
Use to cancel an open order using the Order UUID. Currently this API call returns NOTHING on a success. Even though the API call suggests a return should happen.
Used to cancel a buy or sell order.
parameter required description
uuid required uuid of buy or sell order
$openOrders = Get-OpenOrder
Uuid :
OrderUuid : 47b8d028-19ef-4c8a-ac82-246422cec214
Exchange : BTC-EMC2
OrderType : LIMIT_SELL
Quantity : 200.00000000
QuantityRemaining : 200.00000000
Limit : 0.00004610
CommissionPaid : 0.00000000
Price : 0.00000000
PricePerUnit :
Opened : 2017-11-30T15:41:33.94
Closed :
CancelInitiated : False
ImmediateOrCancel : False
IsConditional : False
Condition : NONE
ConditionTarget :
Remove-OpenOrder -OrderUuid 47b8d028-19ef-4c8a-ac82-246422cec214
Cancellation of /market/cancel?uuid=47b8d028-19ef-4c8a-ac82-246422cec214 is successful.
$openOrders = Get-OpenOrder
Uuid :
OrderUuid : 47b8d028-19ef-4c8a-ac82-246422cec214
Exchange : BTC-EMC2
OrderType : LIMIT_SELL
Quantity : 200.00000000
QuantityRemaining : 200.00000000
Limit : 0.00004610
CommissionPaid : 0.00000000
Price : 0.00000000
PricePerUnit :
Opened : 2017-11-30T15:41:33.94
Closed :
CancelInitiated : False
ImmediateOrCancel : False
IsConditional : False
Condition : NONE
ConditionTarget :
#be AWARE that if there are multiple orders in the $openOrders collection you will cancel them all...
$openOrders | Remove-OpenOrder
Cancellation of /market/cancel?uuid=47b8d028-19ef-4c8a-ac82-246422cec214 is successful.
{nothing returned} # expected since we did cancel the order

function Remove-OpenOrder
        # Specify the OrderUUID to cancel.
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $cancelledOrdersCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $marketcancel = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/market/cancel?uuid=$($OrderUuid)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            $cancelledOrdersCollection += $marketcancel
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $cancelledOrdersCollection
Save the private protected KEY/SECRET values in the registry in an encrypted format. This keeps the KEY/SECRET from being stored in plain text in the script.

function Set-BittrexKeyPin
        # Provide and use a PIN for extra Encryption/Decryption security. Will prompt once per Powershell Window for use.

        $continueProcessing = $true
        if ( $PIN.Length -gt 0 ) 
            Set-Variable -Name KeyPin -Value $PIN -Scope Global
            try {
                $authInfo = Get-BittrexAPIKeys -PIN $PIN
                Write-Output "The PIN was accepted"
            } catch {
                Write-Error "Please provide the correct PIN before calling other BittrexAPI module functions."
        } else {
            Write-Warning "Please provide a PIN"
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Use to get an order by order UUID.
Used to retrieve a single order by uuid.
parameter required description
uuid required the uuid of the buy or sell order
Get-Order -OrderUuid 110d2b99-3fe2-4713-998d-e2670ec26422
$orderHistory = Get-OrderHistory -Market BTC-LTC
$orderHistory | Select-Object -Property OrderUuid,Exchange,OrderType
OrderUuid Exchange OrderType
--------- -------- ---------
110d2b99-3fe2-4713-998d-e2670ec26422 BTC-LTC LIMIT_SELL
4147080c-479a-4ea3-a173-427783d5c8e9 BTC-LTC LIMIT_SELL
5c9e2e72-6127-4aa8-be14-c9b792e639fe BTC-LTC LIMIT_SELL
c61bf764-956e-48f8-8ede-ad121d3ea393 BTC-LTC LIMIT_SELL
$orders = $orderHistory | Get-Order
$orders | Select-Object -Property OrderUuid,CommissionPaid
OrderUuid CommissionPaid
--------- --------------
110d2b99-3fe2-4713-998d-e2670ec26422 0.00002295
4147080c-479a-4ea3-a173-427783d5c8e9 0.00000815
5c9e2e72-6127-4aa8-be14-c9b792e639fe 0.00000706
c61bf764-956e-48f8-8ede-ad121d3ea393 0.00001072

function Get-Order
        # Specify the OrderUUID to cancel.
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $orderCollection = @()               
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            Write-Verbose "Looking Up: $($OrderUuid)"
            $order = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/account/getorder?uuid=$($orderUuid)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            $orderCollection += $order
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $orderCollection
Retrieve the latest trades that have occured for the specified market.
Used to retrieve the latest trades that have occured for a specific market.
parameter required description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: BTC-LTC)
$marketHistory = Get-MarketHistory -Market BTC-EMC2
$marketHistory = $markets | Get-MarketHistory
$markets | Select-Object -Property MarketName
$marketHistory | Select-Object -Property Market | Sort-Object -Property Market -Unique

function Get-MarketHistory
        $ParameterName = "Market"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true        

        $ParameterPosition = 0

        $ParameterAlias = New-Object System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute -ArgumentList "MarketName"

        $arrSet = foreach ( $market in Get-MarketsForParameter ) { Write-Output $market.MarketName.ToString() }
        if ( $arrSet.Count -gt 0 )
            $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)

