
Function Push-AzureADUsersToBB {
        Takes users via the pipeline from Get-MgUser or from the deprecated Get-AzureADUser, converts the information needed and process it directly in GoBright
        Takes users via the pipeline from Get-MgUser or from the deprecated Get-AzureADUser, converts the information needed and process it directly in GoBright
    .PARAMETER ADUserNamePropertyName
        Optional AzureAd User Property which contains the name of the user, in case you do not want to use the default property
    .PARAMETER ADUserPincodePropertyName
        Optional AzureAd User Property which contains the pincode
    .PARAMETER ADUserMobilePropertyName
        Optional AzureAd User Property which contains the mobile phone number
    .PARAMETER ADUserNFCIdPropertyName
        Optional AzureAd User Property which contains the NFC Identifier, note that this must be in hex format, example: XX:XX:XX
    .PARAMETER ADUserDefaultCostCenterIdOrNamePropertyName
        Optional AzureAd User Property which contains the Default Cost Center for the user, which can be the Name or the Id, both the name or id can be found in the GoBright portal
    .PARAMETER BrightBookingApiUrl
        Address of the GoBright API, e.g.:
    .PARAMETER BrightBookingApiKey
        API key of the user to use to process the import
    .PARAMETER BrightBookingIntegrationName
        Name of the GoBright integration to link the users to
    .PARAMETER UserRoleNameForNewUsers
        Name of the GoBright userrole to link new users to
    .PARAMETER UserDefaultRoleName
        Optional default name of role the role the user should get (will be assigned to every user, except for the matches found in 'GroupUserRoleMapping')
    .PARAMETER GroupUserRoleMapping
        Optional map of AzureADRoleName and the corresponding role name that should be assigned. First match will be taken, and will override a potential given 'UserDefaultRoleName'
        Examplestructure to supply in this parameter:
        $groupToRoleMapping = @()
        $groupToRoleMapping += @{AzureADRoleName = "Group name A"; RoleName = "Bookingmanagers"}
        $groupToRoleMapping += @{AzureADRoleName = ""; RoleName = "Standard user role"; MatchType = "AddForEveryUser"} # NOTE: Here a special case, by setting MatchType = "AddForEveryUser", every user will be assigned to this "Standard user role"
    .PARAMETER DeactivateExistingUsersInSameIntegrationThatAreNotLoaded
        Deactivate users that exist in the platform in the same integration but are not loaded anymore from AD (e.g. because they are not anymore in the group you filter on)
    .PARAMETER IncludeUsersWithoutAzureADAssignedLicensesOrAssignedPlans
        Include users that do not have AzureAD licenses assigned (would otherwise be included as inactive) or AzureAD licenses assigned (would otherwise be fully excluded). Note that including these users might result in having unintended 'users' like serviceacounts, roommailbox users, etc. That can be mitigated by filtering the users before feeding them into this command.
        Use the WhatIf switch to print out the retreived users, without processing them to the API. This is usefull for testing purposes
        Get-MgUser -All -Select Id,DisplayName,Mail,UserPrincipalName,AccountEnabled,MobilePhone,AssignedLicenses | Push-AzureADUsersToBB -BrightBookingApiUrl "" -BrightBookingApiKey "[your api key]" -BrightBookingIntegrationName "Office 365"
        # Get all users in the AzureAD and let GoBright process it directly

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [string]$ADUserEmailAddressPropertyName = "Mail",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet("None", "UserPrincipalName")]
        [string]$ADUserSpecificUsername = "None",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [string]$ADUserNamePropertyName = "DisplayName",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [string]$ADUserMobilePropertyName = "MobilePhone",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]



    Begin {
        If (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm')) {
            $ConfirmPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('ConfirmPreference')
        If (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf')) {
            $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('WhatIfPreference')

        $convertedUsers = @()
        $pipelineAzureADUsers = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()

    Process {
        # collect all input users

    End {
        # make the list unique, so we don't have duplicates
        $pipelineAzureADUsers = $pipelineAzureADUsers | Sort-Object -Property * -Unique

        # auto detect if the new Microsoft.Graph.Users module is used, or the old AzureAD module
        $UseDeprecatedAzureADModule = $False
        Foreach ($ADUser in $pipelineAzureADUsers) {
            If ($ADUser.GetType().FullName.StartsWith("Microsoft.Open.AzureAD","CurrentCultureIgnoreCase")) {
                $UseDeprecatedAzureADModule = $True
                Write-Warning "Detected user data that is loaded from the AzureAD module, please note that the AzureAD module is deprecated from 1st July 2023, visit to migrate to the new Microsoft.Graph.Users module"
            Else {
                If ($ADUser.GetType().FullName.StartsWith("Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell","CurrentCultureIgnoreCase")) {
                    # user is loaded with Microsoft.Graph module

