
function Import-PowerShellYAMLModule
            Check the current list of modules to make sure we don't have PlatyPS loaded, if we do then bomb out now.
            Also check to see if we already have PowerShell-YAML loaded, if we do we'll want to keep it loaded so as not to mess with the users environment!

        $LoadedModules = Get-Module
        if ($LoadedModules.Name -contains 'PlatyPS')
            throw "Currently the PlatyPS and PowerShell-YAML modules cannot be loaded at the same time due to an assembly incompatibility.`nSee for more information"
        $PreLoadedPowerShellYAML = $LoadedModules | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'powershell-yaml' }
            # If it's already loaded then don't overwrite whatever the user has loaded!
            if (!$PreLoadedPowerShellYAML)
                # First see if the special Brownserve variable is set, if so attempt to download the version from the repo.
                if ($Global:BrownserveRepoPowerShellYAMLPath)
                    Write-Verbose 'Loading local version of PowerShell-YAML'
                    Import-Module $Global:BrownserveRepoPowerShellYAMLPath `
                        -Force `
                        -ErrorAction 'Stop' `
                # Otherwise attempt to load any version installed on the system
                    Write-Verbose 'Loading system version of PowerShell-YAML'
                    Import-Module 'powershell-yaml' `
                        -Force `
                        -ErrorAction 'Stop' `
            $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to load powershell-yaml module.'
            if (!$Global:BrownserveRepoPlatyPSPath)
                $ErrorMessage += "`nThe '`$Global:BrownserveRepoPowerShellYAMLPath' variable has not been set and PowerShell failed to load any versions installed locally."
            throw "$ErrorMessage.`n$($_.Exception.Message)"
        if ($PreLoadedPowerShellYAML)
            return $PreLoadedPowerShellYAML
            return $null