
function Remove-BMServerRole
    Removes a server role from BuildMaster.
    The `Remove-BMServerRole` removes a server role from BuildMaster. Pass the name of the role to remove to the `Name` parameter. If the server role doesn't exist, nothing happens.
    Pass the session to the BuildMaster instance where you want to delete the role to the `Session` parameter. Use `New-BMSession` to create a session object.
    This function uses BuildMaster's infrastructure management API.
    Remove-BMServerRole -Session $session -Name 'Server Role'
    Demonstrates how to delete a server role.
    Get-BMServerRole -Session $session -Name 'My Role' | Remove-BMServerRole -Session $session
    Demonstrates that you can pipe the objects returned by `Get-BMServerRole` into `Remove-BMServerRole` to remove those roles.

        # An object representing the instance of BuildMaster to connect to. Use `New-BMSession` to create session objects.

        # The name of the role to remove.

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
        Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $encodedName = [uri]::EscapeDataString($Name)
        Invoke-BMRestMethod -Session $Session -Name ('infrastructure/roles/delete/{0}' -f $encodedName) -Method Delete