
# Copyright 2016 - 2024 WebMD Health Services
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Functions should use $moduleRoot as the relative root from which to find
# things. A published module has its function appended to this file, while a
# module in development has its functions in the Functions directory.
$moduleRoot = $PSScriptRoot

# Store each of your module's functions in its own file in the Functions
# directory. On the build server, your module's functions will be appended to
# this file, so only dot-source files that exist on the file system. This allows
# developers to work on a module without having to build it first. Grab all the
# functions that are in their own files.
$functionsPath = Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'Functions\*.ps1'
if( (Test-Path -Path $functionsPath) )
    foreach( $functionPath in (Get-Item $functionsPath) )
        . $functionPath.FullName

function Add-PSTypeName




        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        $typeName = 'Atlassian.Bitbucket.Server.{0}' -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $InputObject.pstypenames.Add( $typeName )

        if( $ProjectInfo )
            if( -not ($InputObject | Get-Member -Name 'description') )
                $InputObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'description' -Value ''


function Disable-BBServerHook
    Disables a hook in a repository.
    The `Disable-BBServerHook` function sets the value of the `Enabled` property to `false` for a designated hook in a Bitbucket Server repository.
    If you pass a hook key that does not exist in the target repository, an error will be thrown.
    Disable-BBServerHook -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -HookKey 'com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.example-hook-key'
    Demonstrates how to disable a hook with key `com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.example-hook-key` in the `TestRepo` repository.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

        # The name of the repository hook to disable.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/settings/hooks/{2}/enabled' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName, $HookKey)

    Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'DELETE' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath

function Enable-BBServerHook
    Enables a hook in a repository.
    The `Enable-BBServerHook` function sets the value of the `Enabled` property to `true` for a designated hook in a Bitbucket Server repository.
    If you pass a hook key that does not exist in the target repository, an error will be thrown.
    Enable-BBServerHook -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -HookKey 'com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.example-hook-key'
    Demonstrates how to enable a hook with key `com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.example-hook-key` in the `TestRepo` repository.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

        # The name of the repository hook to enable.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/settings/hooks/{2}/enabled' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName, $HookKey)

    Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'PUT' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath

function Find-BBServerRepository

        # Name of a Repository you wish to find. supports Wildcards.
    Get-BBServerProject -Connection $Connection |
        ForEach-Object {
            return Get-BBServerRepository -Connection $Connection -ProjectKey $_.key |
                where-Object { $ -like $Name }

function Get-BBServerBranch
    Gets a list of branches from a repository.
    The `Get-BBServerBranch` function returns a list of all branches in a Bitbucket Server repository.
    If you pass a branch name, the function will only return the information for the named branch and will return nothing if no branches are found that match the search criteria. Wildcards are allowed to search for files.
    Get-BBServerBranch -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo'
    Demonstrates how to get the properties of all branches in the `TestRepo` repository.
    Get-BBServerBranch -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -BranchName 'master'
    Demonstrates how to get the properties for the master branch in the `TestRepo` repository.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

        # The name of the branch to search for.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/branches' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName)

    $getBranches = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'GET' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath -IsPaged

    if( $BranchName )
        return $getBranches | Where-Object { $_.displayId -like $BranchName }

    return $getBranches

function Get-BBServerChange
    Gets a list of Changes from two commits in a repository.
    The `Get-BBServerChange` function returns a list of Changes from two commits in a repository.
    Get-BBServerChange -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -From "TestBranch" -To "master"
    Demonstrates how to get the properties of all changes between testBranch and master branches in the `TestRepo` repository.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

        # name of the source commit or Ref.

        # name of the target commit or Ref.


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $lastPage = $false
    $nextPageStart = 0
    $changes = $null

    while ( -not $lastPage )
        $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/compare/changes?from={2}&to={3}' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName, [Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($From), [Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($To))
        $changes = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Get -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath ('{0}&limit={1}&start={2}' -f $resourcePath, [int16]::MaxValue, $nextPageStart)
        if( $changes)
            $lastPage = $changes.isLastPage
            $nextPageStart = $changes.nextPageStart
            return $changes.values

function Get-BBServerCommitBuildStatus
    Gets the build status of a commit.
    The `Get-BBServerCommitBuildStatus` function gets the build status for a specific commit. The commit ID is the full sha1 identifer Git uses to uniquely identify a commit, e.g. `e00cf62997a027bbf785614a93e2e55bb331d268`. There may be more than one status if a commit was built multiple times.
    The returned object(s) will have the following properties:
    * `state`: Indicates whether the build passed, failed, or is in progress. Its value will be one of `SUCCESSFUL`, `INPROGRESS` or `FAILED`
    * `key`: A unique value that identifies the build. Usually only means something to the original build system.
    * `name`: The name of the build.
    * `url`: The URI to the build.
    * `description`: A description of the build.
    * `dateAdded`: The date/time the status was added to Bitbucker Server.
    Get-BBServerCommitBuildStatus -Connection $conn -CommitID 'e00cf62997a027bbf785614a93e2e55bb331d268'
    Demonstrates how to get the build status for a commit.

        # The connection to the Bitbucket Server. Use `New-BBServerConnection` to create one.

        # The ID of the commit. This is the full sha1 identifer Git uses to uniquely identify a commit, e.g. `e00cf62997a027bbf785614a93e2e55bb331d268`.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $epochStart = Get-Date -Year 1970 -Month 1 -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0

    Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Get -ApiName 'build-status' -ResourcePath ('commits/{0}' -f $CommitID) |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'values' |
        Add-PSTypeName -CommitBuildStatusInfo |
        ForEach-Object { $_.dateAdded = $epochStart.AddSeconds(([double]$_.dateAdded) / 1000) ; $_ }


function Get-BBServerDefaultReviewer
    Gets the default reviewer conditions for a project or repository.
    The `Get-BBServerDefaultReviewer` function gets the default reviewer conditions that have been configured at either the project or repository level. When getting the default reviewer conditions for a repository, any default reviewer conditions inherited from the parent project will also be returned.
    Get-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'GBBSDR'
    Demonstrates getting all the default reviewer conditions that have been configured for the "GBBSDR" project.
    Get-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'GBBSDR' -RepositoryName 'Scripts'
    Demonstrates getting all the default reviewer conditions that have been configured for the "Scripts" repository, including any inherited conditions from its parent "GBBSDR" project.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting. Use `New-BBServerConnection` to create connection objects.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a repository in the project.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = 'projects/{0}/conditions' -f $ProjectKey
    if ($RepositoryName)
        $resourcePath = 'projects/{0}/repos/{1}/conditions' -f $ProjectKey, $RepositoryName

    Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Get -ApiName 'default-reviewers' -ResourcePath $resourcePath

function Get-BBServerFile
    Gets a list of files from a repository.
    The `Get-BBServerFile` function returns a list of all files in a Bitbucket Server repository.
    To get only files under part of a repository, pass its path to the `Path` parameter. The path should be relative to the root of the repository.
    To search for files, use the `Filter` parameter. Pass it the path to a specific file, or a wildcard pattern that matches multiple files. `Get-BBServerFile` uses PowerShell's `-like` operator to do the comparison.
    Note that when using the `Path` parameter, the Bitbucket Server API treats that path as if it were the root of the repository. Paths returns will not have `Path` at the beginning of the path. Filters that include `Path` will not match anything.
    Get-BBServerFile -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo'
    Demonstrates how to get a list of all the files `TestRepo` repository.
    Get-BBServerFile -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -Filter 'publish.ps1'
    Demonstrates how to get a specific file. In this case, only a file named `publish.ps1` in the root of the repository, is returned.
    Get-BBServerFile -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -Filter 'BitbucketServerAutomation/BitbucketServerAutomation.psd1'
    Demonstrates how to get a specific file. In this case, only a file `BitbucketServerAutomation/BitbucketServerAutomation.psd1` will be returned, if it exists.
    Get-BBServerFile -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -Filter '*.txt'
    Demonstrates how to get all files that match a wildcard. In this case, all files whose paths end in `.txt` will be returned. Uses PowerShell's `-like` operator.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

        # The path where the search should start. By default the root of the repository is used so the whole repository is searched. Use this parameter to only search part of the repository.

