
function Send-BuildNotification
        # The name of the build that is being reported on.
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0

        # The status of the build.
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1
        [ValidateSet('Success', 'Fail', 'Information', 'Warning', 'Failure', 'Cancelled')]

        # The name of the repo this build belongs to.
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 2

        # An optional branch that the build is running against
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 3

        # The webhook URL to send the notification to.
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 3

        # The message to send (optional).
            Mandatory = $false, 
            Position = 4

        # The push message to send (optional).
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 5
        [alias('Push', 'Title')]
        if (!$Webhook)
            throw 'No webhook specified.'
        if (!$BuildName)
                $BuildName = Split-Path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Leaf
                throw 'Failed to get the name of the build programmatically.'
        $Fields = @()
        if ($RepoName)
            $Fields += @{
                title = 'Repo:'
                value = "$RepoName"
                short = $true
        if ($BuildName)
            $Fields += @{
                title = 'Build:'
                value = "$BuildName"
                short = $true
        if ($RepoBranch)
            $Fields += @{
                title = 'Branch:'
                value = $RepoBranch
                short = $false
        switch -Regex ($BuildStatus.ToLower())
                $Colour = '#007C00'
                if (!$PushMessage)
                    $PushMessage = "$BuildName has completed successfully."
                if (!$Message)
                    $Message = "$BuildName has completed successfully."
                $Colour = '#FF0000'
                if (!$PushMessage)
                    $PushMessage = "$BuildName has failed."
                if (!$Message)
                    $Message = "$BuildName has failed."
                $Colour = '#00c4ff'
                if (!$PushMessage)
                    $PushMessage = "$BuildName has completed with information."
                if (!$Message)
                    $Message = "$BuildName has completed with information."
                $Colour = '#ffc000'
                if (!$PushMessage)
                    $PushMessage = "$BuildName has completed with a warning."
                if (!$Message)
                    $Message = "$BuildName has completed with a warning."
                $Colour = '#808080'
                if (!$PushMessage)
                    $PushMessage = "$BuildName has been cancelled."
                if (!$Message)
                    $Message = "$BuildName has been cancelled."
        # For now we only support sending to Slack.
            Send-SlackNotification `
                -Message $Message `
                -Webhook $Webhook `
                -Colour $Colour `
                -Title $PushMessage `
                -Fields $Fields
            Write-Error "Failed to send notification.`n$($_.Exception.Message)"