
Runs Blade tests in a file or directory.
The `blade.ps1` script, located in the root of the Blade module, is the script used to execute Blade tests. Given a path, it runs tests in any PowerShell script that begins with `Test-` (i.e. that matches the wildcard pattern `Test-*.ps1`. Tests are functions that that use the `Test` verb (i.e. whose name match the `Test-*` wildcard pattern).
When executing tests, `blade.ps1` does the following:
 * Calls the `Start-TestFixture` function (if defined)
 * For each test, calls the `Start-Test` function (if defined), executes the test, then calls the `Stop-Test` (if defined).
 * Calls the `Stop-TestFixture` function (if defined)
By default, Blade returns `Blade.TestResult` objects for each failed test.
After running all tests, `blade.ps1` will write an error if any tests failed, then write a summary of the test run. The results of the last test run is available as a `Blade.RunResult` object in a global `$LastBladeResult` variable, e.g.
    > .\Blade\blade.ps1 .\Test
       Count Failures Errors Ignored Duration
       ----- -------- ------ ------- --------
          47 0 0 0 00:00:11.6870000
    > $LastBladeResult | Format-List
    Count : 47
    Name :
    Passed : {Test-ShouldDetectNoErrors, Test-ShouldThrowErrorIfNeedleMissingFromFile, Test-ShouldFailIfFileZeroBytes, Test-ShouldFailIfFileEmpty...}
    Failures : {}
    Errors : {}
    IgnoredCount : 0
    Duration : 00:00:11.6870000
If you want Blade to return objects for each test, regarless if it failed or not, use the `-PassThru` switch.
You can run specific test(s) by passing names to the `Test` parameter. Do not include the `Test-` verb/prefix.
`blade.ps1` can also save test results as an NUnit XML report, so you can integrate test results into build servers and other reporting tools. Use the `XmlLogPath` parameter to specify the path to a log file. The file, and its parent directories, will be created if it doesn't exist.
.\blade Test-MyScript.ps1
Will run all the tests in the `Test-MyScript.ps1` script.
.\blade Test-MyScript.ps1 -Test MyTest
Will run the `MyTest` test in the `Test-MyScript.ps1` test script.
blade .\MyModule
Will run all tests in the files which match the `Test-*.ps1` wildcard in the .\MyModule directory.
blade .\MyModule -Recurse
Will run all test in files which match the `Test-*.ps1` wildcard under the .\MyModule directory and its sub-directories.

    # The paths to search for tests. All files matching Test-*.ps1 will be run.

    # The name of the tests being run.

    # The individual test in the script to run. Defaults to all tests. Do not include the `Test-` verb/prefix.

    # Path to the file where XML results should be saved. This file, and its parent directories, will be created if they don't exist.
    # Return objects for each test run, and a final summary object.
    # Recurse through directories under `$Path` to find tests.

#Requires -Version 3
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

& (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Import-Blade.ps1' -Resolve)

function Get-FunctionsInFile($testScript)
    Write-Debug -Message "Loading test script '$testScript'."
    $testScriptContent = Get-Content "$testScript"
    if( -not $testScriptContent )
        return @()

    $errors = [Management.Automation.PSParseError[]] @()
    $tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PsParser]::Tokenize( $testScriptContent, [ref] $errors )
    if( $errors -ne $null -and $errors.Count -gt 0 )
        Write-Error "Found $($errors.count) error(s) parsing '$testScript'."
    Write-Debug -Message "Found $($tokens.Count) tokens in '$testScript'."
    $functions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    $atFunction = $false
    for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $tokens.Count; ++$idx )
        $token = $tokens[$idx]
        if( $token.Type -eq 'Keyword'-and $token.Content -eq 'Function' )
            $atFunction = $true
        if( $atFunction -and $token.Type -eq 'CommandArgument' -and $token.Content -ne '' )
            Write-Debug -Message "Found function '$($token.Content).'"
            [void] $functions.Add( $token.Content )
            $atFunction = $false
    return $functions.ToArray()

function Invoke-Test
    PRIVATE. Invokes a test from a fixture.
    Internal function. Do not use.