        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $marketHistoryCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $Market = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]        
            $marketParam = "?market=$($Market)"
            $markethistory = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getmarkethistory$($marketParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            foreach ( $mh in $markethistory ) 
                $mh_item = "" | Select-Object  Market,Id,TimeStamp,Quantity,Price,Total,FillType,OrderType
                $mh_item.Market = $Market
                $mh_item.Id = $mh.Id
                $mh_item.TimeStamp = $mh.TimeStamp
                $mh_item.Quantity = $mh.Quantity
                $mh_item.Price = $mh.Price
                $mh_item.Total = $mh.Total
                $mh_item.FillType = $mh.FillType
                $mh_item.OrderType = $mh.OrderType
                $marketHistoryCollection += $mh_item
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $marketHistoryCollection
Use to calculate your max coins you can purchase with your available funds.
This calculation doesn't depend on the purchase currency.
Get-MaxCoinsForPurchase -SourceCurrency BTC -Rate 0.00000025 -ShowBuyCommand
#Buy-Limit -Rate 0.00000025 -Quantity 9.2967 -Market
Buy-Limit -Rate 0.00000025 -Quantity 9.2967 -Market BTC-EMC2
Invoke-BittrexRequest : Bittrex API returned an error: MIN_TRADE_REQUIREMENT_NOT_MET
At C:\Users\Chris\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\BittrexAPI\BittrexAPI.psm1:1592 char:26
+ ... orderbook = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/market/buylimit$($marketP ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Invoke-BittrexRequest

function Get-MaxCoinsForPurchase
     # Quantity To Purchase
        # Rate at Which To Purchase
        # Show a commented Buy-Limit command
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $sourceBalance = (Get-Balances | Where-Object { $_.Currency -eq "$($SourceCurrency)" }).Available 
        $sourceAvailable = $sourceBalance - ($sourceBalance * .0025)
        $maxBuy = [Math]::Round(($sourceAvailable / $Rate),7)
        Write-Output $maxBuy
        if ( $ShowBuyCommand -eq $true ) 
            $buyLine = "#Add-BuyLimit -Rate {0:n8} -Quantity $($maxBuy) -Market" -f $Rate
            Write-Output $buyLine
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Used internally to populate the Dynamic Parameter named Currency

function Get-CurrenciesForParameter
        $continueProcessing = $true
        if ( ( $Global:LastRetrievedCacheCurrency -eq $null ) -or ((Get-Date) - $Global:LastRetrievedCacheCurrency).TotalMinutes -gt 10 )
            $currencies = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getcurrencies" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys) -IsPublic | Select-Object -Property Currency | Sort-Object -Property Currency
            $lastRetrieved = Get-Date
            Set-Variable -Name CurrencyCache -Value $currencies -Scope Global
            Set-Variable -Name LastRetrievedCacheCurrency -Value $lastRetrieved -Scope Global
        } else {
            $currencies = $Global:CurrencyCache
        Write-Output $currencies
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Return a decrypted string value from a provided registry key.
The registry key must contain an encrypted value, encrypted by the System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData::Protect method.

function Get-EncryptedValueFromRegistry
        # Key name to read from
        # Optional PIN for Salt
        $PIN = ""


        $continueProcessing = $true
        $readValue = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name $RegistryKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).($RegistryKey)
        $decryptedValue = Decrypt-Value -ValueToDecrypt $readValue -PIN $PIN
        Write-output $decryptedValue
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Get a list of all your historical deposits, optionally by currency.
Used to retrieve your deposit history.
parameter required description
currency optional a string literal for the currecy (ie. BTC). If omitted, will return for all currencies
$depositHistory = Get-DepositHistory
$depositHistory | Where-Object { $_.Currency -eq "BTC" }
Id : 41545939
Amount : 0.00264030
Currency : BTC
Confirmations : 2
LastUpdated : 2017-11-20T13:52:31.36
TxId : yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
CryptoAddress : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$currencies = Get-Currencies | Where-Object { $_.Currency -eq "LTC" -or $_.Currency -eq "BTC" }
Currency : BTC
CurrencyLong : Bitcoin
MinConfirmation : 2
TxFee : 0.00100000
IsActive : True
CoinType : BITCOIN
BaseAddress : 1N52wHoVR79PMDishab2XmRHsbekCdGquK
Notice :
Currency : LTC
CurrencyLong : Litecoin
MinConfirmation : 6
TxFee : 0.01000000
IsActive : True
CoinType : BITCOIN
BaseAddress : LhyLNfBkoKshT7R8Pce6vkB9T2cP2o84hx
Notice :
$depositHistory = $currencies | Get-DepositHistory

function Get-DepositHistory
        $ParameterName = "Currency"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $false
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        $ParameterPosition = 0

        $arrSet = foreach ( $currency in Get-CurrenciesForParameter ) { Write-Output $currency.Currency.ToString() }
        if ( $arrSet.Count -gt 0 )
            $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)

