
    Normalize build system and project details into variables


    Normalize build system and project details into variables

    Creates the following variables:
        BHProjectPath via Get-BuildVariables
        BHBranchName via Get-BuildVariables
        BHCommitMessage via Get-BuildVariables
        BHBuildNumber via Get-BuildVariables
        BHProjectName via Get-ProjectName
        BHPSModuleManifest via Get-PSModuleManifest
        BHPSModulePath via Split-Path on BHPSModuleManifest

    Path to project root. Defaults to the current working path

    Determines the scope of the variables. Valid values are "Global", "Local", or "Script", or a number
    relative to the current scope (0 through the number of scopes, where 0 is the current scope and 1 is its
    parent). For more information, see about_Scopes.

    Defaults to the calling scope, 0 if it is dot-sourced, 1 if it is invoked normally.

    The scope value Script may only be used with dot-sourced Set-BuildVariable.

    We assume you are in the project root, for several of the fallback options

    Get-Variable BH* -Scope 0

    # Set build variables in the current scope, read them

    . Set-BuildVariable -Scope Script
    Get-Variable BH* -Scope Script

    # Set build variables in the script scope (mind the .), read them





    $Path = $PWD.Path,

        if(-not ('Global', 'Local', 'Script', 'Current' -contains $_ -or (($_ -as [int]) -ge 0)))
            throw "'$_' is an invalid Scope. For more information, run Get-Help Set-BuildVariable -Parameter Scope"

if($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.')
    if(-not $Scope)
        $Scope = '0'
    if($Scope -eq 'Script')
        throw 'The script scope may only be used with dot-sourced Set-BuildVariable.'
    if(-not $Scope)
        $Scope = '1'

${Build.Vars} = Get-BuildVariables -Path $Path
${Build.ProjectName} = Get-ProjectName -Path $Path
${Build.ManifestPath} = Get-PSModuleManifest -Path $Path

Set-Variable -Scope $Scope -Name BHBuildSystem -Value ${Build.Vars}.BuildSystem
Set-Variable -Scope $Scope -Name BHProjectPath -Value ${Build.Vars}.ProjectPath
Set-Variable -Scope $Scope -Name BHBranchName -Value ${Build.Vars}.BranchName
Set-Variable -Scope $Scope -Name BHCommitMessage -Value ${Build.Vars}.CommitMessage
Set-Variable -Scope $Scope -Name BHBuildNumber -Value ${Build.Vars}.BuildNumber
Set-Variable -Scope $Scope -Name BHProjectName -Value ${Build.ProjectName}
Set-Variable -Scope $Scope -Name BHPSModuleManifest -Value ${Build.ManifestPath}
Set-Variable -Scope $Scope -Name BHPSModulePath -Value $(Split-Path -Path ${Build.ManifestPath} -Parent)