        # Only returns files whose paths match this filter. Wildcards are supported.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/files/{2}' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName, $Path)
    Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'GET' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath -IsPaged |
        Where-Object {
            if( $Filter )
                return $_ -like $Filter
            return $true

function Get-BBServerFileContent
    Gets the raw content of a file in a repository.
    The `Get-BBServerFileContent` function gets the raw content of a file from a repository. Pass the connection to the
    Bitbucket Server to the `Connection` object. Pass the project key of the repository to the `ProjectKey` parameter.
    Pass the repository name to the `RepoName` parameter. Pass the path to the file in the repository to the `Path`
    parameter. The raw content of the file is returned.
    To retrieve the value of the file at a specific commit, pass the commitish identifier (a tag, hash, branch name,
    etc.) to the `Commitish` parameter.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.
        [Object] $Connection,

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.
        [String] $ProjectKey,

        # The name of a specific repository.
        [String] $RepoName,

        # The path of the file in the repository. Use forward-slashes for directory separators.
        [String] $Path,

        # The commit at which to get the file's contents.
        [String] $Commitish

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $Path = "projects/$($ProjectKey)/repos/$($RepoName)/raw/$($Path)"

    $parameter = @{}
    if( $Commitish )
        $parameter['at'] = $Commitish

    Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection `
                              -Method Get `
                              -ApiName 'api' `
                              -ResourcePath $Path `
                              -Parameter $parameter `

function Get-BBServerHook
    Gets a list of hooks from a repository.
    The `Get-BBServerHook` function returns a list of all hooks in a Bitbucket Server repository.
    If you pass a hook key, the function will only return the information for the named hook and will return nothing if no hooks are found that match the search criteria. Wildcards are allowed for hook keys.
    Get-BBServerHook -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo'
    Demonstrates how to get the properties of all hooks in the `TestRepo` repository.
    Get-BBServerHook -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -HookKey 'com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.example-hook-key'
    Demonstrates how to get the properties of the 'com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.example-hook-key' hook in the `TestRepo` repository.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

        # The name of the hook to search for.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/settings/hooks' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName)

    $getHooks = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'GET' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath -IsPaged

    if( $HookKey )
        return $getHooks | Where-Object { $_.details.key -like $HookKey }
        return $getHooks

function Get-BBServerProject
    Gets projects.
    The `Get-BBServerProject` function gets all projects in a Bitbucket Server instance. If you pass it a name, it will get just that project. Wildcards are allowed to search for projects. Wildcard matching is *not* supported by the Bitbucket Server API, so all projects must be retrieved and searched.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The name of the project to get. Wildcards allowed. The wildcard search is done on the *client* (i.e. this computer) not the server. All projects are fetched from Bitbucket Server first. This may impact performance.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = 'projects'
    if( $Name )
        $resourcePath = '{0}?name={1}' -f $resourcePath,$Name
        $resourcePath = '{0}?limit={1}' -f $resourcePath,[int16]::MaxValue

    Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Get -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath  |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'values' |
        Add-PSTypeName -ProjectInfo

function Get-BBServerPullRequest
    Gets pull requests
    The `Get-BBServerPullRequest` function gets all pull requests in a Bitbucket Server instance. If you pass it an id, it will get just the pull request with that id.
    Get-BBServerPullRequest -Connection $bbConnection -ProjectKey $projectKey -RepoName $repoName -id $ID

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The id of the pull request to get, if this is not included the default will be to get all current pull requests
        $ID = "",

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository will be created. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $ResourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/pull-requests/{2}' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName, $ID)

    return Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Get -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $ResourcePath

function Get-BBServerPullRequestSetting
    Gets a list of pull request settings from a repository.
    The `Get-BBServerPullRequestSetting` function returns a list of all pull request settings in a Bitbucket Server repository.
    If you pass a setting name, the function will only return the information for the named setting. It will return an error if no setting exists that match the search criteria.
    Get-BBServerPullRequestSetting -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo'
    Demonstrates how to get all pull request settings in the `TestRepo` repository.
    Get-BBServerPullRequestSetting -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -SettingName 'RequiredApprovers'
    Demonstrates how to get `RequiredApprovers` setting in the `TestRepo` repository.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

        # The name of the pull request setting to retrieve. When omitted, all settings are returned.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/settings/pull-requests' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName)
    $pullRequestSettings = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'GET' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath

    if( $SettingName )
            return $pullRequestSettings.('{0}' -f $SettingName)
            Write-Error ('''{0}'' is not a valid Pull Request configuration setting. Please enter a valid setting or omit the $SettingName parameter to return all settings.' -f $SettingName)
        return $pullRequestSettings

function Get-BBServerRepository
    Gets Bitbucket Server repositories.
    The `Get-BBServerRepository` function gets Bitbucket Server repositories. Only the repositories under a specific project are returned. Pass the project's key/ID whose repositories to get with the `ProjectKey` parameter.
    Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object that is passed to the `Connection` parameter.
    The returned objects have the following properties:
     * `slug`: The repository's public key/ID. Use this value when a Bitbucket Server Automation function has a `RepositorySlug` parameter.
     * `id`: Bitbucket Server's internal, numeric ID for the repository.
     * `name`
     * `scmId`: the repository's source code management system. Bitbucket Server only supports Git.
     * `state`
     * `statusMessage`
     * `forkable`: a flag that indicates if the repository supports forking
     * `project`: a project object for the repository's project
     * `public`: a flag indicating if the repository is public or not
     * `links`: an object with two properties: `clone` an array of URLs you can use to clone; and `self` an HTTP URL for viewing the repository in a web browser
    Get-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA'
    Demonstrates how to get all the repositories under the `BBSA` project.

        # The connection information that describe what Bitbucket Server instance to connect to, what credentials to use, etc. Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository will be created. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository to get.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = 'projects/{0}/repos' -f $ProjectKey

    $result = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Get -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath -IsPaged -ErrorVariable 'errors'

    if( $Name )
        $result | Where-Object { return $_.Name -like $Name } | Add-PSTypeName -RepositoryInfo

        $result | Add-PSTypeName -RepositoryInfo

function Get-BBServerTag
    Gets tags from a repository in Bitbucket Server.
    The `Get-BBServerTag` function returns the git tags associated with a particular repository in Bitbucket Server. It will one or more of the most recent git tags in a repo, up to a max of 25, after which it will truncate the least recent tags in favor of the most recent tags. If the repo has zero tags an error will be thrown.
    The tags are obtained through a rest call, and the return from that call is a collection of JSON objects with the related Tag information. This is returned from `Get-BBServerTag` in the form of a list of PowerShell Objects.
    Get-BBServerTag -Connection $conn -ProjectKey $key -RepositoryKey $repoName
    Demonstrates how to obtain the git tags associated with a particular repository

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key of the repository's project.

