
Function New-ArmVirtualMachine
    Param (
        # Name of the VM to create
        # Location if the VM. If omitted, the location of the Resource Group is used
        # The virtual network to place the VM in (either vnet object or vnet name)
        # The subnet to place the VM in (either subnet object or subnet name)

        [String]$StorageAccountContainer = "vhds",
        # Is Async is specified, the shell returns immediately, not waiting for the VM to be created.
        if ($ResourceGroupId)
            $ResourceGroup = Get-ArmResourceGroup | where {$_.ResourceGroupId -eq $ResourceGroupId}
        ElseIf ($ResourceGroupName)
            $ResourceGroup = Get-ArmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName
        if (!$ResourceGroup)
            Write-error "Resource Group $Name not found"
        if (!$Location)
            $Location = $ResourceGroup.Location
        #Figure out if we need to do some calculations
        if ((!$Vnet) -or (!$Subnet) -or (!$StorageAccountName))
            #We don't have all the required info
            $ExistingVMs = $ResourceGroup | Get-ArmVirtualMachine
            if ($ExistingVMs -eq $null)
                Write-error "No existing VMs in resource group to read properties from."
            if ((!$vnet) -or (!$Subnet))
                #Get the vnet
                $Vnets = @()
                Foreach ($VM in $ExistingVMs)
                    $Nics = $vm | Get-ArmNetworkInterface -Verbose:$false
                    foreach ($Nic in $Nics)
                        if ($nic.Properties.IpConfigurations[0]
                            $ThisVnet = Get-ArmVirtualNetwork -SubnetId $nic.Properties.IpConfigurations[0]
                            if ($ThisVnet)
                                $Vnets += $ThisVnet.VirtualNetworkId

            if (!$vnet)
                if (($Vnets | select -Unique).count -gt 1)
                        Write-error "Existing VMs have different virtual networks, so you have to specify the virtual network for the new vm(s)"
                        $ThisVnet = Get-ArmVirtualNetwork -VirtualNetworkId ($Vnets | select -Unique)
                        Write-Verbose "Autoselected virtual network $($ThisVnet.Name) based on existing vms in the same resource group"
                if ($Vnet.GetType().Name -eq "String")
                    $vnet = Get-ArmVirtualNetwork -VirtualNetworkId $Vnet

            if (!$subnet)
                $AllSubnets = @()
                if ($vnet.Properties.Subnets.count -eq 1)
                    $Subnet = $vnet.Properties.Subnets[0].Name
                    Write-Verbose "Autoselected subnet $subnet since that's the only one in selected vnet $($vnet.Name)"

                    $Nics = $ExistingVMs | Get-ArmNetworkInterface -verbose:$False
                    Foreach ($Nic in $Nics)
                        $SubnetId = $nics[0].Properties.IpConfigurations[0]
                        $AllSubnets += $SubnetId

                    if (($AllSubnets | select -Unique).count -gt 1)
                        Write-error "Existing VMs have subnets, and the selected virtual network contains more than one, so you have to specify the subnet for the new vm(s)"
                        $Subnet = $AllSubnets | select -Unique
                        $Subnet = Get-ArmSubnet -subnetId $Subnet
                        #TODO: Build a subnet function thingy
                        Write-Verbose "Autoselected subnet: $($Subnet.Name) based on existing vms in the same resource group"


            if (!$StorageAccount)
                $AllOsDiskVhdUris = @()
                foreach ($ExistingVM in $ExistingVMs)
                    #Grab the osdisk uri
                    [System.UriBuilder]$VhdUri = $ExistingVM.Properties.StorageProfile.OsDisk.Vhd.uri
                    $VhdStorageAccount = $
                    $AllOsDiskVhdUris += $VhdStorageAccount

                if (($AllOsDiskVhdUris | select -Unique).count -eq 1)
                    $StorageAccount = $AllOsDiskVhdUris | select -Unique
                    Write-Verbose "Autoselected storage account: $StorageAccount based on existing vms in the same resource group"
            if (!$Vmimage)
                $AllImages = @()
                foreach ($ExistingVM in $ExistingVMs)
                    #Grab the osdisk uri
                    $ImageRef = $ExistingVM.Properties.StorageProfile.ImageReference
                    $ImageRefString = "/$($ImageRef.Publisher)/$($ImageRef.Offer)/$($ImageRef.Sku)/$($ImageRef.Version)"
                    $AllImages += $ImageRefString
                if (($AllImages | select -Unique).count -eq 1)
                    $VMImage = $AllImages | select -Unique
                    Write-Verbose "Autoselected vm image: $VMImage based on existing vms in the same resource group"
                    Write-error "Unable to auto-select VMImage, plase specify th VMImage parameter"
        if ($VmImage.Gettype().Name -eq "String")
            if ($vmimage.StartsWith("/"))
                #Get rid of the first slash
                $vmimage = $vmimage.remove(0,1)
            $VmImageParts = $VMImage.split("/")
            $Publisher = $VmImageParts[0]
            $Offer = $VmImageParts[1]
            $Sku = $VmImageParts[2]
            $Version = $vmImageParts[3]
            $ImageSearcharams = @{
            if ($version.ToLower() -eq "latest")
                $LatestVersion = $true
        if (!$OsType)
            Write-verbose "Looking up vm image"
            $VMImageResultList = Get-ArmVmImage @ImageSearcharams
            if ($LatestVersion)
                Foreach ($ImageResult in $VMImageResultList)
                    #Add some strongly sortable version thingys
                    [System.Version]$ImageVersion = $ImageResult.Version
                    $imageresult | Add-Member -Name "VersionType" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ImageVersion -Force
                $SelectedVmImage = $VMImageResultList | sort VersionType -Descending | select -First 1
                Write-verbose "Selected latest image version, which is $($SelectedVmImage.Version)"
            $OsType = $
            Write-Verbose "Selected image has OS type $OsType"    
        if (!$InstanceCount)
            $InstanceCount = 1
            Write-verbose "Generating $InstanceCount VMs"
        $VMCreateCounter = 1
            Write-verbose "Generating vm $VMCreateCounter of $InstanceCount"
            if ($VmName)
                $NameArray = Invoke-InternalStringToArray -InputString $NamePattern
                $RealNameArray = @()
                foreach ($Char in $NameArray)
                    if ($Char -eq "#")
                        #Generate random char
                        $Random = Get-Random -Minimum 65 -Maximum 90
                        $RandomChar = [char]$Random
                        $RealNameArray += $RandomChar
                    Elseif ($Char -eq "*")
                        #Generate random number
                        $Random = get-random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 9
                        $RealNameArray += $Random.ToString()
                        $RealNameArray += $Char
                $VMCreateVMName = $RealNameArray -join ""
                Write-Verbose "Generating VM $VMCreateVMName"
                $VmCreateParams = @{
                    #TODO: VMSIZE
                    #TODO: AdminCreds
                $CreateVMResult = Create-InternalArmVM @VmCreateParams
            $VMCreateCounter ++
        Until ($VMCreateCounter -gt $InstanceCount)