
function Initialize-BrowserBox {

  if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
    Write-Host "Please run this command as Administrator, because it requires opening ports."

  . $PSScriptRoot\Utils.ps1
  $browserboxGlobalDirectory = Join-Path -Path $(Get-DestinationDirectory) -ChildPath "BrowserBox"
  $originalDirectory = Get-Location
  Set-Location -Path $browserboxGlobalDirectory

  if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Token)) {
    # If Token is provided, include it in the command
    $loginLink = & ./deploy-scripts/_setup_bbpro.ps1 --port $Port --token $Token
  } else {
    # If Token is not provided, exclude it from the command
    $loginLink = & ./deploy-scripts/_setup_bbpro.ps1 --port $Port

  # Assuming $Port is a string, convert it to an integer
  $portNumber = [int]$Port

  # Perform arithmetic operations
  $lowerPort = $portNumber - 2
  $upperPort = $portNumber + 2

  # Output the message with the calculated port numbers
  Write-Host "Please note: we will open the required ports in Windows Firewall, but if your cloud or hosting provider uses an external firewall then ensure you have opened firewall ports $lowerPort-$upperPort in your provider's networking control panel."

  Write-Host "Next steps: Start-BrowserBox"
  Write-Output $loginLink
  Set-Location "${originalDirectory}"