        # The key of the repository.


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Get -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/tags' -f $ProjectKey, $RepositoryKey) -IsPaged

function Get-BBServerUser
    Gets a Bitbucket Server user.
    The `Get-BBServerUser` function gets users that exist in Bitbucket Server. By default all users are returned.
    To get specific users, pass a string representing a username, display name, or email address to the `Filter` parameter.
    Get-BBServerUser -Connection $BBConnection
    Demonstrates how to get all Bitbucket Server users.
    Get-BBServerUser -Connection $BBConnection -Filter ''
    Demonstrates how to get all Bitbucket Server users whose email address contains "".

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # Filter to use to find a specific user. This is passed to Bitbucket Server as-is. It searches a user's username, display name, and email address for the filter. If any field matches, that user is returned.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $requestQueryParameter = @{}
    if ($Filter)
        $requestQueryParameter['Parameter'] = @{ 'filter' = $Filter }

    Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Get -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath 'admin/users' -IsPaged @requestQueryParameter

function Get-DefaultReviewerBranchMatcher
        # The name of the parameter that contains the branch matching type. Used for writing warning and errors messages.

        # The name of the parameter that contains the branch matching value. Used for writing warning and errors messages.

        [ValidateSet('Any', 'Name', 'Pattern', 'Model')]
        # The type of matching for the branch.

        # Specifies the value or pattern to match a branch.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $branchingModelCategories = @('Feature', 'Bugfix', 'Hotfix', 'Release')
    $branchingModelBranches = @('Development', 'Production')
    $specificBranchTypes = @('Name', 'Pattern', 'Model')

    if ($Type -in $specificBranchTypes -and -not $Value)
        Write-Error -Message ('"{0}" cannot be empty if "{1}" is one of "{2}"' -f $ValueParameterName, $TypeParameterName, ($specificBranchTypes -join ', ')) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference

    if ($Type -eq 'Any')
        if ($Value)
            Write-Warning -Message ('"{0}" is "Any", ignoring "{1}" parameter.' -f $TypeParameterName, $ValueParameterName)

        $matcherId = $matcherDisplayId = 'ANY_REF_MATCHER_ID'
        $matcherTypeId = 'ANY_REF'
        $matcherTypeName = 'Any branch'
    elseif ($Type -eq 'Name')
        $matcherId = $matcherDisplayId = $Value
        $matcherTypeId = 'BRANCH'
        $matcherTypeName = 'Branch'
    elseif ($Type -eq 'Pattern')
        $matcherId = $matcherDisplayId = $Value
        $matcherTypeId = 'PATTERN'
        $matcherTypeName = 'Pattern'
    elseif ($Type -eq 'Model')
        if ($Value -notin $branchingModelCategories -and $Value -notin $branchingModelBranches)
            Write-Error -Message ('When "{0}" is "Model", parameter "{1}" must be one of "{2}, {3}"' -f $TypeParameterName, $ValueParameterName, ($branchingModelCategories -join ', '), ($branchingModelBranches -join ', ')) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference
        elseif ($Value -in $branchingModelCategories)
            $matcherId = $Value.ToUpperInvariant()
            $matcherDisplayId = $Value
            $matcherTypeId = 'MODEL_CATEGORY'
            $matcherTypeName = 'Branching model category'
        elseif ($Value -in $branchingModelBranches)
            $matcherId = $Value.ToLowerInvariant()
            $matcherDisplayId = $Value
            $matcherTypeId = 'MODEL_BRANCH'
            $matcherTypeName = 'Branching model branch'

        active = 'true'
        id = $matcherId
        displayId = $matcherDisplayId
        type = @{
            id = $matcherTypeId
            name = $matcherTypeName

function Invoke-BBServerRestMethod
    Calls a method in the Bitbucket Server REST API.
    The `Invoke-BBServerRestMethod` function calls a method on the Bitbucket Server REST API. You pass it a Connection
    object (returned from `New-BBServerConnection`), the HTTP method to use, the name of API (via the `ApiName`
    parametr), the name/path of the resource via the `ResourcePath` parameter, and a hashtable/object/psobject via the
    `InputObject` parameter representing the data to send in the body of the request. The data is converted to JSON and
    sent in the body of the request.
    A Bitbucket Server URI has the form ``. `API_VERSION` is
    taken from the connection object passed to the `Connection` parameter. The `API_NAME` path should be passed to the
    `ApiName` paramter. The `RESOURCE_PATH` path should be passed to the `ResourcePath` parameter. The base URI is taken
    from the `Uri` property of the connection object passed to the `Connection` parameter. If you want the raw text
    content from the API back instead of an object, use the `-Raw` switch.
    $body | Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Post -ApiName 'build-status' -ResourcePath ('commits/{0}' -f $commitID)
    Demonstrates how to call the /build-status API's `/commits/COMMIT_ID` resource. Body is a hashtable that looks like
        $body = @{
                    state = 'INPROGRESS';
                    key = 'MY_BUILD_KEY';
                    name = 'MY_BUILD_NAME';
                    url = 'MY_BUILD_URL';
                    description = 'MY_BUILD_DESCRIPTION';

        # The connection to use to invoke the REST method.
        [object] $Connection,


        # The name of the API being invoked, e.g. `projects`, `build-status`, etc. If the endpoint URI is
        # ``, the API name is between the `rest` and API version, which
        # in this example is `build-status`.
        [string] $ApiName,

        # The path to the resource to use. If the endpoint URI ``, the
        # ResourcePath is everything after the API version. In this case, the resource path is `commits`.
        [string] $ResourcePath,

        [String] $Path,

        [object] $InputObject,

        # Hashtable representing the request query parameters to include when calling the API resource.
        [hashtable] $Parameter,

        [switch] $IsPaged,

        [String] $ContentType = 'application/json',

        # Return the raw response content, not a JSON object.
        [switch] $Raw

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SimpleUri' )
        $Path = 'rest/{0}/{1}/{2}' -f $ApiName.Trim('/'),$Connection.ApiVersion.Trim('/'),$ResourcePath.Trim('/')

    if ($Parameter)
        $requestQueryParameter = ''
        foreach ($key in $Parameter.Keys)
            $requestQueryParameter += '&{0}={1}' -f [uri]::EscapeDataString($key), [uri]::EscapeDataString($Parameter[$key])

        $requestQueryParameter = $requestQueryParameter.TrimStart('&')
        $Path = '{0}?{1}' -f $Path, $requestQueryParameter

    $uri = New-Object 'Uri' -ArgumentList $Connection.Uri,$Path

    $bodyParam = @{ }
    if( $InputObject )
        $bodyParam['Body'] = $InputObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

    #$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
    Write-Debug -Message ('{0} {1}' -f $Method.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), $uri)
    if( $bodyParam['Body'] )
        Write-Debug -Message $bodyParam['Body']

    $credential = $Connection.Credential
    $credential = '{0}:{1}' -f $credential.UserName,$credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

    $authHeaderValue = 'Basic {0}' -f [Convert]::ToBase64String( [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($credential) )
    $headers = @{
        'Authorization' = $authHeaderValue
        'X-Atlassian-Token' = 'no-check'

        if( $IsPaged )
            $nextPageStart = 0
            $isLastPage = $false

            while( $isLastPage -eq $false )
                if ($Path -match '\?')
                    $queryStringSeparator = '&'
                    $queryStringSeparator = '?'