        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $depositHistoryCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $Currency = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName] 
            if ( $currency.Length -gt 0 )
                $currencyParam = "?currency=$($Currency)"
            } else {
                $currencyParam = ""
            $depositHistory = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/account/getdeposithistory$($currencyParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            $depositHistoryCollection += $depositHistory
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $depositHistoryCollection
Return the last 24 hour summary of all active exchanges on Bittrex.
Used to get the last 24 hour summary of all active exchanges
$marketSummaries = Get-MarketSummaries
$marketSummaries | Where-Object { $_.MarketName -eq "BTC-EMC2" }
MarketName : BTC-EMC2
High : 0.00005099
Low : 0.00003610
Volume : 35976415.10730453
Last : 0.00003949
BaseVolume : 1499.04926758
TimeStamp : 2017-11-30T00:42:32.177
Bid : 0.00003951
Ask : 0.00003989
OpenBuyOrders : 965
OpenSellOrders : 4282
PrevDay : 0.00004904
Created : 2014-12-24T00:00:00

function Get-MarketSummaries
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $marketsummary = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getmarketsummaries" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
        Write-Output $marketsummary
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Use to get your open orders, optionally for a specific market.
Get all orders that you currently have opened. A specific market can be requested
parameter required description
market optional a string literal for the market (ie. BTC-LTC)
$openOrders = Get-OpenOrders
Uuid :
OrderUuid : 47b8d028-19ef-4c8a-ac82-246422cec214
Exchange : BTC-EMC2
OrderType : LIMIT_SELL
Quantity : 200.00000000
QuantityRemaining : 200.00000000
Limit : 0.00004610
CommissionPaid : 0.00000000
Price : 0.00000000
PricePerUnit :
Opened : 2017-11-30T15:41:33.94
Closed :
CancelInitiated : False
ImmediateOrCancel : False
IsConditional : False
Condition : NONE
ConditionTarget :

function Get-OpenOrders
        $ParameterName = "Market"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $false
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        $ParameterPosition = 0

        $ParameterAlias = New-Object System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute -ArgumentList "MarketName"

        $arrSet = foreach ( $market in Get-MarketsForParameter ) { Write-Output $market.MarketName.ToString() }
        $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)


        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

        $continueProcessing = $true
        $openOrdersCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $marketParam = ""
            $Market = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]   
            if ( $Market.Length -gt 0 )
                $marketParam = "?market=$($Market)"
            $openorders = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/market/getopenorders$($marketParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            $openOrdersCollection += $openorders
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $openOrdersCollection
Save a provided string value to a specified registry key
Creates a key in the HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule and saves the provided value encrypted using the currently logged in user's security keys

function Write-EncryptedValueToRegistry
        # Registry Key Name
        # Registry Key Value
        # Optional PIN for Salt

        $continueProcessing = $true
        $encryptedData = Encrypt-Value -ValueToEncrypt $RegistryValue -PIN $PIN
        if ( -not ( Test-Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" ) ) 
            New-Item "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule"
        if ( $PIN -ne "" )
            $readPinValue = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name "RequirePIN" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).RequirePIN
            if ( $readPinValue -ne $null )
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name "RequirePIN"
                New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWord -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name "RequirePIN" -Value $true
            } else {
                New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWord -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name "RequirePIN" -Value $true
        } else {
            $readPinValue = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name "RequirePIN" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).RequirePIN
            if ( $readPinValue -ne $null )
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name "RequirePIN"

        $readValue = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name $RegistryKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).($RegistryKey)
        if ( $readValue -ne $null )
            Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name $RegistryKey
            New-ItemProperty -PropertyType Binary -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name $RegistryKey -Value $encryptedData
        } else {
            New-ItemProperty -PropertyType Binary -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name $RegistryKey -Value $encryptedData
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            $readValue = Get-EncryptedValueFromRegistry -RegistryKey $RegistryKey -PIN $PIN
            if ( $readValue -eq $RegistryValue ) 
                Write-Output $true
            } else {
                Write-Output $false
Get the balance for a specific currency in your account.
Used to retrieve the balance from your account for a specific currency.
parameter required description
currency required a string literal for the currency (ex: LTC)
Get-Balance -Currency 'EMC2'
Currency : EMC2
Balance : 14.79996962
Available : 14.79996962
Pending : 0.00000000
CryptoAddress :
$currencies = Get-Currencies | Where-Object { $_.Currency -eq "EMC2" -or $_.Currency -eq "BTC" }
Currency : BTC
CurrencyLong : Bitcoin
MinConfirmation : 2
TxFee : 0.00100000
IsActive : True
CoinType : BITCOIN
BaseAddress : 1N52wHoVR79PMDishab2XmRHsbekCdGquK
Notice :
Currency : EMC2
CurrencyLong : Einsteinium
MinConfirmation : 128
TxFee : 0.20000000
IsActive : True
CoinType : BITCOIN
BaseAddress :
Notice :
$currencies | Get-Balance
Currency : BTC
Balance : 0.00000233
Available : 0.00000233
Pending : 0.00000000
CryptoAddress :
Currency : EMC2
Balance : 14.79996962
Available : 14.79996962
Pending : 0.00000000
CryptoAddress :

function Get-Balance
        $ParameterName = "Currency"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        $ParameterPosition = 0

        $arrSet = foreach ( $currency in Get-CurrenciesForParameter ) { Write-Output $currency.Currency.ToString() }
        if ( $arrSet.Count -gt 0 )
            $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)

        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $currencyBalanceCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $Currency = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]        
            $currencyParam = "?currency=$($Currency)"
            $currencyBalance = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/account/getbalance$($currencyParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            $currencyBalanceCollection += $currencyBalance
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $currencyBalanceCollection
Decrypt a byte array
System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData::Unprotect expects data in a byte array.

