
function Update-Changelog
        # The path to the changelog file
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        # The type of release (major, minor, patch)
            Mandatory = $false
        [ValidateSet('major', 'minor', 'patch')]

        # The feature list for this release
            Mandatory = $false

        # Any bugfixes in this release
            Mandatory = $false

        # Any known issues in this release
            Mandatory = $false

        # The URL of the repo that the changelog belongs to
        # If none is provided the cmdlet will attempt to work it out from the current changelog and prompt if needed
            Mandatory = $false

        # If set will attempt to auto-generate features from the commit history (ignored if $Features are passed into the cmdlet)
            Mandatory = $false

        # Skip optional prompts
            Mandatory = $false

    Write-Verbose 'Checking changelog path is valid'
    if (!(Test-Path $ChangelogPath))
        throw "$ChangelogPath does not appear to be a valid path to a changelog"

    # Read current changelog information
        $CurrentChangelogInfo = Read-Changelog -ChangelogPath $ChangelogPath
        throw "Failed to get current changelog information.`n$($_.Exception.Message)"

    # If we don't have a URL already then try to extract it from the changelog
    if (!$RepoUrl)
        $RepoURL = $CurrentChangelogInfo.RepoURL

    # Start by getting mandatory information
    Write-Verbose 'Checking all required information is present'

    # Find out what type of release we are doing
    # We re-cast ReleaseType to a new variable as PowerShell does something special with cmdlet parameters when they are set-up
    # Meaning we can get some weird errors if we try to re-use them
    $ReleaseTypeCheck = $ReleaseType
    $ValidReleaseTypes = @('major', 'minor', 'patch')
    while ($ReleaseTypeCheck -notin $ValidReleaseTypes)
        $ReleaseTypeCheck = Get-Response `
            -Prompt "What kind of release is this? (major/minor/patch)`n
    Major (Breaking changes from previous version)`n
    Minor (Backwards compatible changes from previous version)`n
    Patch (Minor backwards compatible bug fixes from previous version)"
            -ResponseType 'string' `

    # Increment our version number based on what kind of release we're doing
    switch ($ReleaseTypeCheck)
            $Version = [version]::New("$($CurrentChangelogInfo.CurrentVersion.Major + 1).0.0")
            $Version = [version]::New("$($CurrentChangelogInfo.CurrentVersion.Major).$($CurrentChangelogInfo.CurrentVersion.Minor + 1).0")
            $Version = [version]::New("$($CurrentChangelogInfo.CurrentVersion.Major).$($CurrentChangelogInfo.CurrentVersion.Minor).$($CurrentChangelogInfo.CurrentVersion.Build + 1)")
    Write-Verbose "Version is now $($Version.ToString())"

    if (!$Features)
        Write-Verbose 'Prompting for features'
        # Offer to auto generate a list of release features from the git commit history for this branch (if we haven't already specified it in the params above)
        if (!$AutoGenerateFeatures)
            $AutoGenerateFeatures = Get-Response `
                -Prompt 'Would you like to generate a list of new features for this release from this branches commit history?' `
                -ResponseType 'bool'
        if ($AutoGenerateFeatures)
            Write-Verbose 'Auto-generating a list of features based off of commit history'
                # First get the current branch
                $CurrentBranch = Invoke-NativeCommand `
                    -FilePath 'git' `
                    -Arguments 'rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD' `
                    -PassThru `
                    -SuppressOutput | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OutputContent
                Write-Verbose "CurrentBranch detected as $CurrentBranch"

                # Create a git log search filter that will list all commits between the previous tag and the current HEAD
                $CommitSearcher = "v$($CurrentChangelogInfo.CurrentVersion.ToString())..HEAD"

                # Query the git log for all merge changes since the previous tag
                # Output only the body string (%b) and dump the result into an array
                # We use merges to try and cut down on the number of false positives, if this proves to be not verbose enough
                # we can switch back to messages (%s)
                $Features = (Invoke-NativeCommand `
                        -FilePath 'git' `
                        -Arguments "log --merges $CommitSearcher --pretty=`"%b`"" `
                        -PassThru `
                        -SuppressOutput | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OutputContent) -split "`n"
                if (!$Features)
                    Write-Error 'Failed to automatically get a list of commits'
                throw $_.Exception.Message
            $Features = Get-Response `
                -Prompt 'What are the new features that this release brings?' `
                -ResponseType 'array' `

    # If we haven't got the URL by now then prompt for it
    if (!$RepoUrl)
        $RepoUrl = Get-Response `
            -Prompt 'What is the URL of the repo that the changelog belongs to?' `
            -ResponseType 'string' `

    # Get any optional params
    if (-not $SkipOptionalPrompts)
        Write-Verbose 'Prompting for optional information'
        # We use '-notin $PSBoundParameters.Keys' instead of '-not' or '!' as this ensures we get the correct result each me
        if ('BugFixes' -notin $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
            $Bugfixes = Get-Response `
                -Prompt 'What Bugfixes does this release bring?' `
                -ResponseType 'array'

        if ('KnownIssues' -notin $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
            $KnownIssues = Get-Response `
                -Prompt 'What known issues are present in this release?' `
                -ResponseType 'array'

    # Generate the new changelog block
    $ChangelogBlockParams = @{
        Version  = $Version
        RepoUrl  = $RepoUrl
        Features = $Features
    if ($Bugfixes)
        $ChangelogBlockParams.Add('Bugfixes', $Bugfixes)
    if ($KnownIssues)
        $ChangelogBlockParams.Add('KnownIssues', $KnownIssues)

    Write-Verbose 'Generating new changelog block'
        $ChangelogBlock = New-ChangelogBlock @ChangelogBlockParams
        throw $_.Exception.Message
    Write-Debug $ChangelogBlock

    # All being good lets update our changelog!
        $CurrentChangelogInfo | Add-ChangelogEntry -NewContent $ChangelogBlock
        Write-Error "Failed to update changelog.$($_.Exception.Message)"