                $uriPagedPath = ('{0}{1}limit={2}&start={3}' -f $Path, $queryStringSeparator, [int16]::MaxValue, $nextPageStart)
                $uri = New-Object 'Uri' -ArgumentList $Connection.Uri,$uriPagedPath

                $getStream = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' @bodyParam -ErrorVariable 'errors'
                if( $getStream.isLastPage -eq $false )
                    $nextPageStart = $getStream.nextPageStart
                    $isLastPage = $true

                $getStream | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'values'

            $cmdName = 'Invoke-RestMethod'
            if ($Raw)
                $cmdName = 'Invoke-WebRequest'

            $invokeArgs = @{}
            if ((Get-Command -Name $cmdName -ParameterName 'UseBasicParsing' -ErrorAction Ignore))
                $invokeArgs['UseBasicParsing'] = $true

            if ($Method -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod]::Get -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($uri,$method))
                $response = & $cmdName -Method $Method `
                                       -Uri $uri `
                                       -Headers $headers `
                                       -ContentType $ContentType `
                                       @bodyParam `
                                       @invokeArgs `
                                       -ErrorVariable 'errors'
                if ($Raw)
                    $response.Content | Write-Output
                    $response | Write-Output

        $responseContent = $null
        $exceptionType = $_.Exception.GetType().FullName

        if ($exceptionType -eq 'System.Net.WebException')
            $response = $_.Exception.Response
            if( $response )
                $reader = New-Object 'IO.StreamReader' $response.GetResponseStream()
                $responseContent = $reader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
        elseif (($exceptionType -eq 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException') -and $_.ErrorDetails)
                $responseContent = $_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json
                $responseContent = $_.ErrorDetails

        for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $errors.Count; ++$idx )
            if( $Global:Error.Count -gt 0 )

        if( -not $responseContent )
            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference

        foreach( $item in $responseContent.errors )
            $message = $item.message
            if( $item.context )
                $message ='{0} [context: {1}]' -f $message,$item.context
            if( $item.exceptionName )
                $message = '{0}: {1}' -f $item.exceptionName,$message

            Write-Error -Message $message -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference

function Merge-BBServerPullRequest
        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.
        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository will be created. This is *not* the project name.
        # The name of a specific repository.
        # this is the ID of the pull request you wish to merge, use the Get-BBServerPullRequest to find the ID
        # this is to specify the current version of the pull request you wish to merge. you can get the version of the pull request from Get-BBServerPullRequest
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $Body = @{
        version = $Version;
    $ResourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/pull-requests/{2}/merge' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName, $ID )

    return $Body | Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'POST' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $ResourcePath

function Move-BBServerRepository
    Move a repository in Bitbucket Server from one project to another.
    The `Move-BBServerRepository` moves a repository in Bitbucket Server.
    Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object to pass to the `Connection` parameter.
    Move-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA' -RepoName 'fubarsnafu' -TargetProjectKey 'BBSA_NEW'
    Demonstrates how to move the repository 'fubarsnafu' from the 'BBSA' project to the 'BBSA_NEW'

        # The connection information that describe what Bitbucket Server instance to connect to, what credentials to use, etc. Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository currently resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository to move to the new project.

        # The key/ID that identifies the target project where the repository will be moved. This is *not* the project name.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName)

    $getProjects = Get-BBServerProject -Connection $Connection

    $currentProject = $getProjects | Where-Object { $_.key -eq $ProjectKey }
    if( !$currentProject )
        Write-Error -Message ('A project with key/ID ''{0}'' does not exist. Specified repository cannot be moved.' -f $ProjectKey)

    $targetProject = $getProjects | Where-Object { $_.key -eq $TargetProjectKey }
    if( !$targetProject )
        Write-Error -Message ('A project with key/ID ''{0}'' does not exist. Specified repository cannot be moved.' -f $TargetProjectKey)

    $currentRepo = Get-BBServerRepository -Connection $Connection -ProjectKey $ProjectKey | Where-Object { $ -eq $RepoName }
    if( !$currentRepo )
        Write-Error -Message ('A repository with name ''{0}'' does not exist in the project ''{1}''. Specified respository cannot be moved.' -f $RepoName, $ProjectKey)

    $repoProjectConfig = @{ project = @{ key = $TargetProjectKey } }
    $setRepoProject = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'PUT' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath -InputObject $repoProjectConfig

    return $setRepoProject

function New-BBServerBranch
    Creates a new branch in a repository.
    The `New-BBServerBranch` function creates a new branch in a repository if it does not already exist. If the specified branch already exists, the function will do nothing.
    New-BBServerBranch -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -BranchName 'develop' -StartPoint 'master'
    Demonstrates how to create a branch named 'develop' in in the `TestRepo` repository. The new branch will start in the current state of the existing 'master' branch

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

        # The name of the branch to create.

        # The existing branch name or hash id of the commit/changeset to use as the HEAD of the new branch.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/branches' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName)

    $checkBranchExists = Get-BBServerBranch -Connection $Connection -ProjectKey $ProjectKey -RepoName $RepoName -BranchName $BranchName
    if( $checkBranchExists )
        Write-Error -Message ('A branch with the name ''{0}'' already exists in the ''{1}'' repository. No new branch will be created.' -f $BranchName, $RepoName)

    $newBranchConfig = @{ name = $BranchName ; startPoint = $StartPoint }
    $newBranch = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'POST' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath -InputObject $newBranchConfig

    return $newBranch

function New-BBServerConnection
    Creates an object that represents a connection to an instance of Bitbucket Server.
    The `New-BBServerConnection` function creates a connection object that is used by most Bitbucket Server Automation functions to connect to Bitbucket Server. You pass it credentials and the URI to the Bitbucket Server you want to connect to. It returns an object that is then passed to additional functions that require it.
    $conn = New-BBServerConnection -Credential (Get-Credential) -Uri ''
    Demonstrates how to create a connection.

        # The credential to use when connecting to Bitbucket Server. The credential is passed in plaintext, so make sure your Bitbucket Server connection is over HTTPS.

        # The URI to the Bitbucket Server to connect to. The path to the API to use is appended to this URI. Typically, you'll just pass the protocol and hostname, e.g. ``.

        # The version of the API to use. The default is `1.0`.
        $ApiVersion = '1.0'

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

                        'Credential' = $Credential;
                        'Uri' = $Uri;
                        'ApiVersion' = '1.0';