function Decrypt-Value
        # EncryptedValueToDecrypt
        # PIN for Salt

        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $pinBytes = $null
        if ( $PIN.Length -gt 0 )
            $pinBytes = $PIN.ToCharArray() | % {[byte] $_}
        } else {
            $pinBytes = $null
            $clearText = ""
            $bytes = [System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect($ValueToDecrypt, $pinBytes, [System.Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope]::CurrentUser)
            $bytes | % { $clearText += [char]$_ }
            Write-Output $clearText
        } catch {
            Write-Output ""
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
When the script needs to use the API KEY/SECRET this function reads them into variables.
$apiAuth = Get-BittrexAPIKeys
use $apiAuth.Key for the key, and $apiAuth.Secret for the secret.

function Get-BittrexAPIKeys
        # Provide and use a PIN for extra Encryption/Decryption security. Will prompt once per Powershell Window for use.
        $PIN = ""

        $continueProcessing = $true 
        if ( ( ($Global:KeyPin).Length -gt 0 ) -and ( $PIN -eq "" ) )
            $PIN = $Global:KeyPin
        $apiKey = Get-EncryptedValueFromRegistry -RegistryKey "APIKEY" -PIN $PIN
        $apiSecret = Get-EncryptedValueFromRegistry -RegistryKey "APISECRET" -PIN $PIN
        $apiAuth = "" | Select-Object Key,Secret
        $apiAuth.Key = $apiKey
        $apiAuth.Secret = $apiSecret
        #Write-Output $apiKey
        #Write-Output $apiSecret
        Write-Output $apiAuth   
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Save the private protected KEY/SECRET values in the registry in an encrypted format. This keeps the KEY/SECRET from being stored in plain text in the script.

function Save-BittrexAPIKeys
        # Provide the API KEY value
        # Provide the API SECRET value
        # Provide and use a PIN for extra Encryption/Decryption security. Will prompt once per Powershell Window for use.
        $PIN = ""

        $continueProcessing = $true
        if ( Write-EncryptedValueToRegistry -RegistryKey "APIKEY" -RegistryValue $Key -PIN $PIN)
            Write-Output "Saved APIKEY Successfully"
            if ( $PIN.Length -gt 0 ) 
                Set-Variable -Name KeyPin -Value $PIN -Scope Global
        } else {
            Write-Error "Problem Storing APIKEY"
        if ( Write-EncryptedValueToRegistry -RegistryKey "APISECRET" -RegistryValue $Secret -PIN $PIN)
            Write-Output "Saved APISECRET Successfully"
            if ( $PIN.Length -gt 0 )
                Set-Variable -Name KeyPin -Value $PIN -Scope Global
        } else {
            Write-Error "Problem Storing APISECRET"
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Get active currencies supported on Bittrex, optionally include inactive currencies.
Used to get all supported currencies at Bittrex along with other meta data.
$currencies = Get-Currencies
$currencies | Where-Object { $_.Currency -like "*EMC*" }
Currency : EMC2
CurrencyLong : Einsteinium
MinConfirmation : 128
TxFee : 0.20000000
IsActive : True
CoinType : BITCOIN
BaseAddress :
Notice :
Currency : EMC
CurrencyLong : EmerCoin
MinConfirmation : 6
TxFee : 0.02000000
IsActive : True
CoinType : BITCOIN
BaseAddress :
Notice :

function Get-Currencies
        # Inclucde Inactive Currencies
        $continueProcessing = $true
        if ( $IncludeInactive -eq $true )
            $currency = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getcurrencies" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
        } else {
            $currency = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getcurrencies" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys) | Where-Object { $_.IsActive -eq $true }
        Write-Output $currency
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Get and/or Create a deposit address for a specific currency.
Used to retrieve or generate an address for a specific currency. If one does not exist, the call will fail and return ADDRESS_GENERATING until one is available.
parameter required description
currency required a string literal for the currency (ie. BTC)
Get-DepositAddress -Currency LTC
Currency Address
-------- -------
$currencies = Get-Currencies | Where-Object { $_.Currency -eq "LTC" -or $_.Currency -eq "BTC" }
urrency : BTC
CurrencyLong : Bitcoin
MinConfirmation : 2
TxFee : 0.00100000
IsActive : True
CoinType : BITCOIN
BaseAddress : 1N52wHoVR79PMDishab2XmRHsbekCdGquK
Notice :
Currency : LTC
CurrencyLong : Litecoin
MinConfirmation : 6
TxFee : 0.01000000
IsActive : True
CoinType : BITCOIN
BaseAddress : LhyLNfBkoKshT7R8Pce6vkB9T2cP2o84hx
Notice :
$currencies | Get-DepositAddress
Currency Address
-------- -------
BTC bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
LTC lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

function Get-DepositAddress
        $ParameterName = "Currency"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        $ParameterPosition = 0

        $arrSet = foreach ( $currency in Get-CurrenciesForParameter ) { Write-Output $currency.Currency.ToString() }
        if ( $arrSet.Count -gt 0 )
            $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)

