
Function Get-BBUserSyncStatus {
        Get access token to access GoBright Meet-Work-Visit API
        Get access token to access GoBright Meet-Work-Visit API
    .PARAMETER BrightBookingApiUrl
        Address of the GoBright Meet-Work-Visit API, e.g.: (please get this from the 'General Settings' page of the portal)
    .PARAMETER BrightBookingApiToken
        A valid token to access the api
        Get-BBUserSyncStatus -BrightBookingApiUrl "" -BrightBookingApiToken "[already retreived api token]"




    Process {
        $pathandquery = "/api/users/batch-import-csv/status";
        if ($IncludeLastSyncResult)
            $pathandquery = $pathandquery +"?includelastresultdetails=true";

        $resturi = [System.Uri]::new([System.Uri]::new($BrightBookingApiUrl), $pathandquery)
        $hdrs = @{}
        $hdrs.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+ $BrightBookingApiToken)

            $response = Invoke-WebRequest -TimeoutSec 1200 -Uri $resturi -Method Get -Headers $hdrs -UseBasicParsing
            If ($response.StatusCode -eq 200 -or $response.StatusCode -eq 201)
                $jsonresponse = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
            } else {
                throw "Failed to get user sync status from the API. (statuscode: $response.StatusCode)"
            $statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__
            $responseText = $_
                $jsonresponse = $responseText | ConvertFrom-Json
                If ($jsonresponse.SyncRoot)
                    $statusMessage = $jsonresponse.SyncRoot
                    $statusMessage = $responseText
                $statusMessage = $responseText
            throw "Failed to get user sync status from the API. (statuscode: $statusCode, message: $statusMessage)"
        # call succeeded, validate other steps if requested
        if ($ValidateCanStartNew)
            if (!$jsonresponse.IsPossibleToStartNew) {
                $nextCallAllowedAt = $jsonresponse.NextCallAllowedAt

                if ($jsonresponse.IsCurrentlyProcessing) {
                    throw "Unable to start synchronisation now, processing is already busy"
                } else {
                    throw "Unable to start synchronisation now, next allowed from: $nextCallAllowedAt"
        return $jsonresponse