
    Special private classes for the module.
    Previously the module used to have a lot of private classes spread across various files, this is an attempt to consolidate them into one file.

## Git related classes

    This class converts shorthand git diffs into human readable status

class GitDiff
    [string] $Value

    GitDiff([char] $Value)
        $StatusMap = @{
            '?' = 'Untracked'
            '!' = 'Ignored'
            'A' = 'Added'
            'C' = 'Copied'
            'D' = 'Deleted'
            'M' = 'Modified'
            'R' = 'Renamed'
            'T' = 'Type Changed'
            'U' = 'Unmerged'
            ' ' = 'Unmodified'
        if ($StatusMap.ContainsKey($Value))
            $this.Value = $StatusMap[$Value]
            throw "Invalid git status: '$Value'"

    GitDiff([string] $Value)
        $StatusMap = @{
            '?' = 'Untracked'
            '!' = 'Ignored'
            'A' = 'Added'
            'C' = 'Copied'
            'D' = 'Deleted'
            'M' = 'Modified'
            'R' = 'Renamed'
            'T' = 'Type Changed'
            'U' = 'Unmerged'
            ' ' = 'Unmodified'
        if ($StatusMap.ContainsKey($Value))
            $this.Value = $StatusMap[$Value]
            throw "Invalid git status: '$Value'"

    [string] ToString()
        return "$($this.Value)"

    This class helps us format git status objects

class GitStatus
    hidden [string]$Destination

    GitStatus([string]$Staged, [string]$Unstaged, [string]$Source, [string]$Destination)
        $this.Staged = $Staged
        $this.Unstaged = $Unstaged
        $this.Source = $Source
        $this.Destination = $Destination

        if (!$Status.Staged -and !$Status.Unstaged)
            throw 'Cannot create GitStatus object without a Staged or Unstaged change'
        if (!$Status.Source)
            throw 'Cannot create GitStatus object without a Source'
        $this.Staged = $Status.Staged
        $this.Unstaged = $Status.Unstaged
        $this.Source = $Status.Source
        $this.Destination = $Status.Destination

        if (!$Status.Staged -and !$Status.Unstaged)
            throw 'Cannot create GitStatus object without a Staged or Unstaged change'
        if (!$Status.Source)
            throw 'Cannot create GitStatus object without a Source'
        $this.Staged = $Status.Staged
        $this.Unstaged = $Status.Unstaged
        $this.Source = $Status.Source
        $this.Destination = $Status.Destination

## GitHub related classes

    Simple enum for GitHub issue/PR states

enum GitHubIssueState

## Type validation classes

    Simple class to ensure datetime objects are displayed as short dates in output but retain their date time attribute

class BrownserveShortDate

        $this.Date = $Date

        $this.Date = $Date

    [string] ToString()
        return "$(Get-Date $this.Date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd')"

    This class helps us to format version history entries from a changelog

class BrownserveVersionHistory
    [bool]$PreRelease = $false

    BrownserveVersionHistory([semver]$Version, [datetime]$ReleaseDate, [string]$URL, [string]$ReleaseNotes)
        $this.Version = $Version
        $this.ReleaseDate = $ReleaseDate
        $this.URL = $URL
        $this.ReleaseNotes = $ReleaseNotes
        if ($this.Version.PreReleaseLabel)
            $this.PreRelease = $true

        if (!$VersionHistory.Version)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveVersionHistory object without a Version'
        if (!$VersionHistory.ReleaseDate)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveVersionHistory object without a ReleaseDate'
        if (!$VersionHistory.URL)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveVersionHistory object without a URL'
        if (!$VersionHistory.ReleaseNotes)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveVersionHistory object without ReleaseNotes'
        $this.Version = $VersionHistory.Version
        $this.ReleaseDate = $VersionHistory.ReleaseDate
        $this.URL = $VersionHistory.URL
        $this.ReleaseNotes = $VersionHistory.ReleaseNotes
        if ($this.Version.PreReleaseLabel)
            $this.PreRelease = $true

        if (!$VersionHistory.Version)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveVersionHistory object without a Version'
        if (!$VersionHistory.ReleaseDate)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveVersionHistory object without a ReleaseDate'
        if (!$VersionHistory.URL)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveVersionHistory object without a URL'
        if (!$VersionHistory.ReleaseNotes)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveVersionHistory object without ReleaseNotes'
        $this.Version = $VersionHistory.Version
        $this.ReleaseDate = $VersionHistory.ReleaseDate
        $this.URL = $VersionHistory.URL
        $this.ReleaseNotes = $VersionHistory.ReleaseNotes
        if ($this.Version.PreReleaseLabel)
            $this.PreRelease = $true

    [string] ToString()
        return "$($this.Version) - $($this.ReleaseDate)"

    Class for storing Brownserve Changelog data

class BrownserveChangelog
    hidden [string]$ChangelogPath
    hidden [string[]]$Content