        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $currencyAddressCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $Currency = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]        
            $currencyParam = "?currency=$($Currency)"
            $depositAddress = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/account/getdepositaddress$($currencyParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            $currencyAddressCollection += $depositAddress
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $currencyAddressCollection
Get the last 24 hour summary of a specific market.
Used to get the last 24 hour summary of all active exchanges
parameter required description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: BTC-LTC)
$marketSummary = Get-MarketSummary -Market BTC-EMC2
MarketName : BTC-EMC2
High : 0.00004762
Low : 0.00003610
Volume : 34229816.58875449
Last : 0.00003983
BaseVolume : 1411.25755872
TimeStamp : 2017-11-30T00:55:08.29
Bid : 0.00003930
Ask : 0.00003931
OpenBuyOrders : 1000
OpenSellOrders : 4277
PrevDay : 0.00004679
Created : 2014-12-24T00:00:00
$markets = Get-Markets | Where-Object { $_.MarketName.Contains("EMC") }
$markets | Get-MarketSummary
MarketName : BTC-EMC2
High : 0.00004762
Low : 0.00003610
Volume : 33922990.10398286
Last : 0.00003980
BaseVolume : 1396.48543839
TimeStamp : 2017-11-30T00:58:33.943
Bid : 0.00003980
Ask : 0.00004000
OpenBuyOrders : 1021
OpenSellOrders : 4274
PrevDay : 0.00004500
Created : 2014-12-24T00:00:00
MarketName : BTC-EMC
High : 0.00009750
Low : 0.00009337
Volume : 185270.63854877
Last : 0.00009345
BaseVolume : 17.38097205
TimeStamp : 2017-11-30T00:54:05.377
Bid : 0.00009345
Ask : 0.00009380
OpenBuyOrders : 147
OpenSellOrders : 1445
PrevDay : 0.00009695
Created : 2016-01-06T05:28:04.553

function Get-MarketSummary
        $ParameterName = "Market"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        $ParameterPosition = 0

        $ParameterAlias = New-Object System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute -ArgumentList "MarketName"
        $arrSet = foreach ( $market in Get-MarketsForParameter ) { Write-Output $market.MarketName.ToString() }
        $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)


        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

        $continueProcessing = $true
        $marketSummaryCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $Market = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]        
            $marketParam = "?market=$($Market)"
            $marketsummary = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getmarketsummary$($marketParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            $marketSummaryCollection += $marketsummary
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $marketSummaryCollection
Take a string and return an encrypted byte array
Using the System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData::Protect, return an encrypted byte array.

function Encrypt-Value
        # String to Encrypt
        # PIN for Salt

        $continueProcessing = $true
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security
        $pinBytes = $null
        $bytes = $ValueToEncrypt.ToCharArray() | % {[byte] $_}
        if ( $PIN.Length -gt 0 )
            $pinBytes = $PIN.ToCharArray() | % {[byte] $_}
        } else {
            $pinBytes = $null
        $encryptedBytes = [System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Protect($bytes,$pinBytes,[System.Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope]::CurrentUser)
        Write-Output $encryptedBytes
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Use to place a buy order in a Bittrex market.
Used to place a buy order in a specific market. Use buylimit to place limit orders. Make sure you have the proper permissions set on your API keys for this call to work
parameter required description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: BTC-LTC)
quantity required the amount to purchase
rate required the rate at which to place the order.
Add-BuyLimit -Rate 0.00004000 -Quantity 223.9345106 -Market BTC-EMC2
Add-BuyLimit -Rate 0.00000025 -Quantity 9.2967 -Market BTC-EMC2
Invoke-BittrexRequest : Bittrex API returned an error: MIN_TRADE_REQUIREMENT_NOT_MET

function Add-BuyLimit
        # Quantity To Purchase
        # Rate at Which To Purchase
        # Use to just output the URL and Query string, without interacting with the exchange.
        $ParameterName = "Market"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterPosition = 0


        $arrSet = foreach ( $market in Get-MarketsForParameter ) { Write-Output $market.MarketName.ToString() }
        $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)


        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

        $continueProcessing = $true
        $Market = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]
        $marketParam = "?market=$($Market)"
        $quantityParam = "&quantity=$($Quantity)"
        $rateParam = "&rate=$($Rate)"

        if ( $Test -eq $true )
            $orderbook = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/market/buylimit$($marketParam)$($quantityParam)$($rateParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys) -Test
        } else {
            $orderbook = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/market/buylimit$($marketParam)$($quantityParam)$($rateParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
        Write-Output $orderbook
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Get the orderbook for a specified market.
Used to get retrieve the orderbook for a given market
parameter required description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: BTC-LTC)
type required buy, sell or both to identify the type of orderbook to return.
$orderBook = Get-OrderBook -Market BTC-EMC2 -OrderType BOTH
($orderBook | Where-Object { $_.OrderType -eq "BUY" }).Count
($orderBook | Where-Object { $_.OrderType -eq "SELL" }).Count
$markets = Get-Markets | Where-Object { $_.MarketName.Contains("EMC") }
$orderBook = $markets | Get-OrderBook -OrderType BOTH
$orderBook | Select-Object -Property Market,OrderType | Sort-Object -Property Market,OrderType -Unique
Market OrderType
------ ---------
$orderBook = $markets | Get-OrderBook -OrderType BUY
$orderBook | Select-Object -Property Market,OrderType | Sort-Object -Property Market,OrderType -Unique
Market OrderType
------ ---------

function Get-OrderBook
        # Limit the Order Type by specifying the type
        $OrderType = "BOTH"
        $ParameterName = "Market"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        $ParameterPosition = 0

