
using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.SHiPS

class Person

    Person([string]$name, [string]$dob, [string]$gender)
        $this.Name = $name
        $this.DOB      = $dob
        $this.Gender   = $gender

class Austin : SHiPSDirectory
    Austin() : base($this.GetType())

    # Optional method
    # Must define this c'tor if it can be used as a drive root, e.g.
    # new-psdrive -name abc -psprovider SHiPS -root module#type
    # Also it is good practice to define this c'tor so that you can create a drive and test it in isolation fashion.
    Austin([string]$name): base($name)

    # Mandatory it gets called by SHiPS while a user does 'dir'
    [object[]] GetChildItem()
        $obj =  @()

        Write-verbose "hello you have specified -verbose."

        $obj += [Ben]::new();
        $obj += [Bill]::new();

        return $obj;

class Bill : SHiPSLeaf
    static $PersonName = "Bill"
    static $PersonData =[Person]::new([Bill]::PersonName, "5015", "M");

    Bill () : base ([Bill]::PersonName)

class Ben : SHiPSDirectory
    static $PersonName = "Ben"
    static $PersonData =[Person]::new([Ben]::PersonName, "5005", "M");

    Ben () : base ([Ben]::PersonName)

    Ben([string]$name): base($name)
    [object[]] GetChildItem()
        $obj =  @()
        $obj += [Chris]::new();
        $obj += [Cathy]::new();
        return $obj;

class Chris : SHiPSLeaf
    static $PersonName = "Chris"
    static $PersonData = [Person]::new([Chris]::PersonName, "5034", "M");
    $Data = [Chris]::PersonData

    Chris () : base ([Chris]::PersonName)

class Cathy : SHiPSLeaf
    static $PersonName = "Cathy"
    static $PersonData =[Person]::new([Cathy]::PersonName, "5050", "F");
    $Data = [Cathy]::PersonData

    Cathy () : base ("Cathy")