
function Get-BMApplication
    Gets the applications in BuildMaster.
    Gets the applications in BuildMaster. Uses the BuildMaster native API, which can change without notice between releases. By default, this function returns *all* applications.
    To get a specific application, pass its name with the `Name` parameter. Active and inactive applications are returned. If an application with the name doesn't exist, you'll get nothing back.
    Get-BMApplication -Session $session
    Demonstrates how to get all the applications in the BuildMaster instance specifie in the `$session` object.
    Get-BMApplication -Session $session -Name 'MyApplication'
    Demonstrates how to get a specific application. In this case, the application `MyApplication` is returned.

        # The session to use when connecting to BuildMaster. Use `New-BMSession` to create session objects.

        # The name of the application to get.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $parameters = @{
                        Application_Count = 0;
                        IncludeInactive_Indicator = $true;

    Invoke-BMNativeApiMethod -Session $Session -Name 'Applications_GetApplications' -Parameter $parameters |
        Where-Object { 
            if( $Name )
                return $_.Application_Name -eq $Name
            return $true