        $ParameterAlias = New-Object System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute -ArgumentList "MarketName"

        $arrSet = foreach ( $market in Get-MarketsForParameter ) { Write-Output $market.MarketName.ToString() }
        $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)


        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

        $continueProcessing = $true
        $orderBookCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $Market = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]
            $marketParam = "?market=$($Market)"
            $typeParam = "&type=$($OrderType.ToLower())"
            $orderbook = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getorderbook$($marketParam)$($typeParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            if ( $OrderType -eq "BOTH" )
                $orderCollection = @()
                foreach ( $s in $orderbook.sell ) 
                    $s_item = "" | Select-Object Market,OrderType,Quantity,Rate
                    $s_item.Market = $Market
                    $s_item.OrderType = "SELL"
                    $s_item.Quantity = $s.Quantity
                    $s_item.Rate = $s.Rate
                    $orderCollection += $s_item
                foreach ( $b in $ ) 
                    $b_item = "" | Select-Object Market,OrderType,Quantity,Rate
                    $b_item.Market = $Market
                    $b_item.OrderType = "BUY"
                    $b_item.Quantity = $b.Quantity
                    $b_item.Rate = $b.Rate
                    $orderCollection += $b_item
                $orderBookCollection += $orderCollection
            } else {
                $orderCollection = @()
                foreach ( $o in $orderbook ) 
                    $o_item = "" | Select-Object Market,OrderType,Quantity,Rate
                    $o_item.Market = $Market
                    $o_item.OrderType = $OrderType
                    $o_item.Quantity = $o.Quantity
                    $o_item.Rate = $o.Rate
                    $orderCollection += $o_item
                $orderBookCollection += $orderCollection
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $orderBookCollection
Get your order history, optionally for a specific market.
Used to retrieve your order history.
parameter required description
market optional a string literal for the market (ie. BTC-LTC). If ommited, will return for all markets
$orderHistory = Get-OrderHistory
$markets = Get-Markets | Where-Object { $_.MarketName -eq "BTC-LTC" -or $_.MarketName -eq "BTC-EMC2" }
MarketCurrency : LTC
BaseCurrency : BTC
MarketCurrencyLong : Litecoin
BaseCurrencyLong : Bitcoin
MinTradeSize : 0.02784181
MarketName : BTC-LTC
IsActive : True
Created : 2014-02-13T00:00:00
Notice :
IsSponsored :
LogoUrl :
MarketCurrency : EMC2
BaseCurrency : BTC
MarketCurrencyLong : Einsteinium
BaseCurrencyLong : Bitcoin
MinTradeSize : 16.44736842
MarketName : BTC-EMC2
IsActive : True
Created : 2014-12-24T00:00:00
Notice :
IsSponsored :
LogoUrl :
$orderHistory = $markets | Get-OrderHistory
Get-OrderHistory | Select-Object -First 1
OrderUuid : f49c2e39-e3a7-4381-a17c-9a6de9d83321
Exchange : BTC-EMC2
TimeStamp : 2017-11-30T16:49:16.56
OrderType : LIMIT_SELL
Limit : 0.00004500
Quantity : 200.00000000
QuantityRemaining : 0.00000000
Commission : 0.00002250
Price : 0.00900000
PricePerUnit : 0.00004500000000000000
IsConditional : False
Condition : NONE
ConditionTarget :
ImmediateOrCancel : False
Closed : 2017-11-30T16:49:33.887

function Get-OrderHistory
        $ParameterName = "Market"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $false
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        $ParameterPosition = 0

        $ParameterAlias = New-Object System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute -ArgumentList "MarketName"

        $arrSet = foreach ( $market in Get-MarketsForParameter ) { Write-Output $market.MarketName.ToString() }
        $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)


        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

        $continueProcessing = $true
        $orderHistoryCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $Market = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]  
            if ( $Market.Length -gt 0 )
                $marketParam = "?market=$($Market)"
            } else {
                $marketParam = ""
            $orderHistory = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/account/getorderhistory$($marketParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            $orderHistoryCollection += $orderHistory
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $orderHistoryCollection
Get the markets currently active on Bittrex. Optionally return inactive markets.
Used to get the open and available trading markets at Bittrex along with other meta data.
$markets = Get-Markets
$markets | Where-Object { $_.MarketName.StartsWith("BTC") } | Select-Object -Property MarketName
$markets = Get-Markets | Where-Object { $_.MarketName.Contains("EMC") }
MarketCurrency : EMC2
BaseCurrency : BTC
MarketCurrencyLong : Einsteinium
BaseCurrencyLong : Bitcoin
MinTradeSize : 16.44736842
MarketName : BTC-EMC2
IsActive : True
Created : 2014-12-24T00:00:00
Notice :
IsSponsored :
LogoUrl :
MarketCurrency : EMC
BaseCurrency : BTC
MarketCurrencyLong : EmerCoin
BaseCurrencyLong : Bitcoin
MinTradeSize : 2.65392781
MarketName : BTC-EMC
IsActive : True
Created : 2016-01-06T05:28:04.553
Notice :
IsSponsored :
LogoUrl :

function Get-Markets
        # Inclucde Inactive Markets
        $continueProcessing = $true
        if ( $IncludeInactive -eq $true )
            $markets = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getmarkets" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
        } else {
            $markets = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getmarkets" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys) | Where-Object { $_.IsActive -eq $true }
        Write-Output $markets
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Get the ticker for a specifc market.
Used to get the current tick values for a market.
parameter required description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: BTC-LTC)
Get-Ticker -Market BTC-EMC2
$markets = Get-Markets | Where-Object { $_.MarketName.Contains("EMC") }
$markets | Get-Ticker
Market Bid Ask Last
------ --- --- ----
BTC-EMC2 0.00003927 0.00003948 0.00003948
BTC-EMC 0.00009338 0.00009345 0.00009338

function Get-Ticker
        $ParameterName = "Market"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        $ParameterPosition = 0

