
    Increment a Semantic Version
    Parse a string in the format of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH and increment the
    selected digit.
    C:\PS> Step-Version 1.1.1

    Will increment the Patch/Build section of the Version
    C:\PS> Step-Version 1.1.1 Minor

    Will increment the Minor section of the Version
    C:\PS> Step-Version 1.1.1 Major

    Will increment the Major section of the Version
    C:\PS> $v = [version]"1.1.1"
    C:\PS> $v | Step-Version -Type Minor
    This function operates on strings.

function Step-Version {
        # Version as string to increment

        # Version section to step
        [ValidateSet("Major", "Minor", "Build","Patch")]
        $By = "Patch"

        $currentVersion = [version]$Version

        $major = $currentVersion.Major
        $minor = $currentVersion.Minor
        $build = $currentVersion.Build

        switch ($By) {
            "Major" { $major++
                    $minor = 0
                    $build = 0
                    break }
            "Minor" { $minor++
                    $build = 0
                    break }
            Default { $build++
                    break }

        $newVersion = New-Object Version -ArgumentList $major, $minor, $build

        Write-Output -InputObject $newVersion.ToString()