        # if using deprecated AzureAD module, then set the ADUserMobilePropertyName back to the default of the deprecated AzureAD module
        If ($UseDeprecatedAzureADModule) {
            If ($ADUserMobilePropertyName -eq "MobilePhone") {
                $ADUserMobilePropertyName = "Mobile"

        # prepare the user-role mapping
        If ($GroupUserRoleMapping) {
            Write-Output "Loading AzureAD groups for configured groups in the group to role mapping"

            # lookup a groupname, we do this in the order of the supplied key/values, and the first hit is taken.
            Foreach ($groupUserRoleMappingItem in $GroupUserRoleMapping) {
                If (-not ((-not $groupUserRoleMappingItem.RoleType) -or ($groupUserRoleMappingItem.RoleType -eq "MWV") -or ($groupUserRoleMappingItem.RoleType -eq "View"))) {
                    Write-Warning "RoleType is not correct for role '$($groupUserRoleMappingItem.RoleName)', valid RoleType values are: MWV or View, but found: '$($groupUserRoleMappingItem.RoleType)', this rolemapping will be skipped"

                If ($groupUserRoleMappingItem.MatchType -eq "AddForEveryUser") {
                    # for this special match type we should not load the users of the group, because it is designed to matche always (and probably does not even have an AzureADRoleName set)
                    Write-Output " - Special MatchType 'AddForEveryUser' found, every user will be added to the role '$($groupUserRoleMappingItem.RoleName)'"
                Else {
                    $foundGroup = $null

                    # try to find the related group by name
                    If ($UseDeprecatedAzureADModule) {
                        $foundGroups = Get-AzureADGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$($groupUserRoleMappingItem.AzureADRoleName)'"
                    Else {
                        [array]$foundGroups = Get-MgGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$($groupUserRoleMappingItem.AzureADRoleName)'"

                    If ($foundGroups.Count -ge 1) {
                        # add the object id of the group to the mapping, so we can use it later on
                        $foundGroup = $foundGroups[0]

                    $memberUserObjectIds = @()
                    If ($foundGroup) {
                        If ($UseDeprecatedAzureADModule) {
                            $azureADGroupMembers = Get-AzureADGroupMember -All $true -ObjectId $foundGroup.ObjectId
                        Else {
                            $azureADGroupMembers = Get-MgGroupMember -All -GroupId $foundGroup.Id

                        Foreach ($azureADGroupMember in $azureADGroupMembers) {
                            If ($UseDeprecatedAzureADModule) {
                                $memberUserObjectIds += $azureADGroupMember.ObjectId
                            Else {
                                $memberUserObjectIds += $azureADGroupMember.Id

                        Write-Output " - Group '$($foundGroup.DisplayName)' found, contains $($memberUserObjectIds.Count) users"
                    Else {
                        Write-Warning " - Group '$($groupUserRoleMappingItem.AzureADRoleName)' not found in AzureAD, so users cannot be mapped to this group"
                    $groupUserRoleMappingItem | Add-Member MemberUserObjectIds $memberUserObjectIds -Force
            Write-Output "Finished loading AzureAD group info"

        # process the users given in the pipeline
        Foreach ($ADUser in $pipelineAzureADUsers) {
            # load the basic information fields from the user object
            $userEmailAddress = ""
            If ($ADUserEmailAddressPropertyName) {
                $userEmailAddress = $ADUser.$ADUserEmailAddressPropertyName
            Else {
                $userEmailAddress = $ADUser.Mail

            $userName = ""
            If ($ADUserNamePropertyName) {
                $userName = $ADUser.$ADUserNamePropertyName
            Else {
                $userName = $ADUser.DisplayName

            $userAuthenticationUsername = ""
            if ($ADUserSpecificUsername -like "UserPrincipalName") {
                 $userAuthenticationUsername = $ADUser.UserPrincipalName

            $userMobile = ""
            If ($ADUserMobilePropertyName) {
                $userMobile = $ADUser.$ADUserMobilePropertyName

            $userNFCId = ""
            If ($ADUserNFCIdPropertyName) {
                $userNFCId = $ADUser.$ADUserNFCIdPropertyName

            $userDefaultCostCenterIdOrName = ""
            If ($ADUserDefaultCostCenterIdOrNamePropertyName) {
                $userDefaultCostCenterIdOrName = $ADUser.$ADUserDefaultCostCenterIdOrNamePropertyName

            $userEnabled = $false
            If ($ADUser.AccountEnabled -And ($ADUser.AssignedLicenses -Or $IncludeUsersWithoutAzureADAssignedLicensesOrAssignedPlans) -And $userEmailAddress) {
                $userEnabled = $true