        $ParameterAlias = New-Object System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute -ArgumentList "MarketName"

        $arrSet = foreach ( $market in Get-MarketsForParameter ) { Write-Output $market.MarketName.ToString() }
        $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)


        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

        $continueProcessing = $true        
        $tickerCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $Market = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]
            $marketParam = "?market=$($Market)"
            $ticker = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getticker$($marketParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            $t_item = "" | Select-Object Market,Bid,Ask,Last
            $t_item.Market = $Market
            $t_item.Bid = $ticker.Bid
            $t_item.Ask = $ticker.Ask
            $t_item.Last = $ticker.Last
            $tickerCollection += $t_item
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $tickerCollection
Use to place a sell order for a Bittrex market.
Used to place an sell order in a specific market. Use selllimit to place limit orders. Make sure you have the proper permissions set on your API keys for this call to work
parameter required description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: BTC-LTC)
quantity required the amount to purchase
rate required the rate at which to place the order
$sellLimit = Add-SellLimit -Market BTC-EMC2 -Quantity 200 -Rate 0.00004610
$openOrders = Get-OpenOrders
Uuid :
OrderUuid : 47b8d028-19ef-4c8a-ac82-246422cec214
Exchange : BTC-EMC2
OrderType : LIMIT_SELL
Quantity : 200.00000000
QuantityRemaining : 200.00000000
Limit : 0.00004610
CommissionPaid : 0.00000000
Price : 0.00000000
PricePerUnit :
Opened : 2017-11-30T15:41:33.94
Closed :
CancelInitiated : False
ImmediateOrCancel : False
IsConditional : False
Condition : NONE
ConditionTarget :

function Add-SellLimit
        # Quantity To Sell
        # Rate at Which To Sell
        # Use to just output the URL and Query string, without interacting with the exchange.
        $ParameterName = "Market"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterPosition = 0


        $arrSet = foreach ( $market in Get-MarketsForParameter ) { Write-Output $market.MarketName.ToString() }
        $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)


        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

        $continueProcessing = $true
        $Market = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]
        $marketParam = "?market=$($Market)"
        $quantityParam = "&quantity=$($Quantity)"
        $rateParam = "&rate=$($Rate)"

        if ( $Test -eq $true )
            $orderbook = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/market/selllimit$($marketParam)$($quantityParam)$($rateParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys) -Test
        } else {
            $orderbook = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/market/selllimit$($marketParam)$($quantityParam)$($rateParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys) 
        Write-Output $orderbook
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Get a listing of all your historical withdrawals, optionally by currency.
Used to retrieve your withdrawal history.
parameter required description
currency optional a string literal for the currecy (ie. BTC). If omitted, will return for all currencies
$withdrawalHistory = Get-WithdrawalHistory
PaymentUuid : c5045600-7b26-4cd0-965c-1f7d164bfb5e
Currency : EMC2
Amount : 9.80000000
Address : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Opened : 2017-11-30T14:53:18.99
Authorized : True
PendingPayment : False
TxCost : 0.20000000
TxId : yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Canceled : False
InvalidAddress : False
@('LTC','EMC2') | Get-WithdrawalHistory
PaymentUuid : c5045600-7b26-4cd0-965c-1f7d164bfb5e
Currency : EMC2
Amount : 9.80000000
Address : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Opened : 2017-11-30T14:53:18.99
Authorized : True
PendingPayment : False
TxCost : 0.20000000
TxId : yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Canceled : False
InvalidAddress : False

function Get-WithdrawalHistory
        $ParameterName = "Currency"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $false
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        $ParameterPosition = 0

        $arrSet = foreach ( $currency in Get-CurrenciesForParameter ) { Write-Output $currency.Currency.ToString() }
        if ( $arrSet.Count -gt 0 )
            $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)

        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $withdrawalHistoryCollection = @()
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
            $Currency = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName] 
            if ( $currency.Length -gt 0 )
                $currencyParam = "?currency=$($Currency)"
            } else {
                $currencyParam = ""
            $withdrawalHistory = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/account/getwithdrawalhistory$($currencyParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
            $withdrawalHistoryCollection += $withdrawalHistory
        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            Write-Output $withdrawalHistoryCollection
Used to execute a withdrawal from one of your account balances.
Used to withdraw funds from your account. note: please account for txfee.
parameter required description
currency required a string literal for the currency (ie. BTC)
quantity required the quantity of coins to withdraw
address required the address where to send the funds.
paymentid optional used for CryptoNotes/BitShareX/Nxt optional field (memo/paymentid)
$withdrawl = Add-Withdrawal -Currency EMC2 -Quantity 10 -Address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

function Add-Withdrawal
        # Quantity To Transfer
        # Transfer Address
        # Payment Note/Memo
        $PaymentID = ""
        $ParameterName = "Currency"
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterPosition = 0


