `name` property or it doesn''t have a value.')

            $ProjectKey = $repoInfo.project.key
            if( -not $ProjectKey )
                Write-Error -Message ('Project key not found. Looks like you piped in an invalid repository object becuse either the `project.key` properties don''t exist or they don''t have values.')

        if( -not $ProjectKey )
            Write-Error -Message ('ProjectKey parameter missing. When passing the name of a repository with the Name parameter you must also pass the repository''s project key with the ProjectKey parameter.')

        $whatIfMessage = 'removing repository ''{0}/{1}'' from {2}' -f $ProjectKey,$Name,$Connection.Uri
        $confirmMessage = 'Do you want to remove repository ''{0}/{1}'' from {2}?{3}{3}This operation is PERMANENT and can''t be undone!' -f $ProjectKey,$Name,$Connection.Uri,[Environment]::NewLine
        if( $Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($whatIfMessage,$confirmMessage,'Confirm Permanently Deleting Repository') )
            $result = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Delete -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}' -f $projectKey,$Name)
            if( $result )
                $result | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose