
function Set-ModuleTypes {
        EXPIRIMENTAL: Set TypesToProcess
        [string]$TypesPath in a module manifest


        EXPIRIMENTAL: Set TypesToProcess
        [string]$TypesPath in a module manifest

        Name or path to module to inspect. Defaults to ProjectPath\ProjectName via Get-BuildVariables

    .PARAMETER TypesToProcess
        Array of .ps1xml files

    .PARAMETER TypesRelativePath
        Path to the ps1xml files relatives to the root of the module (example: ".\Types")

        Major thanks to Joel Bennett for the code behind working with the psd1

        Set-ModuleTypes -TypesRelativePath '.\Types'

        Update module manifiest TypesToProcess parameters with all the .ps1xml present in the .\Types folder.



        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)]


        if(-not $Name)
            $BuildDetails = Get-BuildVariables
            $Name = Join-Path ($BuildDetails.ProjectPath) (Get-ProjectName)

        $params = @{
            Force = $True
            Passthru = $True
            Name = $Name

        # Create a runspace
        $PowerShell = [Powershell]::Create()

        # Add scriptblock to the runspace
            Param ($Force, $Passthru, $Name)
            $module = Import-Module -Name $Name -PassThru:$Passthru -Force:$Force
            $module | Where-Object Path -notin $module.Scripts


        #Invoke the command
        $Module = $PowerShell.Invoke()

        if(-not $Module)
            Throw "Could not find module '$Name'"

        $Parent = $Module.ModuleBase
        $File = "$($Module.Name).psd1"
        $ModulePSD1Path = Join-Path $Parent $File
        if(-not (Test-Path $ModulePSD1Path))
            Throw "Could not find expected module manifest '$ModulePSD1Path'"

        if(-not $TypesToProcess)
            $TypesPath = Join-Path -Path $Parent -ChildPath $TypesRelativePath
            $TypesList = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $TypesPath "*.ps1xml")

            $TypesToProcess = @()
            Foreach ($Item in $TypesList) {
                $TypesToProcess += Join-Path -Path $TypesRelativePath -ChildPath $Item.Name

        Update-MetaData -Path $ModulePSD1Path -PropertyName TypesToProcess -Value $TypesToProcess

        # Close down the runspace