
    Updates the help version in the PlatyPS module page.
    The Update-MarkdownHelpModule cmdlet in the PlatyPS module doesn't support updating the help version in the module
    This cmdlet will check the module manifest for the version number header and update the help version to the version
    This allows us to keep our help version and module version in sync.

function Update-PlatyPSModulePageHelpVersion
        # The help version number to use
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 0

        # The path to the module page
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 1
        $ModulePageContent = Get-Content $ModulePagePath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Raw
        if (!$ModulePageContent)
            throw 'Module page content is empty'
        $NewHelpVersion = $HelpVersion.ToString()
        if ($ModulePageContent -imatch 'Help Version: (?<version>.*)\n')
            $CurrentHelpVersion = $Matches['version']
            if ($NewHelpVersion -ne $CurrentHelpVersion)
                Write-Verbose 'Updating help version'
                $NewModulePageContent = $ModulePageContent.Replace("Help Version: $CurrentHelpVersion", "Help Version: $NewHelpVersion")
            throw 'Failed to find help version in module page'

            Set-Content `
                -Path $ModulePagePath `
                -Value $NewModulePageContent `
                -NoNewline `
                -ErrorAction 'Stop'
            throw "Failed to update module page.`n$($_.Exception.Message))"