
function Get-BricksetYear {
    Get Brickset Years for a given Theme
    Get Brickset Years for a given Theme
    API Key

    .PARAMETER Theme
    Brickset Theme



    Get-BricksetYear -APIKey 'Tk5C-KTA2-Gw2Q' -Theme 'Indiana Jones'

    Get-BricksetThemes | Where-Object {$_.Theme -eq 'Indiana Jones'} | Get-BricksetYear -APIKey 'Tk5C-KTA2-Gw2Q'




begin {

    # --- If $APIKey not supplied, try $Global:BricksetAPIKey

    if (!($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('APIKey'))){
        try {
            Get-Variable BricksetAPIKey | Out-Null
            $APIKey = $BricksetAPIKey
        catch [Exception] {

            throw 'Brickset API Key not specified nor exists in $Global:BricksetAPIKey. Please set this to continue'

    # --- Make the Webservice Call
    if (!($Webservice)){

        $Global:Webservice = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri '' -Namespace 'Brickset' -Class 'Sets'

process {

    try {
        foreach ($ThemeObject in $Theme){

    catch [Exception]{
        throw "Unable to get Brickset Years for a given Theme"