        $arrSet = foreach ( $currency in Get-CurrenciesForParameter ) { Write-Output $currency.Currency.ToString() }
        if ( $arrSet.Count -gt 0 )
            $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)

        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $Currency = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]        
        $currencyParam = "?currency=$($Currency)"
        $quantityParam = "&quantity=$($Quantity)"
        $addressParam = "&address=$($Address)"
        if ( $PaymentID.Length -gt 0 )
            $paymentidParam = "&paymentID=$($PaymentID)"
        } else {
            $paymentidParam = ""
        $depositAddress = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/account/withdraw$($currencyParam)$($quantityParam)$($addressParam)$($paymentidParam)" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
        Write-Output $depositAddress
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Get all currencies for which you have balances or deposit addresses defined.
Used to retrieve all balances from your account
Currency : BTC
Balance : 0.00000233
Available : 0.00000233
Pending : 0.00000000
CryptoAddress :

function Get-Balances
        $continueProcessing = $true
        $currencyBalance = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/account/getbalances" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys)
        Write-Output $currencyBalance
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
Used internally to populate the Dynamic Parameter named Market

function Get-MarketsForParameter
        $continueProcessing = $true
        if ( ( $Global:LastRetrievedCache -eq $null ) -or ((Get-Date) - $Global:LastRetrievedCache).TotalMinutes -gt 10 )
            $markets = Invoke-BittrexRequest -APIURI "/public/getmarkets" -apiAuth (Get-BittrexAPIKeys) -IsPublic | Select-Object -Property MarketName | Sort-Object -Property MarketName
            $lastRetrieved = Get-Date
            Set-Variable -Name MarketCache -Value $markets -Scope Global
            Set-Variable -Name LastRetrievedCache -Value $lastRetrieved -Scope Global
        } else {
            $markets = $Global:MarketCache
        Write-Output $markets
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 

function Invoke-BittrexRequest
        # URI for the API Call
        # API Authorization Information Key/Secret
        # API Authorization Information Key/Secret
        # Skip the PIN Check if it is a public call

        $continueProcessing = $true
        $epoch = Get-Date("1970-01-01")
        [int]$nonce = (( Get-Date ) - $epoch).TotalSeconds

        if ( -Not ($IsPublic) ) 
            $readPinValue = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name "RequirePIN" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).RequirePIN
            if ( ( $readPinValue -eq $true ) -and ( $global:KeyPin -eq $null ) )
                Write-Error "You have specified a PIN to protect your API KEYS for the BittrexAPI module functions."
                Write-Warning "Use the 'Set-BittrexKeyPin -PIN nnnn' to set the correct PIN"
                $continueProcessing = $false                
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
            $baseURL = ""
            if ( $APIURI.Contains("?") )
                $secureURL = "$($baseURL)$($APIURI)&apikey=$($apiAuth.Key)&nonce=$($nonce)"
            } else {
                $secureURL = "$($baseURL)$($APIURI)?apikey=$($apiAuth.Key)&nonce=$($nonce)"
            $utf = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding
            $byteSecureURL = $utf.GetBytes($secureURL)

            $sha = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512
            $sha.Key = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($apiAuth.Secret)
            $computeSha = $sha.ComputeHash($byteSecureURL)
            $signature = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($computeSha) -replace "-"

            $headers = @{"apisign"=$signature}

            Write-Verbose $secureURL
            if ( -not $Test )
                $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $secureURL -Headers $headers
                $returnObject = $response | ConvertFrom-Json
                Write-Verbose "RAW Response: $($response)"
                Write-Verbose "Return Object: $($returnObject)"        
                #if ( -not ( ($returnObject | Get-Member | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "success" }).Count -eq 0 ) )
                if ( -not ( $returnObject.PSObject.Properties['success'] ) )
                    Write-Error "Bittrex API did not return JSON data, as expected."
                    $continueProcessing = $false
                if ( -not ( $returnObject.success -eq $true ) )
                    Write-Error "Bittrex API returned an error: $($response.message)"
                    $continueProcessing = $false
                if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )
                    if ( ($secureURL.Contains("/market/cancel")) -and ( $returnObject.success -eq $true ) )
                        Write-Output "Cancellation of $($APIURI) is successful."
                    Write-Output $returnObject.Result
                } else {
                    Write-Output $null
            } else {
                Write-Output $secureURL
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true )

        } #continue processing
        if ( $continueProcessing -eq $true ) 
$readPinValue = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\BittrexPSModule" -Name "RequirePIN" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).RequirePIN
if ( $readPinValue -eq $true ) 
    $PIN = Read-Host -Prompt "PIN Required"
    Set-Variable -Name KeyPin -Value $PIN -Scope Global  
        $authInfo = Get-BittrexAPIKeys -PIN $PIN
        Write-Verbose "The PIN was accepted" -Verbose
    } catch {
        Write-Error "Please provide the correct PIN before calling other BittrexAPI module functions."
        Write-Warning "Use the 'Set-BittrexKeyPin -PIN nnnn' to set the correct PIN"