function New-BBServerDefaultReviewer
    Creates a new default reviewer pull request condition for a project or repository.
    The `New-BBServerDefaultReviewer` function creates a default reviewer pull request condition for a given project or repository. A new default reviewer condition is always created, even if an existing one with identical parameters exists.
    Pass Bitbucket Server user objects to the `User` parameter (use `Get-BBServerUser` to get user objects). Pass the number of required approvals to the `ApprovalCount` parameter (must be less than or equal to number of `User`).
    By default, the default reviewer condition will be created at the project level with a Source and Target branch of "Any". To create a default reviewer condition for a repository, pass the name of a repository to the `RepositoryName` parameter.
    When `SourceBranchType`/`TargetBranchType` is `Model`, the `SourceBranchValue`/`TargetBranchValue` parameter argument **must** be one of: `Feature`, `Bugfix`, `Hotfix`, `Release`, `Development`, `Production`
    New-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'NBBSDR' -User (Get-BBServerUser -Connection $conn -Filter '') -ApprovalCount 1
    Demonstrates creating a new default reviewer pull request condition for user with email "" and required approval count of `1`. The source and target matching branches will be default of `Any`.
    New-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'NBBSDR' -User $requiredReviewers -ApprovalCount 3 -TargetBranchType 'Name' -TargetBranchValue 'master'
    Demonstrates creating a new default reviewer condition for a collection of users and required approval count of `3` for any pull request that targets the `master` branch.
    New-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'NBBSDR' -User $requiredReviewers -ApprovalCount 0 -SourceBranchType 'Pattern' -SourceBranchValue 'feature/*' -TargetBranchType 'Model' -TargetBranchValue 'Development'
    Demonstrates creating a new default reviewer condition for a collection of users and require no approvals for any pull request that comes from a `feature/*` branch and targets the `Development` model branch configured for a repository.
    New-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'NBBSDR' -User $requiredReviewers -ApprovalCount 3 -RepositoryName 'Web Service Application' -TargetBranchType 'Name' -TargetBranchValue 'master'
    Demonstrates creating a new default reviewer condition for a collection of users and required approval count of `3` for any pull request that targets the `master` branch in the repository named "Web Service Application".

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting. Use `New-BBServerConnection` to create connection objects.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project. This is *not* the project name.

        # Collection of objects representing the users to add to the default reviewer condition. Use `Get-BBServerUser` to get Bitbucket Server user objects.

        # The number of default reviewers that must approve a pull request.

        [ValidateSet('Any', 'Name', 'Pattern', 'Model')]
        # The type of matching for the source branch.
        $SourceBranchType = 'Any',

        # Specifies the value or pattern to match a source branch, if `-SourceBranchType` is not "Any".

        [ValidateSet('Any', 'Name', 'Pattern', 'Model')]
        # The type of matching for the target branch.
        $TargetBranchType = 'Any',

        # Specifies the value or pattern to match a target branch, if `-TargetBranchType` is not "Any".

        # The name of a repository in the project.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $sourceMatcherConfig = Get-DefaultReviewerBranchMatcher -TypeParameterName 'SourceBranchType' -ValueParameterName 'SourceBranchValue' -Type $SourceBranchType -Value $SourceBranchValue
    if (-not $sourceMatcherConfig)

    $targetMatcherConfig = Get-DefaultReviewerBranchMatcher -TypeParameterName 'TargetBranchType' -ValueParameterName 'TargetBranchValue' -Type $TargetBranchType -Value $TargetBranchValue
    if (-not $targetMatcherConfig)

    $userCount = $User | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Count'
    if ($ApprovalCount -gt $userCount)
        Write-Error -Message ('"ApprovalCount" ({0}) must be less than or equal to the number of users passed to the "User" parameter ({1}).' -f $ApprovalCount, $userCount) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference

    $idx = -1
    $userProperties = @('name', 'emailAddress', 'id', 'displayName', 'active', 'slug', 'type')
    foreach ($userObj in $User)
        foreach ($property in $userProperties)
            if (-not ($userObj | Get-Member -Name $property))
                Write-Error -Message ('User[{0}] doesn''t have a "{1}" property. Make sure you''re using the "Get-BBServerUser" function to get users.' -f $idx, $property) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference

    $requestBody = @{
        reviewers = @($User | Select-Object -Property $userProperties)
        sourceMatcher = $sourceMatcherConfig
        targetMatcher = $targetMatcherConfig
        requiredApprovals = $ApprovalCount

    $resourcePath = 'projects/{0}' -f $ProjectKey
    if ($RepositoryName)
        $resourcePath = '{0}/repos/{1}' -f $resourcePath,$RepositoryName
    $resourcePath = '{0}/condition' -f $resourcePath

    $requestBody | Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Post -ApiName 'default-reviewers' -ResourcePath $resourcePath

function New-BBServerProject
    Creates a new project.
    The `New-BBServerProject` function creates a new Bitbucket Server projects. All repositories in Bitbucket Server must be part of a project. Projects are used to group like repositories together.
    Typically, source control repositories should be organized around your code and software, not your teams and organizations. Teams and organizations change more frequently than the technology and purpose of software, so organizing by your code leads to a more stable structure.
    New-BBServerProject -Connection $conn -Key 'FBR' -Name 'Fubar Snafu'
    Demonstrates how to create a Bitbucket Server project. In this case a new project with key `FBR` and name `Fubar Snafu` will be created in the Bitbucket Server instance represented in the `$conn` object.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting. Use `New-BBServerConnection` to create connection objects.

        # A unique identifier for the project. Keys must begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, or underscore (e.g. `_`). It must be less than 128 characters.

        # The name of the project.

        # A description of the project.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $request = @{
                    key = $Key;
                    name = $Name;
                    description = $Description;
    $project = $request | Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Post -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath 'projects' | Add-PSTypeName -ProjectInfo
    if( -not $project )

    return $project

function New-BBServerPullRequest
        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.
        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository will be created. This is *not* the project name.
        # The name of a specific repository.
        # The name of the branch that you wish to merge from
        # The name of destination branch
        # The title of the pull request you wish to create, this cannot be blank.
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
    $Body = @{
        title = $Title;
        state = 'OPEN';
        open = $true;
        closed = $false;
        fromRef = @{
            id = $From;
            repository = @{
                slug = $RepoName;
                name = $null;
                project = @{
                    key = $ProjectKey
        toRef = @{
            id = $To;
            repository = @{
                slug = $RepoName;
                name = $null;
                project = @{
                    key = $ProjectKey
        locked = $false;
        reviewers = $null;
        links = @{
            self = @();
    $ResourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/pull-requests' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName)

    return $Body | Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'POST' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $ResourcePath

function New-BBServerRepository
    Creates a new repository in Bitbucket Server.
    The `New-BBServerRepository` function creates a new Git repository in Bitbucket Server. It requires an project to exist where the repository should exist (all repositories in Bitbucket Server are part of a project).
    By default, the repository is setup to allow forking and be private. To disable forking, use the `NotForkable` switch. To make the repository public, use the `Public` switch.
    Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to generate the connection object that should get passed to the `Connection` parameter.
    New-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA' -Name 'fubarsnafu'
    Demonstrates how to create a repository.
    New-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA' -Name 'fubarsnafu' -NotForkable -Public
    Demonstrates how to create a repository with different default settings. The repository will be not be forkable and will be public, not private.

        # The connection information that describe what Bitbucket Server instance to connect to, what credentials to use, etc. Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository will be created. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of the repository to create.

