
function New-BMServer
    Creates a new server in a BuildMaster instance.
    The `New-BMServer` function creates a new server in BuildMaster. Pass the name of the server to the `Name` parameter. Names may only contain letters, numbers, underscores, or dashes; they must begin with a letter; they must not end with dash or underscore. Pass the server type to the `Type` parameter. Type must be one of 'windows', 'powershell', 'ssh', or 'local'.
    Every server must have a unique name. If you create a server with a duplicate name, you'll get an error.
    This function uses BuildMaster's infrastructure management API.
    Pass a session object representing the instance of BuildMaster to use to the `Session` parameter. Use the `New-BMSession` function to create session objects.
    New-BMServer -Session $session -Name '' -Windows
    Demonstrates how to create a new server that uses the Inedo Agent on Windows that doesn't encrypt the communication between the agent and the server.
    New-BMServer -Session $session -Name '' -Windows -EncryptionKey 'DEADBEEDEADBEEDEADBEEDEADBEEDEAD'
    Demonstrates how to create a new server that uses the Inedo Agent on Windows and uses an AES encryption key to encrypt the communication between the agent and server
    New-BMServer -Session $session -Name '' -Windows -Ssl -ForceSsl
    Demonstrates how to create a new server that uses the Inedo Agent on Windows and uses SSL to protect server to agent communications. As of BuildMaster 6.1.8, you *must* use the `ForceSsl` switch, otherwise SSL won't actually be enabled.
    New-BMServer -Session $session -Name '' -Ssh
    Demonstrates how to create a new server that uses SSH.
    New-BMServer -Session $session -Name '' -PowerShell
    Demonstrates how to create a new server that uses PowerShell Remoting.

        # An object representing the instance of BuildMaster to connect to. Use `New-BMSession` to create session objects.

        # The name of the server to create. Must contain only letters, numbers, underscores, or dashes. Must begin with a letter. Must not end with an underscore or dash. Must be between 1 and 50 characters long.

        # Create a local server.

        # Create a Windows server.

        # Create an SSH server.

        # The server's host name. The default is to use the server's name.

        # The port to use. When adding a Windows server, the default is `46336`. When adding an SSH server, the default is `22`.

        # The encryption key to use for the server. When passed, also automatically sets the server's encryption type to AES. Only used by Windows agents.

        # Use SSL to communicate with the server's agent. Only used by Windows agents.

        # The server's agent only uses SSL. Only used by Windows agents.

        # Create a PowerShell server.

        # The PowerShell remoting URL to use.

        # The name of the credential to use when connecting to the server via SSH or PowerShell Remoting.

        # The temp path directory to use when connecting to the server via SSH or PowerShell Remoting. Default is `/tmp/buildmaster`.

        # The environment(s) the server belongs in.

        # The server roles the server is part of.

        # Any server-level variables to add to the server.

        # If set, creates the server but marks it as inactive.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $parameter = @{ 
                    'active' = (-not $InActive.IsPresent);

    if( -not $HostName )
        $HostName = $Name

    if( -not $TempPath )
        $TempPath = '/tmp/buildmaster'

    $serverType = $null
    if( $Windows )
        if( -not $Port )
            $Port = 46336

        $serverType = 'windows'
        $parameter['hostName'] = $HostName
        $parameter['port'] = $Port

        if( $EncryptionKey )
            $parameter['encryptionKey'] = (New-Object 'pscredential' 'encryptionkey',$EncryptionKey).GetNetworkCredential().Password
            $parameter['encryptionType'] = 'aes'

        if( $Ssl )
            $parameter['encryptionType'] = 'ssl'
            $parameter['requireSsl'] = $ForceSsl.IsPresent
    elseif( $Ssh )
        if( -not $Port )
            $Port = 22

        $serverType = 'ssh'
        $parameter['hostName'] = $HostName
        $parameter['port'] = $Port
    elseif( $PowerShell )
        $serverType = 'powershell'

        if( $WSManUrl )
            $parameter['wsManUrl'] = $WSManUrl
    elseif( $Local )
        $serverType = 'local'
        throw 'Don''t know how you got to this code. Well done!'
    $parameter['serverType'] = $serverType;

    if( $Ssh -or $PowerShell )
        if( $CredentialName )
            $parameter['credentialsName'] = $CredentialName

        if( $TempPath )
            $parameter['tempPath'] = $TempPath

    if( $Environment )
        $parameter['environments'] = $Environment

    if( $Role )
        $parameter['roles'] = $Role

    if( $Variable )
        $parameter['variables'] = $Variable

    $encodedName = [uri]::EscapeDataString($Name)
    Invoke-BMRestMethod -Session $Session -Name ('infrastructure/servers/create/{0}' -f $encodedName) -Method Post -Parameter $parameter -AsJson