            $userPincode = ""
            If ($ADUserPincodePropertyName) {
                $userPincode = $ADUser.$ADUserPincodePropertyName

            $userMappedRoles = @()
            If ($GroupUserRoleMapping) {
                # lookup which roles are valid for this user
                Foreach ($groupUserRoleMappingItem in $GroupUserRoleMapping) {
                    $userMatches = $false

                    # check if there is a 'special' matchtype, and otherwise match the default way
                    If ($groupUserRoleMappingItem.MatchType -eq "AddForEveryUser") {
                        $userMatches = $true
                    Else {
                        If ($UseDeprecatedAzureADModule) {
                            If ($groupUserRoleMappingItem.MemberUserObjectIds -contains $ADUser.ObjectId) {
                                $userMatches = $true
                        Else {
                            If ($groupUserRoleMappingItem.MemberUserObjectIds -contains $ADUser.Id) {
                                $userMatches = $true

                    If ($userMatches) {
                        $propertiesHash = [ordered]@{
                            RoleName = $groupUserRoleMappingItem.RoleName
                            RoleType = $groupUserRoleMappingItem.RoleType
                        $userMappedRoles += New-Object PSObject -Property $propertiesHash

            # if nothing matched, then add the default rolename
            If ($UserDefaultRoleName) {
                If ($userMappedRoles.Count -eq 0) {
                    $propertiesHash = [ordered]@{
                        RoleName = $UserDefaultRoleName
                    $userMappedRoles += New-Object PSObject -Property $propertiesHash

            If ($UseDeprecatedAzureADModule) {
                $uniqueImportID = $ADUser.ObjectId
                $hasAssignedLicenses = $ADUser.AssignedPlans
            Else {
                $uniqueImportID = $ADUser.Id
                $hasAssignedLicenses = $ADUser.AssignedLicenses

            $outputUserPropertiesHash = [ordered]@{
                EmailAddress    = $userEmailAddress
                Name            = $userName
                AuthenticationUsername = $userAuthenticationUsername
                TelephoneMobile = $userMobile
                Pincode         = $userPincode
                Active          = $userEnabled
                UniqueImportID  = $uniqueImportID
                UserMappedRoles = $userMappedRoles
                NFCId           = $userNFCId
                DefaultCostCenterIdOrName = $userDefaultCostCenterIdOrName

            If ($hasAssignedLicenses -Or $IncludeUsersWithoutAzureADAssignedLicensesOrAssignedPlans) {
                $outputUser = New-Object PSObject -Property $outputUserPropertiesHash
                $convertedUsers += $outputUser

        # finishing all, and either put it to process further, or return the result as WhatIf result
        $syncIncludesUserPincode = $false
        If ($ADUserPincodePropertyName) {
            $syncIncludesUserPincode = $true

        $syncIncludesUserNFCId = $false
        If ($ADUserNFCIdPropertyName) {
            $syncIncludesUserNFCId = $true

        # ShouldProcess intercepts WhatIf* --> no need to pass it on
        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("ShouldProcess?")) {
            If ($DeactivateExistingUsersInSameIntegrationThatAreNotLoaded) {
                Send-ADUsersToBB -pipelineConvertedADUsers $convertedUsers -BrightBookingApiUrl $BrightBookingApiUrl -BrightBookingApiKey $BrightBookingApiKey -BrightBookingIntegrationName $BrightBookingIntegrationName -UserRoleNameForNewUsers $UserRoleNameForNewUsers -SyncIncludesUserPincode $syncIncludesUserPincode -SyncIncludesUserNFCId $syncIncludesUserNFCId -DeactivateExistingUsersInSameIntegrationThatAreNotLoaded
            Else {
                Send-ADUsersToBB -pipelineConvertedADUsers $convertedUsers -BrightBookingApiUrl $BrightBookingApiUrl -BrightBookingApiKey $BrightBookingApiKey -BrightBookingIntegrationName $BrightBookingIntegrationName -UserRoleNameForNewUsers $UserRoleNameForNewUsers -SyncIncludesUserPincode $syncIncludesUserPincode -SyncIncludesUserNFCId $syncIncludesUserNFCId
        Else {
            $countConvertedUsers = $convertedUsers | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count;

            Write-Output "============ Test mode (AzureAD) ============"
            Write-Output "When run in normal mode, it would now process the following $countConvertedUsers users to the API."
            Write-Output "If you want to run it for real, you should run without the WhatIf parameter."
            If ($syncIncludesUserPincode) {
                Write-Output "Sync will process user property '$ADUserPincodePropertyName' as 'PIN code'"
            If ($syncIncludesUserNFCId) {
                Write-Output "Sync will process user property '$ADUserNFCIdPropertyName' as NFC ids"
            Return $convertedUsers