        # Disable the ability to fork the repository. The default is to allow forking.

        # Make the repository public. Not sure what that means.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $forkable = $true
    if( $NotForkable )
        $forkable = $false

    $newRepoInfo = @{
                        name = $Name;
                        scmId = 'git';
                        forkable = $forkable;
                        public = [bool]$Public;

    $repo = $newRepoInfo | Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Post -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath ('projects/{0}/repos' -f $ProjectKey)
    if( $repo )
        $repo | Add-PSTypeName -RepositoryInfo

function New-BBServerTag
    Creates a new Version Tag on a commit in Bitbucket Server.
    The `New-BBServerTag` function creates a new Git Tag with Version information on a commit in Bitbucket Server. It requires a commit to exist in a repository, and a project to exist where the repository should live (all repositories in Bitbucket Server are part of a project).
    By default, the tag will be lightweight and will not contain a tag message. However, those properties can both be overridden with their respective parameters. To add a message to the Tag, utilize the $Message parameter, and if you would prefer to use an annotated tag, use the parameter $Type = 'ANNOTATED'
    Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to generate the connection object, `New-BBServerRepository` to generate the repository object, and `New-BBServerProject` to generate the project, which should be passed in as the `$Connection`, `$RepositoryKey`, and `$ProjectKey` parameters.
    The `$Force` parameter will allow the user to force the tag to be generated for that commit regardless of the tags use on other commits in the repo.
    New-BBServerTag -Connection $conn -ProjectKey $key -RepositoryKey $repoName -name $TagName -CommitID $commitHash
    Demonstrates the default behavior of tagging a commit with a version tag.
    New-BBServerTag -Connection $conn -ProjectKey $key -RepositoryKey $repoName -name $TagName -CommitID $commitHash -Message 'Tag Message' -Force -Type 'ANNOTATED'
    Demonstrates how to tag a commit with an annotated tag containing a tag message with the force parameter enabled.


        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key of the repository's project.

        # The key of the repository.

        # The tag's name/value.

        # The commit ID the tag should point to. In the Bitbucket Server API documentation, this is called the `startPoint`.

        # An optional message for the commit that creates the tag.
        $Message = "",


        $Type = "LIGHTWEIGHT"


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $tag = @{
                name = $Name
                startPoint = $CommitID
                message = $Message
                type = $Type
    if( $Force )
        $tag['force'] = "true"

    $result = $tag | Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Post -ApiName 'git' -ResourcePath ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/tags' -f $ProjectKey, $RepositoryKey)
    if (-not $result)
        Write-Error ("Unable to tag commit {0} with {1}." -f $CommitID, $Name)

function Remove-BBServerRepository
    Remove a repository from Bitbucket Server.
    The `Remove-BBServerRepository` deletes a repository from Bitbucket Server. This is a dangerous operation as all related data is also deleted. You will have to confirm the deletion. To force the deletion without being confirmed, use the `Force` switch.
    Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object to pass to the `Connection` parameter.
    Remove-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA' -Name 'fubarsnafu'
    Demonstrates how to delete a repository. Because deleting a repository is a high-impact operation, you will asked to confirm the deletion.
    Remove-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA' -Name 'fubarsnafu' -Force
    Demonstrates how to delete a repository, skipping any confirmation dialogs. This can be dangerous since deletions can't be undone. Use the `Force` switch with care.
    Get-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA' -Name 'snafu' | Remove-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn
    Demonstrates that you can pipe objects returned by `Get-BBServerRepository` to `Remove-BBServerRepository`. When you pipe repository objects, you don't have to provide the project key
    'fubarsnafu' | Remove-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA'
    Demonstrates that you can pipe repository names to `Remove-BBServerRepository`. When you do, you *must* also provide the project key.

        # The connection information that describe what Bitbucket Server instance to connect to, what credentials to use, etc. Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository will be created. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository to get.

        # Don't prompt the user to confirm the deletion of the repository. This is a dangerous switch to use, since repository deletions can't be undone.

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
        Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        if( $Name.pstypenames -contains 'Atlassian.Bitbucket.Server.RepositoryInfo' )
            $repoInfo = $Name
            $Name = $
            if( -not $Name )
                Write-Error -Message ('Repository name not found. Looks like you piped in an invalid repository object because either we can''t find the `name` property or it doesn''t have a value.')

            $ProjectKey = $repoInfo.project.key
            if( -not $ProjectKey )
                Write-Error -Message ('Project key not found. Looks like you piped in an invalid repository object becuse either the `project.key` properties don''t exist or they don''t have values.')

        if( -not $ProjectKey )
            Write-Error -Message ('ProjectKey parameter missing. When passing the name of a repository with the Name parameter you must also pass the repository''s project key with the ProjectKey parameter.')

        $whatIfMessage = 'removing repository ''{0}/{1}'' from {2}' -f $ProjectKey,$Name,$Connection.Uri
        $confirmMessage = 'Do you want to remove repository ''{0}/{1}'' from {2}?{3}{3}This operation is PERMANENT and can''t be undone!' -f $ProjectKey,$Name,$Connection.Uri,[Environment]::NewLine
        if( $Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($whatIfMessage,$confirmMessage,'Confirm Permanently Deleting Repository') )
            $result = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Delete -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}' -f $projectKey,$Name)

            if( $result )
                $result | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose

function Remove-BBServerTag
    Removes specified tags from a repository in Bitbucket Server.
    The `Remove-BBServerTag` function takes an array of git tags and removes them from the specified Bitbucket Server repository. If any of the requested tags do not exist on the server, an error is thrown.
    Remove-BBServerTag -Connection $conn -ProjectKey $key -RepositoryKey $repoName -TagName $tag.displayId
    Demonstrates how to remove the git tag for the associated repo

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key of the repository's project.

        # The key of the repository.

        # The name of the tag to be deleted.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    foreach( $tag in $TagName )
        Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method DELETE -ApiName 'git' -ResourcePath ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/tags/{2}' -f $ProjectKey, $RepositoryKey, $tag)

function Rename-BBServerRepository
    Rename a repository in Bitbucket Server.
    The `Rename-BBServerRepository` renames a repository in Bitbucket Server.
    Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object to pass to the `Connection` parameter.
    Rename-BBServerRepository -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'BBSA' -RepoName 'fubarsnafu' -TargetRepoName 'snafu_fubar'
    Demonstrates how to rename a repository from 'fubarsnafu' to 'snafu_fubar'.

        # The connection information that describe what Bitbucket Server instance to connect to, what credentials to use, etc. Use the `New-BBServerConnection` function to create a connection object.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository currently resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository to rename.

        # The target name that the repository will be renamed to.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName)

    $getRepos = Get-BBServerRepository -Connection $Connection -ProjectKey $ProjectKey

    $currentRepo = $getRepos | Where-Object { $ -eq $RepoName }
    if( !$currentRepo )
        Write-Error -Message ('A repository with name ''{0}'' does not exist in the project ''{1}''. Specified respository cannot be renamed.' -f $RepoName, $ProjectKey)

    $targetRepo = $getRepos | Where-Object { $ -eq $TargetRepoName }
    if( $targetRepo )
        Write-Error -Message ('A repository with name ''{0}'' already exists in the project ''{1}''. Specified respository cannot be renamed.' -f $TargetRepoName, $ProjectKey)

    $repoRenameConfig = @{ name = $TargetRepoName }
    $setRepoName = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'PUT' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath -InputObject $repoRenameConfig

    return $setRepoName

function Set-BBServerCommitBuildStatus
    Sets the build status of a commit in Bitbucket Server.
    The `Set-BBServerCommitBuildStatus` function sets the build status of a specific commit in Bitbucket Server. The status can be in progress, successful, or failed. When a build status is set, Bitbucket Server will show a blue "in progress" icon for in progress builds, a green checkmark icon for successful builds, and a red failed icon for failed builds.
    Data about the commit is read from the environment set up by supported build servers, which is Jenkins. Bitbucket Server must have the commit ID, a key that uniquely identifies this specific build, and a URI that points to the build's report. The build name is optional, but when running under a supported build server, is also pulled from the environment.
    If a commit already has a status, this function will overwrite it.
    Set-BBServerCommitBuildStatus -Connection $conn -Status InProgress
    Demonstrates how this function should be called when running under a build server. Currently, Jenkins and TeamCity are supported.
    Set-BBServerCommitBuildStatus -Connection $conn -Status Successful -CommitID 'e24e50bba38db28fb8cf433d00c0d3372f8405cf' -Key 'jenkins-BitbucketServerAutomation-140' -BuildUri '' -Name 'BitbucketServerAutomation'
    Demonstrates how to set the build status for a commit using your own custom commit ID, key, and build URI.

