
function Get-NextPSGalleryVersion {
        DEPRECATED: Please use Get-NextNugetPackageVersion
        Get the next version for a module or script in the PowerShell Gallery


        DEPRECATED: Please use Get-NextNugetPackageVersion

        Get the next version for a module or script in the PowerShell Gallery

        Uses the versioning scheme adopted by the user

        Where possible, users should stick to semver: (Major.Minor.Patch, given restrictions .NET Version class)

        This requires the PowerShellGet module
        If no existing module is found, we return 0.0.1

        Name of the PowerShell module or script

        Module or script. Defaults to module.

        Get-NextPSGalleryVersion PSDeploy

        Get-NextPSGalleryVersion Open-ISEFunction -Type Script




        [ValidateSet('Module', 'Script')]
        [string]$Type = 'Module',

        [string]$Repository = 'PSGallery'
        foreach($Item in $Name)
                $Existing = $null
                if($Type -eq 'Module')
                    $Existing = Find-Module -Name $Item -Repository $Repository -ErrorAction Stop
                else # Script
                    $Existing = Find-Script -Name $Item -Repository $Repository -ErrorAction Stop
                if($_ -match "No match was found for the specified search criteria")
                    New-Object System.Version (0,0,1)
                    Write-Error $_

            if($Existing.count -gt 1)
                Write-Error "Found more than one $Type matching '$Item': Did you use a wildcard?"
            elseif($Existing.count -eq 0)
                Write-Verbose "Found no $Type matching '$Item'"
                New-Object System.Version (0,0,1)
                $Version = $Existing.Version

            # using revision
            if($Version.Revision -ge 0)
                $Build = if($Version.Build -le 0) { 0 } else { $Version.Build }
                $Revision = if($Version.Revision -le 0) { 1 } else { $Version.Revision + 1 }
                New-Object System.Version ($Version.Major, $Version.Minor, $Build, $Revision)
            # using build
            elseif($Version.Build -ge 0)
                $Build = if($Version.Build -le 0) { 1 } else { $Version.Build + 1 }
                New-Object System.Version ($Version.Major, $Version.Minor, $Build)
            # using minor. wat?
            elseif($Version.Minor -ge 0)
                $Minor = if($Version.Minor -le 0) { 1 } else { $Version.Minor + 1 }
                New-Object System.Version ($Version.Major, $Minor)
            # using major only. I don't even.
                New-Object System.Version ($Version.Major + 1, 0)