
# All credit and major props to Joel Bennett for this simplified solution that doesn't depend on PowerShellGet
function Find-NugetPackage {
        Query a Nuget feed for details on a package


        Query a Nuget feed for details on a package

        We return:
            Properties (A collection of even more properties)

        Name of the nuget package

    .PARAMETER IsLatest
        Only return the latest package

    .PARAMETER Version
        Query this specific version of a package. Superceded by IsLatest

    .PARAMETER PackageSourceUrl
        Nuget PackageSourceUrl to query.
            PSGallery Module URL: (default)
            PSGallery Script URL:

    .PARAMETER Credential
        Use if repository requires basic authentication

        Find-NugetPackage PSDepend -IsLatest

        # Get details on the latest PSDepend package from the PowerShell Gallery

        Find-NugetPackage Open-ISEFunction -PackageSourceUrl

        # Get details on the latest Open-ISEFunction package from the PowerShell Gallery scripts URI

        Find-NugetPackage PSDeploy

        # Get a list of every PSDeploy release on the PowerShell gallery feed



        # The name of a package to find
        # The repository api URL -- like or
        $PackageSourceUrl = '',

        #If specified takes precedence over version



    #Ugly way to do this. Prefer islatest, otherwise look for version, otherwise grab all matching modules
        Write-Verbose "Searching for latest [$name] module"
        $URI = Join-Part -Separator / -Parts $PackageSourceUrl, "Packages?`$filter=Id eq '$name' and IsLatestVersion"
        Write-Verbose "Searching for version [$version] of [$name]"
        $URI = Join-Part -Separator / -Parts $PackageSourceUrl, "Packages?`$filter=Id eq '$name' and Version eq '$Version'"
        Write-Verbose "Searching for all versions of [$name] module"
        $URI = Join-Part -Separator / -Parts $PackageSourceUrl ,"Packages?`$filter=Id eq '$name'"
    $params = @{
        Uri = $Uri

        $Params.add('Credential', $Credential)

    Invoke-RestMethod @params |
    Select-Object @{n='Name';ex={$_.title.('#text')}},