    BrownserveChangelog([BrownserveVersionHistory[]]$VersionHistory, [int]$NewEntryInsertLine, [string]$ChangelogPath, [string[]]$Content)
        $this.VersionHistory = $VersionHistory | Sort-Object -Property ReleaseDate -Descending
        $this.NewEntryInsertLine = $NewEntryInsertLine
        $this.LatestVersion = $this.VersionHistory[0]
        $this.ChangelogPath = $ChangelogPath
        $this.Content = $Content

        if (!$Changelog.VersionHistory)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveChangelog object without VersionHistory'
        if (!$Changelog.NewEntryInsertLine)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveChangelog object without NewEntryInsertLine'
        if (!$Changelog.ChangelogPath)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveChangelog object without ChangelogPath'
        if (!$Changelog.Content)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveChangelog object without Content'
        $this.VersionHistory = $Changelog.VersionHistory | Sort-Object -Property ReleaseDate -Descending
        $this.NewEntryInsertLine = $Changelog.NewEntryInsertLine
        $this.LatestVersion = $this.VersionHistory[0]
        $this.ChangelogPath = $Changelog.ChangelogPath
        $this.Content = $Changelog.Content

        if (!$Changelog.VersionHistory)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveChangelog object without VersionHistory'
        if (!$Changelog.NewEntryInsertLine)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveChangelog object without NewEntryInsertLine'
        if (!$Changelog.ChangelogPath)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveChangelog object without ChangelogPath'
        if (!$Changelog.Content)
            throw 'Cannot create BrownserveChangelog object without Content'
        $this.VersionHistory = $Changelog.VersionHistory | Sort-Object -Property ReleaseDate -Descending
        $this.NewEntryInsertLine = $Changelog.NewEntryInsertLine
        $this.LatestVersion = $this.VersionHistory[0]
        $this.ChangelogPath = $Changelog.ChangelogPath
        $this.Content = $Changelog.Content

## IDE related classes

    This class helps us format editorconfig properties

class EditorConfigProperty

    EditorConfigProperty([string]$Name, $Value)
        $this.Name = $Name
        $this.Value = $Value

        $this.Value = $Property.Value
        $this.Name = $Property.Name

        $this.Value = $Property.Value
        $this.Name = $Property.Name

    [string] ToString()
        return ("$($this.Name) = $($this.Value)").ToLower()

    hidden ValidityCheck()
        # Ensure that the property name is valid as per the editorconfig spec (
        $ValidPropertyNames = @(
        if ($this.Name -notin $ValidPropertyNames)
            throw "Invalid editorconfig property name: '$($this.Name)'"

        # Ensure that the property value is valid as per the editorconfig spec
        switch ($this.Name)
                $ValidValues = @('tab', 'space')
                if ($this.Value -notin $ValidValues)
                    throw "Invalid indent_style value: '$($this.Value)'"
                (($this.Value -isnot [int]) -or ($this.Value -isnot [Int64]))
                    if ($this.Value -ne 'tab')
                        throw "Invalid indent_size value: '$($this.Value)'"
                (($this.Value -isnot [int]) -or ($this.Value -isnot [Int64]))
                    throw "Invalid tab_width value: '$($this.Value)'"
                $ValidValues = @('lf', 'cr', 'crlf')
                if ($this.Value -notin $ValidValues)
                    throw "Invalid end_of_line value: '$($this.Value)'"
                $ValidValues = @('latin1', 'utf-8', 'utf-8-bom', 'utf-16be', 'utf-16le')
                if ($this.Value -notin $ValidValues)
                    throw "Invalid charset value: '$($this.Value)'"
                if ($this.Value -isnot [bool])
                    throw "Invalid trim_trailing_whitespace value: '$($this.Value)'"
                if ($this.Value -isnot [bool])
                    throw "Invalid insert_final_newline value: '$($this.Value)'"
                if (($this.Value -isnot [int]) -or ($this.Value -isnot [Int64]))
                    if ($this.Value -ne 'off')
                        throw "Invalid max_line_length value: '$($this.Value)'"

    This class helps us format editorconfig sections

class EditorConfigSection

    EditorConfigSection([string]$FilePath, [EditorConfigProperty[]]$Properties)
        $this.FilePath = $FilePath
        $this.Properties = $Properties

    EditorConfigSection([string]$FilePath, [EditorConfigProperty[]]$Properties, [string[]]$Comment)
        $this.FilePath = $FilePath
        $this.Properties = $Properties
        $this.Comment = $Comment

        if (!$Section.FilePath)
            throw 'Cannot create EditorConfigSection object without FilePath'
        if (!$Section.Properties)
            throw 'Cannot create EditorConfigSection object without Properties'
        if ($Section.Comment)
            $this.Comment = $Section.Comment
        $this.FilePath = $Section.FilePath
        if ($Section.Properties -is [hashtable])
            $this.Properties = $Section.Properties

    # It's much more convenient to be able to pass in a hash of all the properties
    # but we need to expand them all first
    hidden ExpandProperties([hashtable]$Properties)
        $ExpandedProps = @()
        $Properties.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
            $ExpandedProps += [EditorConfigProperty]$_
        $this.Properties = $ExpandedProps

    # Override the default ToString method, let's output exactly what we want!
    [string] ToString()
        $Return = ''
        if ($this.Comment)
            $this.Comment | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_.StartsWith('#'))
                    $Return += "$_`n"
                    $Return += "# $_`n"
        if ($this.FilePath -notmatch '^\[.*\]$')
            $Return += "[$($this.FilePath)]`n"
            $Return += "$($this.FilePath)`n"
        $this.Properties | ForEach-Object {
            $Return += "$($_)`n"
        return $Return