    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    [Blade.TestResult]$testInfo = New-Object 'Blade.TestResult' $fixture,$function


    $testPassed = $false
        if( Test-path function:Start-Test )
            . Start-Test | ForEach-Object { $testInfo.Output.Add( $_ ) }
        elseif( Test-Path function:SetUp )
            Write-Warning ('The SetUp function is obsolete and will be removed in a future version of Blade. Please use Start-Test instead.')
            . SetUp | ForEach-Object { $testInfo.Output.Add( $_ ) }
        if( Test-Path function:$function )
            . $function | ForEach-Object { $testInfo.Output.Add( $_ ) }
        $testPassed = $true
    catch [Blade.AssertionException]
        $ex = $_.Exception
        $testInfo.Completed( $ex )
        $testInfo.Completed( $_ )
        $tearDownResult = New-Object 'Blade.TestResult' $fixture,$function
        $tearDownFailed = $false
            if( Test-Path function:Stop-Test )
                . Stop-Test | ForEach-Object { $tearDownResult.Output.Add( $_ ) }
            elseif( Test-Path -Path function:TearDown )
                Write-Warning ('The TearDown function is obsolete and will be removed in a future version of Blade. Please use Start-Test instead.')
                . TearDown | ForEach-Object { $tearDownResult.Output.Add( $_ ) }
            $tearDownResult.Completed( $_ )
            $tearDownFailed = $true
            if( $testPassed )

            $flag = '! '
            $result = 'FAILED'
            if( $testInfo.Passed )
                $flag = ' '
                $result = 'Passed'
            Write-Verbose -Message (' {0}{1} in {2:mm\:ss\.fff} [{3}]' -f $flag,$result,$testInfo.Duration,$function)
            if( $tearDownFailed )



$getChildItemParams = @{ }
if( $Recurse )
    $getChildItemParams.Recurse = $true

$testScripts = @( Get-ChildItem $Path Test-*.ps1 @getChildItemParams )
if( $testScripts -eq $null )
    $testScripts = @()

$testsIgnored = 0
$TestScript = $null
$TestDir = $null

$results = $null

$testScripts | 
    ForEach-Object {
        $testCase = $_
        $TestScript = (Resolve-Path $testCase.FullName).Path
        $TestDir = Split-Path -Parent $testCase.FullName 
        $testModuleName =  [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($testCase)

        $functions = Get-FunctionsInFile $testCase.FullName |
                        Where-Object { $_ -match '^(Test|Ignore)-(.*)$' } |
                        Where-Object { 
                            if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Test') )
                                return $Test | Where-Object { $Matches[2] -like $_ } 

                            if( $Matches[1] -eq 'Ignore' )
                                Write-Warning ("Skipping ignored test '{0}'." -f $_)
                                return $false

                            return $true
        if( -not $functions )

        @('Start-TestFixture','Start-Test','Setup','TearDown','Stop-Test','Stop-TestFixture') |
            ForEach-Object { Join-Path -Path 'function:' -ChildPath $_ } |
            Where-Object { Test-Path -Path $_ } |
        Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}]' -f $testCase.Name)

        . $testCase.FullName

            if( Test-Path -Path 'function:Start-TestFixture' )
                . Start-TestFixture | Out-String | Write-Debug

            foreach( $function in $functions )

                if( -not (Test-Path -Path function:$function) )
                Invoke-Test $testModuleName $function 

            if( Test-Path -Path function:Stop-TestFixture )
                    . Stop-TestFixture | Out-String | Write-Debug
                    Write-Error ("An error occured tearing down test fixture '{0}': {1}" -f $testCase.Name,$_)
                    $result = New-Object 'Blade.TestResult' $testModuleName,'Stop-TestFixture'
                    $result.Finished( $_ )
            foreach( $function in $functions )
                if( $function -and (Test-Path function:$function) )
                    Remove-Item function:\$function
    } | 
    Tee-Object -Variable 'results' |
    Where-Object { $PassThru -or -not $_.Passed } 

$Global:LastBladeResult = New-Object 'Blade.RunResult' $Name,([Blade.TestResult[]]$results), $testsIgnored
if( $LastBladeResult.Errors -or $LastBladeResult.Failures )
    Write-Error $LastBladeResult.ToString()

if( $XmlLogPath )
    $LastBladeResult | Export-RunResultXml -FilePath $XmlLogPath

$LastBladeResult | Format-Table | Out-Host