
class GitIgnore

        if (!$Hashtable.Item)
            throw "Hashtable does not contain a key named 'Item'"
        $this.Item = $Hashtable.Item
        if ($Hashtable.Comment)
            # Try to ensure every line starts with the pound symbol
            $LocalComment = $Hashtable.Comment -split "`n"
            $SanitizedComment = ""
            $LocalComment | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_ -notmatch '^\#')
                    $SanitizedComment += "# $_"
                    $SanitizedComment += $_
                if ($_ -notmatch $LocalComment[-1])
                    $SanitizedComment += "`n"
            $this.Comment = $SanitizedComment

        if (!$Object.Item)
            throw "Hashtable does not contain a key named 'Item'"
        $this.Item = $Object.Item
        if ($Object.Comment)
            # Try to ensure every line starts with the pound symbol
            $LocalComment = $Object.Comment -split "`n"
            $SanitizedComment = ""
            $LocalComment | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_ -notmatch '^\#')
                    $SanitizedComment += "# $_"
                    $SanitizedComment += $_
                if ($_ -notmatch $LocalComment[-1])
                    $SanitizedComment += "`n"
            $this.Comment = $SanitizedComment

        $this.Item = $Item

    GitIgnore([string]$Item, [string]$Comment)
        $this.Item = $Item
        # Try to ensure every line starts with the pound symbol
        $LocalComment = $Comment -split "`n"
        $SanitizedComment = ""
        $LocalComment | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_ -notmatch '^\#')
                $SanitizedComment += "# $_"
                $SanitizedComment += $_
            if ($_ -notmatch $LocalComment[-1])
                $SanitizedComment += "`n"
        $this.Comment = $SanitizedComment

class GitURI

        if ($str -match '^git@(?<host>.*):(?<owner>.*)\/(?<repo>.*).git$')
            $this.URI = $str
            throw "String does not match git URI format."