
function Get-TeamCityProperty
    Loads TeamCity system build properties into a hashtable
    Doesn't do anything if not running under TeamCity
    Teamcity generates a build properties file and stores the location in the environent
    Loads the TeamCity system build properties into a hashtable.
    .PARAMETER propertiesfile
    Path to properties xml file. Defaults to environent
    We assume you are in the project root, for several of the fallback options

        [string]$propertiesfile = $env:TEAMCITY_BUILD_PROPERTIES_FILE + '.xml'

        Write-Verbose -Message "Loading TeamCity properties from $propertiesfile"
        $propertiesfile = (Resolve-Path $propertiesfile).Path

        $buildPropertiesXml = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlDocument
        $buildPropertiesXml.XmlResolver = $null

        $buildProperties = @{}
        foreach($entry in $buildPropertiesXml.SelectNodes('//entry'))
            $buildProperties[$entry.Key] = $entry.'#text'

        Write-Output -InputObject $buildProperties