        # The connection to the Bitbucket Server. Use `New-BBServerConnection` to create one.

        # The status of the build.

        # The ID of the commit. The default value is read from environment variables set by build servers.
        # If running under Jenkins, the `GIT_COMMIT` environment variable is used.
        # If not running under a build server, and none of the above environment variables are set, this function write an error and does nothing.

        # A value that uniquely identifies the build. The default value is pulled from environment variables that get set by build servers.
        # If running under Jenkins the `BUILD_TAG` environment variable is used.
        # If not running under a build server, and none of the above environment variables are set, this function write an error and does nothing.

        [ValidateScript({ $_.ToString().Length -lt 450 })]
        # A URI to the build results. The default is read from the environment variables that get set by build servers.
        # If running under Jenkins, the `BUILD_URL` environment variable is used.
        # If not running under a build server, and none of the above environment variables are set, this function write an error and does nothing.

        # The name of the build. The default value is read from environment variables that get set by build servers.
        # If running under Jenkins, the `JOB_NAME` environment variable is used.
        # If not running under a build server, and none of the above environment variables are set, this function write an error and does nothing.

        # A description of the build. Useful if the state is failed. Default is an empty string.
        $Description = ''

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    # We're in Jenkins
    $body = @{
                state = $Status.ToUpperInvariant();
                description = $Description;
    if( (Test-Path -Path 'env:JENKINS_URL') )
        $body.key = (Get-Item -Path 'env:BUILD_TAG').Value;
        $ = (Get-Item -Path 'env:JOB_NAME').Value;
        $body.url = (Get-Item -Path 'env:BUILD_URL').Value;
        if( -not $CommitID )
            $CommitID = (Get-Item -Path 'env:GIT_COMMIT').Value

    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Key') )
        $body['key'] = $Key

    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('BuildUri') )
        $body['url'] = $BuildUri

    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name') )
        $body['name'] = $Name

    $resourcePath = 'commits/{0}' -f $CommitID

    Write-Verbose -Message ('Setting ''{0}'' commit''s build status to ''{1}''.' -f $CommitID,$body.state)
    $body | Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Post -ApiName 'build-status' -ResourcePath $resourcePath

function Set-BBServerDefaultBranch
    Sets the default branch in a repository.
    The `Set-BBServerDefaultBranch` function sets the specified branch as the default branch in a repository.
    Set-BBServerDefaultBranch -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -BranchName 'develop'
    Demonstrates how to set the branch named 'develop' as the default branch in the `TestRepo` repository.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

        # The name of the branch to configure as the default branch.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/branches/default' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName)

    $getCurrentBranch = Get-BBServerBranch -Connection $Connection -ProjectKey $ProjectKey -RepoName $RepoName -BranchName $BranchName
    if( !$getCurrentBranch )
        Write-Error -Message ('A branch with the name ''{0}'' does not exist in the ''{1}'' repository and cannot be set as the default. Use the `New-BBServerBranch` function to create new branches.' -f $BranchName, $RepoName)

    $defaultBranchConfig = @{ id = $ }
    $setDefaultBranch = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'PUT' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath -InputObject $defaultBranchConfig

    $getCurrentBranch = Get-BBServerBranch -Connection $Connection -ProjectKey $ProjectKey -RepoName $RepoName -BranchName $BranchName
    return $getCurrentBranch

function Set-BBServerDefaultReviewer
    Updates an existing default reviewer pull request condition for a given project or repository.
    The `Set-BBServerDefaultReviewer` function updates the configuration of an existing default reviewer pull request condition for a project or repository. Only the condition parameters you pass to this function will be updated in the existing default reviewer condition, the rest of the parameters in the condition are left as-is.
    You must pass the `ID` of an existing default reviewer condition to this function (use `Get-BBServerDefaultReviewer` to get existing default reviewer conditions). If updating a default reviewer condition for a repository, you must also pass the name of the repository to the `RepositoryName` parameter.
    Pass Bitbucket Server user objects to the `User` parameter (use `Get-BBServerUser` to get user objects). Pass the number of required approvals to the `ApprovalCount` parameter (must be less than or equal to number of given `User` or the existing users configured in the condition).
    When `SourceBranchType`/`TargetBranchType` is `Model`, the `SourceBranchValue`/`TargetBranchValue` parameter argument **must** be one of: `Feature`, `Bugfix`, `Hotfix`, `Release`, `Development`, `Production`
    Set-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'SBBSDR' -ID $ -ApprovalCount 2
    Demonstrates updating an existing default reviewer pull request condition to have a requried approval count of `2`.
    Set-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'SBBSDR' -ID $ -User (Get-BBServerUser -Connection $conn -Filter 'admin') -ApprovalCount 1
    Demonstrates updating an existing default reviewer pull request condition to only have the `admin` user and a required approval count of `1`.
    Set-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'SBBSDR' -ID $ -SourceBranchType 'Any' -TargetBranchType 'Name' -TargetBranchValue 'master'
    Demonstrates updating an existing default reviewer condition to apply to any pull request that targets the `master` branch.
    Set-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'SBBSDR' -ID $ -SourceBranchType 'Pattern' -SourceBranchValue 'hotfix/*' -TargetBranchType 'Model' -TargetBranchValue 'Production'
    Demonstrates updating an existing default reviewer condition to apply to any pull request that originates on a branch matching the pattern `hotfix/*` and targets the configured `Production` model branch.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting. Use `New-BBServerConnection` to create connection objects.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project. This is *not* the project name.

        # The ID of the default reviewer condition. Use `Get-BBServerDefaultReviewer` to get the ID of an existing condition.

        # The number of default reviewers that must approve a pull request.

        # The name of a repository in the project.

        [ValidateSet('Any', 'Name', 'Pattern', 'Model')]
        # The type of matching to do against the source branch.

        # Specifies the value or pattern to match a source branch, if `-SourceBranchType` is not "Any".

        [ValidateSet('Any', 'Name', 'Pattern', 'Model')]
        # The type of matching to do against the target branch.

        # Specifies the value or pattern to match a target branch, if `-TargetBranchType` is not "Any".

        # Collection of objects representing the users to add to the default reviewer condition. Use `Get-BBServerUser` to get Bitbucket Server user objects.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    if ($SourceBranchValue -and -not $SourceBranchType)
        Write-Error -Message 'You must specify a "SourceBranchType" when giving a "SourceBranchValue".'

    if ($TargetBranchValue -and -not $TargetBranchType)
        Write-Error -Message 'You must specify a "TargetBranchType" when giving a "TargetBranchValue".'

