
function Get-BuildEnvironmentDetail {
        Get the details on the build environment
        Get the details on the build environment. You might use this to debug a build, particularly in environments not under your control.
    .PARAMETER Detail
        Which build environment details to collect.
        Defaults to *
        Valid choices:
          'OperatingSystem' Subset of win32_operatingsystem
          'PSVersionTable' Variable
          'ModulesLoaded' Get-Module
          'ModulesAvailable' Get-Module -ListAvailable
          'PSModulePath' ENV:
          'Path' ENV:
          'Variables' Get-Variable
          'Software' Get-InstalledSoftware
          'Hotfixes' Get-Hotfix
          'Location' Get-Location
          'PackageProvider' Get-PackageProvider
          'PackageSource' Get-PackageSource
    .PARAMETER KillKittens
        If specified, apply formatting to the output (bad) and sent some of it to the host (worse)

        [string[]]$Detail = '*',

    if($Detail -contains '*')
        $Detail =  'OperatingSystem',

    $Details = @{}
    switch ($Detail)
        'PSVersionTable'   { $Details.set_item($_, $PSVersionTable)}
        'PSModulePath'     { $Details.set_item($_, ($ENV:PSModulePath -split ';'))}
        'ModulesLoaded'    { $Details.set_item($_, ( 
            Get-Module |
                Select Name, Version, Path |
                Sort Name
        )) }
        'ModulesAvailable' { $Details.set_item($_, (
            Get-Module -ListAvailable |
                Select Name, Version, Path |
                Sort Name            
        )) }
        'Path'             { $Details.set_item($_, ( $ENV:Path -split ';'))}
        'Variables'        { $Details.set_item($_, ( Get-Variable | Select Name, Value ))}       
        'Software'         { $Details.set_item($_, (
            Get-InstalledSoftware |
                Select DisplayName, Publisher, Version, Hive, Arch))}
        'Hotfixes'         { $Details.set_item($_, ( Get-Hotfix ))}
        'OperatingSystem'  { $Details.set_item($_, (
            Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem |
                Select Caption,
        'Location'         { $Details.set_item($_, ( Get-Location ).Path )}
        'PackageProvider'  { $Details.set_item($_, $(
            if(Get-Module PackageManagement -ListAvailable)
                Get-PackageProvider | Select Name, Version
        'PackageSource'    { $Details.set_item($_, $(
            if(Get-Module PackageManagement -ListAvailable)
                Get-PackageSource | Select Name, ProviderName, Location

        $lines = '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
        foreach($Key in $Details.Keys)
            $Details.get_item($key) | Out-Host