    $idx = -1
    $userProperties = @('name', 'emailAddress', 'id', 'displayName', 'active', 'slug', 'type')
    foreach ($userObj in $User)
        foreach ($property in $userProperties)
            if (-not ($userObj | Get-Member -Name $property))
                Write-Error -Message ('User[{0}] doesn''t have a "{1}" property. Make sure you''re using the "Get-BBServerUser" function to get users.' -f $idx, $property) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference

    $notFoundErrorMessageSuffix = 'project "{0}"' -f $ProjectKey
    $repositoryParam = @{ }
    if ($RepositoryName)
        $notFoundErrorMessageSuffix = 'repository "{0}" in {1}' -f $RepositoryName, $notFoundErrorMessageSuffix
        $repositoryParam['RepositoryName'] = $RepositoryName

    $existingCondition =
        Get-BBServerDefaultReviewer -Connection $Connection -ProjectKey $ProjectKey @repositoryParam |
        Where-Object { $_ } |
        Where-Object { $ -eq $ID }

    if (-not $existingCondition)
        Write-Error -Message ('Default reviewer pull request condition with ID "{0}" does not exist for {1}.' -f $ID, $notFoundErrorMessageSuffix) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference

    $requestBody = [PSCustomObject]@{
        reviewers = @($existingCondition.reviewers | Select-Object -Property $userProperties)
        sourceMatcher = $existingCondition.sourceRefMatcher
        targetMatcher = $existingCondition.targetRefMatcher
        requiredApprovals = $existingCondition.requiredApprovals

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApprovalCount'))
        $userCount = $requestBody.reviewers | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Count'
        $tooManyUsersErrorSuffix = 'configured for the condition ({0})' -f $userCount
        if ($User)
            $userCount = $User | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Count'
            $tooManyUsersErrorSuffix = 'passed to the "User" parameter ({0})' -f $userCount

        if ($ApprovalCount -gt $userCount)
            Write-Error -Message ('"ApprovalCount" ({0}) must be less than or equal to the number of users {1}.' -f $ApprovalCount, $tooManyUsersErrorSuffix) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference

        $requestBody.requiredApprovals = $ApprovalCount

    if ($SourceBranchType)
        $sourceMatcherConfig = Get-DefaultReviewerBranchMatcher -TypeParameterName 'SourceBranchType' -ValueParameterName 'SourceBranchValue' -Type $SourceBranchType -Value $SourceBranchValue
        if (-not $sourceMatcherConfig)

        $requestBody.sourceMatcher = $sourceMatcherConfig

    if ($TargetBranchType)
        $targetMatcherConfig = Get-DefaultReviewerBranchMatcher -TypeParameterName 'TargetBranchType' -ValueParameterName 'TargetBranchValue' -Type $TargetBranchType -Value $TargetBranchValue
        if (-not $targetMatcherConfig)

        $requestBody.targetMatcher = $targetMatcherConfig

    if ($User)
        $requestBody.reviewers = @($User | Select-Object -Property $userProperties)

    $resourcePath = 'projects/{0}' -f $ProjectKey
    if ($RepositoryName)
        $resourcePath = '{0}/repos/{1}' -f $resourcePath,$RepositoryName
    $resourcePath = '{0}/condition/{1}' -f $resourcePath, $ID

    $requestBody | Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method Put -ApiName 'default-reviewers' -ResourcePath $resourcePath

function Set-BBServerPullRequestSetting
    Sets the pull request settings for a repository.
    The `Set-BBServerPullRequestSetting` function sets the specified pull request settings for a Bitbucket Server repository.
    Set-BBServerPullRequestSetting -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -RequiredApprovers 2 -RequiredAllApprovers
    Demonstrates how to set the pull request settings in the `TestRepo` repository as follows:
        Minimum of 2 approvers must approve; All selected approvers must approve
    Set-BBServerPullRequestSetting -Connection $conn -ProjectKey 'TestProject' -RepoName 'TestRepo' -RequiredApprovers 1 -UnapproveOnUpdate $false
    Demonstrates how to set the pull request settings in the `TestRepo` repository as follows:
        Minimum of 1 approver must approve; Prior approvals will *not* be removed if the pull request is updated.

        # An object that defines what Bitbucket Server to connect to and the credentials to use when connecting.

        # The key/ID that identifies the project where the repository resides. This is *not* the project name.

        # The name of a specific repository.

        # The minimum number of users that must approve a pull request before it can be merged.

        # Whether or not all approvers must approve a pull request before it can be merged.

        # Whether or not reviewers approvals will be removed if new commits are pushed or the pull request is retargeted to a different branch.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $resourcePath = ('projects/{0}/repos/{1}/settings/pull-requests' -f $ProjectKey, $RepoName)
    $pullRequestSettingConfig = @{}

    if( $RequiredApprovers )
        $pullRequestSettingConfig += @{ requiredApprovers = $RequiredApprovers }

    if( $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('RequiredAllApprovers') )
        if( $RequiredAllApprovers )
            $pullRequestSettingConfig += @{ requiredAllApprovers = $true }
            $pullRequestSettingConfig += @{ requiredAllApprovers = $false }

    if( $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('UnapproveOnUpdate') )
        if( $UnapproveOnUpdate )
            $pullRequestSettingConfig += @{ unapproveOnUpdate = $true }
            $pullRequestSettingConfig += @{ unapproveOnUpdate = $false }

    $pullRequestSettings = Invoke-BBServerRestMethod -Connection $Connection -Method 'POST' -ApiName 'api' -ResourcePath $resourcePath -InputObject $pullRequestSettingConfig

    return $pullRequestSettings

function Use-CallerPreference
    Sets the PowerShell preference variables in a module's function based on the callers preferences.
    Script module functions do not automatically inherit their caller's variables, including preferences set by common parameters. This means if you call a script with switches like `-Verbose` or `-WhatIf`, those that parameter don't get passed into any function that belongs to a module.
    When used in a module function, `Use-CallerPreference` will grab the value of these common parameters used by the function's caller:
     * ErrorAction
     * Debug
     * Confirm
     * InformationAction
     * Verbose
     * WarningAction
     * WhatIf
    This function should be used in a module's function to grab the caller's preference variables so the caller doesn't have to explicitly pass common parameters to the module function.
    This function is adapted from the [`Get-CallerPreference` function written by David Wyatt](
    There is currently a [bug in PowerShell]( that causes an error when `ErrorAction` is implicitly set to `Ignore`. If you use this function, you'll need to add explicit `-ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference` to every function/cmdlet call in your function. Please vote up this issue so it can get fixed.
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
    Demonstrates how to set the caller's common parameter preference variables in a module function.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # The module function's `$PSCmdlet` object. Requires the function be decorated with the `[CmdletBinding()]` attribute.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # The module function's `$ExecutionContext.SessionState` object. Requires the function be decorated with the `[CmdletBinding()]` attribute.
        # Used to set variables in its callers' scope, even if that caller is in a different script module.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    # List of preference variables taken from the about_Preference_Variables and their common parameter name (taken from about_CommonParameters).
    $commonPreferences = @{
                              'ErrorActionPreference' = 'ErrorAction';
                              'DebugPreference' = 'Debug';
                              'ConfirmPreference' = 'Confirm';
                              'InformationPreference' = 'InformationAction';
                              'VerbosePreference' = 'Verbose';
                              'WarningPreference' = 'WarningAction';
                              'WhatIfPreference' = 'WhatIf';

    foreach( $prefName in $commonPreferences.Keys )
        $parameterName = $commonPreferences[$prefName]

        # Don't do anything if the parameter was passed in.
        if( $Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey($parameterName) )

        $variable = $Cmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($prefName)
        # Don't do anything if caller didn't use a common parameter.
        if( -not $variable )

        if( $SessionState -eq $ExecutionContext.SessionState )
            Set-Variable -Scope 1 -Name $variable.Name -Value $variable.Value -Force -Confirm:$false -WhatIf:$false
            $SessionState.PSVariable.Set($variable.Name, $variable.Value)
